welcome come suppor ortin ing effec fectiv ive e gover

Welcome! come!!! !! Suppor ortin ing Effec fectiv ive e - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Welcome! come!!! !! Suppor ortin ing Effec fectiv ive e Gover ernan ance ce Once settled, please grab a marker and respond to prompts on the charts posted around the room. We will start once you have had a chance to respond and have

  1. Welcome! come!!! !! Suppor ortin ing Effec fectiv ive e Gover ernan ance ce Once settled, please grab a marker and respond to prompts on the charts posted around the room. We will start once you have had a chance to respond and have returned to your table.

  2. Module L e Learnin ing O Overview iew Wednesd nesday Intro to Module Learning and Professional Practice Standards, Your Governance Story, Do 9:00 - 11:45 School Boards Matter, Governance Models, Effective Governance - Alberta Examples of Session A Practice Re Reflection on on Grow owth 1-4:00 Effective Governance and Superintendent Leadership, Legislation and Research, Dual Role Session B of Alberta Superintendent, Value of CASS, Province District Nexus Re Reflection on on Grow owth Thursday ay Fostering Collaboration, Stories of Governance and rule of civility, SLQS Competency 8:15 - 11:30 Indicators,Re Reflection on on Grow owth Session C Friday ay Deepening the Understanding and Applying the Learning Re Reflection on on Grow owth 8:15- 11:30 Session D

  3. Gover ernan ance ce Mod Module O e Outcomes mes Participants will develop, and apply strategies to: 1. Understand good governance and why it is important. 2. Deepen understanding of governance for Board members, Superintendents and System leaders based on what the research says. 3. Examine your own governance practices.

  4. Poli litics, s, G Gove verna nanc nce a and S Syst stem I Impro prove vement nt Paul Richman - former executive director of California’s Parent Teacher Association

  5. Alber erta P Profession fessional al Practice S ce Standar ards Page 3 of Participant Guide (PG)

  6. Albe lbert rta E Education n Te Term rms “Compet eten ency cy” means an interrelated set of “Standard” knowledge, skills, and attitudes developed over time A standard (Small S) is a policy that identifies the and drawn upon and applied to a particular leadership requirements for the competent professional practice context in order to support quality leadership, teaching of members of a profession. In turn, Alberta’s “Capital and optimum learning as required by the S” Standards adopted by Ministerial Order are Superintendent Leadership Quality Standard; e.g., authorized under Section 39(1) (f) of the School Act. Supporting Effective Governance“De Descriptor of of the This makes them part of the legislative framework compet eten ency cy” The sentence that describes the under the School Act . Within each of the TQS, LQS competency. A superintendent engages with the and SLQS “Standard” policies is the “standard” school community in implementing a vision of a statement. This standard is the clear expression of the preferred future for student success, based on common outcome of competent practice. values and beliefs.“Indicat ator ors” means actions that are likely to lead to the achievement of the competency PG 4,5 and which, together with the competency, are measurable and observable;

  7. CASS S Terms ms Support for Implementation Compet eten ency Over erview – “Two pager” providing awareness of the competency based on 4 frames: Legal and Key References, Research, Practice in Alberta, Resources. Learning ng Modules s - are designed to deepen and apply system leader’s professional practice with opportunities to examine Alberta context through a community of inquiry approach based on research. Braid d – Image CASS developed to represent that competencies are interrelated and interdependent.

