THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN MIDDLE SCHOOL AND HIGH SCHOOL Middle High Grades become Grades do not credits that are count as credits required for graduation You go to the same You will follow a class every day modified block schedule
HOW DO I EARN A CREDIT??? A student earns a credit when he or she successfully completes a course by earning a minimum grade of a 70 and being in attendance 90% of the time. Students earn a half credit for each successfully completed semester class. Students must earn a particular number of credits to be promoted from one grade to the next and to graduate.
Scho hool ol Begins: gins: 8:50 am MODIFIED BLOCK Modi dified ied Blo lock SCHEDULING A DAY B DAY 1st Block (55 minutes) 2A (90 minutes) 2B (90 minutes) 3A (90 minutes)/LUNCH 3B (90 minutes)/LUNCH 4A (90 minutes) 4B (90 minutes) 5 th Block (55 minutes) Scho hool ol End nds: s: 4:10 pm
Requirements Graduation Performance Acknowledgements Distinguished Level of Achievement Endorsements Foundation
CORE FOUNDATION REQUIREMENTS English Language Arts: E nglish 1 English 2 English 3 English 4/Advanced English Mathematics: Alge bra I Geometry Advanced Math Science: Biology Chemistry Physics Social Studies: World Geography World History US History Government/Economics
CORE FOUNDATION REQUIREMENTS 2 Credits of World Language Spanish French German Latin American Sign Language Mandarin Chinese 1 Credit of Fine Arts Art Music Dance Theater Principles and Elements of Floral Design (GHS/RHS only)
CORE FOUNDATION REQUIREMENTS ½ Credit of Professional Communications (to be paired with HS 101) 1 Credit of Physical Education PE or Partner PE Athletics (Physical Required) Athletic Training ROTC Dance Marching Band (Fall only) Cheerleader (Fall only) Drill Team All UIL Athletics are competitive. . . Not instructional.
All students must earn a Level 2 on the OTHER GRADUATION following STAAR/EOC EXAMS: REQUIREMENTS • English 1 Freshman • Algebra 1 Year • Biology Sophomore • English 2 Year Junior Year • US History
Endorsement/Major? Why Choose an Allows the Helps the student to student build apply core skills toward curriculum in a college and/or practical way career choices Allows the student to earn licensures and certifications while in high school
Every student will select an ENDORSEMENTS Endorsement (major) under which he or she will graduate All students graduating with an Endorsement are required to take an additional math and science credit.
ARTS AND HUMANITIES World Languages Literature Liberal Arts Fine Arts
BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY Agriculture Business/ Finance Manufacturing Architecture Arts, Audio Video Technology, Communication Hospitality & Tourism Information Technology Transportation Marketing Journalism
PUBLIC SERVICES Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security Education & Training Health Science Human Services JROTC
SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, MATH (STEM) Science Technology Engineering Mathematics
MULTIDISCIPLINARY AP Course Work IB Course Work Preparation for successful entry into the workforce or post secondary education without taking courses in a coherent sequence
Advanced Technology Complex (ATC) Career Carnival March 4
How do I earn a Performance Acknowledgement Acknowledgement? Performance Dual Credit Bilingualism and Biliteracy AP/IB Exams National Merit Scholarship Finalist Particular score on PSAT, SAT, or ACT Business/Industry Certification
What can I do now to work Acknowledgement toward earning a performance Performance acknowledgement? Take rigorous courses your freshman year and throughout high school.
PRE AP & ADVANCED PLACEMENT (AP) PROGRAM • Pre AP classes are available to all freshmen • Pre AP courses go into more depth and breadth than other courses • Frequently, Pre AP courses have summer reading and/or writing assignments • Pre AP courses help prepare students for AP courses and college level work
INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE PROGRAM IB is 2 year college – prep course of study in the junior and senior year. You may be a good IB Diploma candidate if you register for: • At least 2 Pre-AP core courses • Plan to take at least 2 years of world language Contact Beth Hughes, IB Coordinator, if interested at 940-369-2238 or bhughes@dentonisd.org
The Course Card We’ll fill it out together Write clearly and neatly in pencil only Fill in all of the information at the top of the card If you have already taken a course for high school credit, you may not take it again. (Example – Algebra and/or Spanish
123456 Smith Rex 940-123-4567 940-123-4569 Chris/Amy Smith csmith@msn.com 940-123-4568 Complet plete e all demogr grap aphic hic informatio mation n
123456 Smith Rex 940-123-4567 940-123-4569 Chris/Amy Smith csmith@msn.com 940-123-4568 Color lor in in the circ ircle le next to the courses ses you are require red to take. . All ll freshme shmen n take HS 10 101.
