Welcome. Examining Approaches to Defining Cognitive Complexity for NGSS Standards and Assessment NCSA Conference, June 27, 2018
Session Presenters Karen Whisler Measured Progress Mary Thurlow Maryland State Department of Education Cora James Oklahoma State Department of Education David Sanderson – Moderator Measured Progress
NGSS and Cognitive Complexity
Next Generation Science Standards *References to “NGSS” in this presentation should be interpreted and applied broadly to any three-dimensional, Framework-based standards. Standards consist of Performance Expectations Emphasis on application, problem-solving, performances – “knowledge in use” Performance Expectations (PEs) are complex, integrating three dimensions: Science and Engineering Practices – “what students do” Disciplinary Core Ideas – “what students know” Crosscutting Concepts – “how students think”
Next Generation Science Standards
Cognitive Complexity Cognitive complexity refers to the cognitive demand associated with a task (as presented by a standard, an activity, an assessment item, etc.) Focuses on type and degree of thinking/reasoning/engagement required for the task For standards and assessment, it can be useful to think of the term “ content complexity ” Emphasis on reviewing standards, items in the context of a content analysis to make inferences about cognitive engagement requirements
Complexity Frameworks Bloom’s Revised Depth of Knowledge Taxonomy (DOK) Remember Level 1: Recall and Reproduction Understand Level 2: Skills and Concepts Apply Level 3: Strategic Thinking Analyze Level 4: Extended Thinking Evaluate Create
NGSS Complexity Quandary NGSS PE ESSA Critical Element The State has documented adequate overall validity evidence for its assessments, and the State’s validity evidence includes evidence that the State’s assessments measure the knowledge and skills specified in the State’s academic content standards, including: • Documentation of adequate alignment between the State’s assessments and the academic content standards the assessments are designed to measure in terms of content (i.e., knowledge and process), the full range of the State’s academic content standards, balance of content, and cognitive complexity
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