
Welcome ! What's your HPV IQ? A Conversation About Immunization - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Welcome ! What's your HPV IQ? A Conversation About Immunization Quality Improvement Tools Will begin momentarily (10:00 am PT/ 1:00 pm ET) You will hear music until the producer announces start of the call. Please stand by Instructions for

  1. Welcome ! What's your HPV IQ? A Conversation About Immunization Quality Improvement Tools Will begin momentarily (10:00 am PT/ 1:00 pm ET) You will hear music until the producer announces start of the call. Please stand by…

  2. Instructions for Webinar Participants • Today’s webinar is available in ‘Listen - Only’ mode. • Audio will only be available over your computer speakers. Please ensure that your speakers are turned on and up and that they are not muted. • Participants can view and listen to the presentation through their computer or handheld device speakers. • For assistance, email info@VICNetwork.org

  3. The Virtual Immunization Communication (VIC ) Network is a project of the National Public Health Information Coalition (NPHIC) and the California Immunization Coalition, funded through a cooperative agreement with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials. 3

  4. Webinar Logistics • Audio: All participant lines are muted. • Webinar Recording: Webinar is being recorded and will be available online following the broadcast. • Q & A Session: Type your question into the “Questions” panel. Selected questions will be read aloud for the presenters

  5. Questions for Presenters? • Submit questions through the Q&A window. • If question is for a specific speaker, please indicate Ask which one. Questions Here

  6. Frequently Asked Questions 1. Will I be able to get a copy of the slides after the webinar?  Yes – a copy will be posted on the VICNetwork.org site and sent out to all registrants. 2. Will I receive a copy of the webinar recording?  Yes - a copy will be posted on the VICNetwork.org site and an announcement will be made via the #Preteen Vax Newsletter.

  7. What's your HPV IQ? A Conversation About Immunization Quality Improvement Tools Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases Thursday, October 19, 2017 10:00 am PT/ 1:00 pm ET

  8. www.HPVIQ.org

  9. HPVIQ.org team Moderator Noel T. Brewer, PhD Sharon Humiston, MD Melissa B. Gilkey, PhD Jennifer Heisler-MacKinnon, MPH American Academy of University of North Carolina University of North Carolina University of North Carolina Pediatrics Disclosures: Dr . Humiston’s institution (CMH) receives funding from "Pfizer Independent Grants for Learning & Change" for her work to develop and test a curriculum to teach residents about how to manage vaccine hesitancy. Dr . Humiston’s participation today was supported by a grant from CDC to APA. Dr. Noel Brewer has served on paid advisory boards and/or received research grants from Merck, Pfizer and GSK.

  10. Why quality improvement?

  11. Why should I use the HPVIQ.org tools?

  12. Why a website?

  13. What are the main sections of the website?

  14. What is in the section for Assessment and Feedback?

  15. What are key tools in the Assessment and Feedback section?

  16. What is in the section for Communication Training?

  17. What are key tools in the Communication Training section?

  18. Skills building notecards Training slides and script

  19. Why are evaluation tools so important?

  20. Final thoughts?

  21. Questions and Answers

  22. Thank you for participating! For more information, visit www.cdc.gov/vaccines/teens Preteenvaccines@cdc.gov

  23. Please Complete Evaluation 35

  24. Connect with the VICNetwork… e-mail: info@VICnetwork.org Website www.VICNetwork.org 36

  25. Tweet and Follow Twitter @VICNetwork Facebook VICNetwork

  26. Thank you for your support and your participation ! National Public Health Information Coalition www.nphic.org California Immunization Coalition www.immunizeca.org
