06/04/2014 Scotland Deanery Launch Day Welcome Professor Stewart Irvine Director of Medicine Director of Medicine NHS Education for Scotland Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Vision….. The medical directorate leads the advancement of postgraduate medical education in Scotland for the benefit of trainers, trainees and ultimately the patients who receive their care…. Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland 1
06/04/2014 Education and training matters….. Properly planned and carefully conducted medical education is the essential foundation of a comprehensive health service comprehensive health service. Goodenough, 1944 Training is patient safety for the next 30 years. Temple, 2010 You should be prepared to contribute to teaching and training doctors and students. GMC, GMP, 2013 Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland NHS Scotland Medical Workforce GP Salaried GP Retainee 1% 2% Consultant 22% GP GP 18% GPR Staff and associate 2% specialist grades 7% Other trained grades 2% Doctors in training 26% Undergraduates 20% 2012 Head count, Source : ISD : http://www.isdscotland.org/ Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland 2
06/04/2014 Complexity … • 4,600 medical undergraduates • 5,700 postgraduate trainees • 1033 LEP x specialty training environments • 221 training programmes • £325m budget • Multiple stakeholders • Cross-directorate responsibilities Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland 3
06/04/2014 Aspiring to Excellence and Efficiency Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Workstreams … Executive Regional Specialty Team Offices Training Boards Training Management Quality Professional Development Strategic Planning & Directorate Support Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland 4
06/04/2014 Workstreams Workstream + Accountable Leads Sub ‐ Workstreams Programme Management Training Management Recruitment Systems Administration Bill Reid, Philip Cachia, Moya Kelly Anne Dickson Trainee Management Trainee Support Trainee Support Quality Management Quality Improvement Quality Medical ACT Alastair McLellan, Ronald McVicar Duncan Pollock PFPI Research Pre and Post CCT Training Professional Development Faculty Development Gillian Needham, Anthea Lints Continuous Professional Development Adrian Dalby Career Support Deanery Development Directorate Operational Support Di t t O ti l S t Facilities Management Finance Strategic Planning + Directorate Support People Rowan Parks, David Bruce Duncan Pollock Strategy and Planning Local – Directorate / Corporate / Regional National – Scottish / UK Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Aims of the Day… • To formally launch the Scotland Deanery. • To hand over the leadership of the Vision implementation to the Workstreams. i l t ti t th W k t • To allow the Directorate staff a chance to meet colleagues and to learn more about the work done in the directorate and Deanery. • To familiarise staff with the workstream lead teams and th the workstream activities. k t ti iti Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland 5
06/04/2014 Implementation … Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Programme 10.00am Registration & Coffee 10.30am Welcome Professor Stewart Irvine 10.45am Write a strapline / slogan for the Groups Scotland Deanery 11.30am Keynote address Mr Malcolm Wright 12.00pm Future plan Professor Stewart Irvine 12.30pm Lunch 1.15pm Market Street – 5 things you didn’t know All 1.45pm Workstream Workshops Workstream Lead Teams 3.00pm Plenary with Q&A y Professor Rowan Parks 3.30pm Coffee 3.45pm Closing Remarks Professor Stewart Irvine 4.00pm Close Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland 6
06/04/2014 Scotland Deanery Launch Day Future Plans Professor Stewart Irvine Director of Medicine Director of Medicine NHS Education for Scotland Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Key challenges 1. UK Shape of Training Review 2. GMC Recognition and Approval of Trainers 3. GMC Review of Quality Assurance 4. GMC National Training Survey 5. Strategy for Attracting and Retaining Trainees (StART) 6. UK Selection and Recruitment 7. Health Education England 8. Health and Social Care Integration 9. The Economy Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland 7
06/04/2014 Key challenges 1. UK Shape of Training Review 2. GMC Recognition and Approval of Trainers 3. GMC Review of Quality Assurance 4. GMC National Training Survey 5. Strategy for Attracting and Retaining Trainees (StART) 6. UK Selection and Recruitment 7. Health Education England 8. Health and Social Care Integration 9. The Economy Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland UK Shape of Training Review Securing the future of excellent patient care: Final Report of the independent Shape of Training review led by Professor David Greenaway was published on 29 October 2013 . • The final report offers an approach which will ensure doctors are trained to the highest standards and prepared to meet changing patient needs. • It It offers an approach which will be fit for ff h hi h ill b fit f purpose for many years to come and a framework for delivering change and for doing so with minimum disruption to service. Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland 8
06/04/2014 Shape : Key Messages • Patients and the public need more doctors who are capable of providing general care in broad specialties across a range of different settings . This is being driven by a growing number of people with multiple co- morbidities, an ageing population, health inequalities and increasing morbidities, an ageing population, health inequalities and increasing patient expectations. • We will continue to need doctors who are trained in more specialised areas to meet local patient and workforce needs. • Postgraduate training needs to adapt to prepare medical graduates to deliver safe and effective general care in broad specialties . • Medicine has to be a sustainable career with opportunities for doctors to change roles and specialties throughout their careers change roles and specialties throughout their careers. • Local workforce and patient needs should drive opportunities to train in new specialties or to credential in specific areas. Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Shape : Key Messages • Doctors in academic training pathways need a training structure that is flexible enough to allow them to move in and out of clinical training while meeting the competencies and standards of that training. • Full registration should move to the point of graduation from medical F ll i t ti h ld t th i t f d ti f di l school, provided there are measures in place to demonstrate graduates are fit to practise at the end of medical school. Patients’ interests must be considered first and foremost as part of this change. • Implementation of the recommendations must be carefully planned on a UK-wide basis and phased in. This transition period will allow the stability of the overall system to be maintained while reforms are being made. • A UK-wide Delivery Group should be formed immediately to oversee the implementation of the recommendations. Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland 9
06/04/2014 Shape of training : Proposed Structure Undergraduate Foundation Broad Specialty Credentialled Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland Shape of Training : Next Steps To establish a 4 Nation Co-ordination Group to provide oversight, co- ordination and direction to post-Greenaway implementation activities. Remit and Accountability Remit and Accountability • provide policy oversight, co-ordination and direction for implementation activities arising from the Shape of Training report • commission specific activities, and individual workstreams where required, that will inform and contribute to implementation of the Shape of Training recommendations, and to receive progress reports and recommendations from commissioned activities • report to respective Ministers on progress, and on issues requiring Ministerial approval. Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland 10
06/04/2014 Key challenges 1. UK Shape of Training Review 2. GMC Recognition and Approval of Trainers 3. GMC Review of Quality Assurance 4. GMC National Training Survey 5. Strategy for Attracting and Retaining Trainees (StART) 6. UK Selection and Recruitment 7. Health Education England 8. Health and Social Care Integration 9. The Economy Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland GMC : Recognition and Approval of Trainers Recognition vs Approval Quality Education for a Healthier Scotland 11
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