123456 Smith Rex Gather er in input t fro rom teac acher ers, parent nts s 940-123-4567 940-123-4569 Chris/Amy Smith & counselor nselors to det eter ermine ine which h csmith@msn.com 940-123-4568 course se (Pre-AP AP or regular) ar) is is the rig ight t course se for for you. All ll freshme hmen n wil ill l take Eng 1 or Pre re-AP AP Eng.
123456 Smith Rex 940-123-4567 940-123-4569 Chris/Amy Smith csmith@msn.com 940-123-4568 St Studen dents ts may not recei eive e credit dit for for the same e course se twice ce. If If you are curre rent ntly in in Alg lgebra ra 1, sig ign up for for geometr try or Pre-AP AP geom. om.
123456 Smith Rex 940-123-4567 940-123-4569 Chris/Amy Smith csmith@msn.com 940-123-4568 All ll freshm hmen en wil ill l sele lect ct Bio iolo logy gy or Pre-AP P Bio io
123456 Smith Rex 940-123-4567 940-123-4569 Chris/Amy Smith csmith@msn.com 940-123-4568 All ll freshmen hmen wil ill l sele lect ct World ld Geog or Pre-AP AP World ld Geog.
123456 Smith Rex 940-123-4567 940-123-4569 Chris/Amy Smith csmith@msn.com 940-123-4568 St Stude dents ts can choos ose to start t their ir worl rld la langua uage ge in in 9 th th grade. e.
123456 Smith Rex 940-123-4567 940-123-4569 Chris/Amy Smith csmith@msn.com 940-123-4568 All ll freshmen hmen are require red to take e Pro rofessi essional nal Commun unicati cation. n.
123456 Smith Rex 940-123-4567 940-123-4569 Chris/Amy Smith csmith@msn.com 940-123-4568 Frequ quent ntly freshm hmen en wil ill l als lso take their ir 1 st st year of worl rld la langua uage ge. Once e you have ve compl pleted d the fro ront of the course se card, , you should uld have ve bubbled d in in the circ ircle e next to HS10 101, , Pro rof Comm, 1 course se each h in in Eng, Math, h, Scie ience, nce, and Social al St Studies. es. This s is is the equiv ivalent alent of 5 credits dits.
On back k sid ide of the course se card writ ite e in in your curre rent t caree eer r in intere rest. t. Writ ite e in in the endorsem ement ent (Ar Arts ts and Human aniti ties, es, Business iness and In Indust stry, Publi lic c Servi vice, ce, STEM, M, or Multidis ltidiscip ciplinar inary) y) you pla lan to pursue. sue. Remem embe ber, this is can be change nged d at any poin int t during ing your hig igh school hool caree eer. Nurse Public Service
Bubble le in in the circ ircles es next to the additi itional nal courses ses you pla lan to take e your r freshm hman an year. Al All l stude dent nts s must st have ve 1 credit dit of physical sical educa cati tion on. Nurse Public Service
All ll stude dent nts s must st have ve 1 credit dit of fin fine arts. s. It It is is recom ommende ended that t stude dent nts s regist ster er for for all ll require red courses ses in in 9 th th grade. e. Nurse Public Service
When you have ve sele lect cted d all ll of your courses ses you should have ve a total of 8 credits dits. Not Note in in the parent nthesi hesis s (.5) ) next to course se if if it it is is a 1/2 credi dit t course. Nurse Public Service
Lis ist t 4 alt lter ernat ate e course se choice ces s in case in e one of your ele lecti tive e (non-core) core) choice ces s is is full ll or confli flicts cts wit ith h anothe other r course. se. Nurse Public Service 35130 Tech Theater C2010 BIM 55110 JROTC 1 C7410 Concepts of Eng & Tech
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