  8. Superin inten enden ent & System em Leader er Practice P ce Profil files es PG 6-10

  9. Pract ctice P ce Profi file e Self Reflection Tool focused on Indicators

  10. Learning M g Modul ules es Read ading a g and Resour urce ce Tab ab

  11. Story ry vs. Desc scri ription Fence Climbing Free Photo —By Ryan McGuire

  12. A.1 .1 Your St Story Fence Climbing Free Photo —By Ryan McGuire

  13. Shared with permission - Dr. Scott Morrison

  14. A.1 Telli lling ng y your S r Story ry PG 11

  15. ● mindset, ● moral imperative, ● cohesive governance system ● system-wide commitment ● continuous improvement PG 12

  16. ● mi mindset, ● mo moral al i imp mperat ative, A.1 Gover ernan ance C ce Core ● cohes hesive g gover ernance syst system ● syst system-wide c e commitmen ent ● continuo uous us i improvem emen ent

  17. A.2 D Debat ate e - Do Do Scho chool B Boar ards M Mat atter? - ● Identify half of your table group as “yes” and half as “No” respondents in the debate. ● Take 5 mins to discuss with your “yes or no” group how you would like to respond the the topic. ● Allow each person two minutes to share their stance - alternate yes/no etc. PG 13

  18. A.3 Gov over ernance M e Model els “ Models are just that: Models.” PG 17

  19. A.3 Simila lari rities a s and Differ fferen ences es Work in pairs or triads to: Identify similarities and differences between the ● governance models, and ● Indicate strengths and limitations of having a model.

  20. Pat C Cochr hran ane e - Former B r Board C rd Chair - CBE BE ● Importance of having a Mod Model ● What does it take to have an effect fective B e Boar ard?

  21. A.4 Aspects of Effective Governance Alberta Exemplars of Practice Brand randon on’s Five ve P Pri rinc nciples Ont ntari rio Gove o Governa rnanc nce Co Committee Fiv ive Pr e Prin incip ciples Review research Review research Identify practice that aligns with the research Identify practice that aligns with the research

  22. A.5 P Profes fessional al Growth/ h/Refl eflect ection How is your practice reflected/informed by what you have learned? What que uest stions have emerged in this session about supporting effective governance within your school authority?

  23. B.1 Effective ve Gove vern rnanc nce & S Superi rint ntende ndent nt Leade dersh ship p What does the Legislation/research say? H 1. What strikes you as ho hopeful ul? Where do you see an opportunity?( e.g., aligned?) (symbol - H) C 2. Where did you feel most challen enged ed? (Symbol C) 3. What are the implicat ations ons of this for the superintendent, secretary treasurers, your system leadership team, (e.g. I human resource leads) and school trustees? ( Symbol I)

  24. B.1 Alber erta G a Gover ernan ance R ce Rules es, Regu Regulations an and L Legi egislation Leg Legis islation in in Not Notes Albe lberta Must do School Act Want to do Delegate to

  25. B.2 Superi rint ntende ndent nt D Duties ( s (Section 1 113 (1)and nd select ected ed B Board p policy cy r requi uirem emen ents. Chief Executive Officer of the Board Chief Education Officer of the School Authority

  26. B.2 College of Alberta School Superintendents VISI SION ON: Leadership excellence for world-class public education. MISSI SSION ON: The College of Alberta School Superintendents, the professional voice of system education leaders, provides leadership, expertise, and advocacy to improve, promote, and champion student success.

  27. B.2 College of Alberta School Superintendents Next ext S Step eps Commit itmen ent t to Practice ice Ministry Involvement Via CASS Ministry Involvement PG 29 Via Ministry

  28. Je Jeff Joh Johnson - For ormer Min Minister of of Ed Education Personal perspectives of the mutual benefits of the province and district leadership working together to support optimum learning for all students.

  29. B.3 Superi rint ntende dent nt/Syst ystem L Leade dersh ship Mutual Benefits of the Province-District Nexus Think, Pair, r, S Square re, S Share ● Read alone - highlight key concepts/key words. ○ Look for - alignment/coherence with the Boards policies/goals ● Discuss with a colleague and share - What did you find most interesting? Similarities? Differences? ● Join another pair and highlight one item. Record the information for sharing. ● Share with large group PG 30

  30. B. B.4 Pro Professiona nal G Gro rowth Refl flect ection How is your practice reflected/informed by what you have learned? What que questions have emerged in this session about supporting effective governance within your school authority?

  31. C.1 - Fosteri ring ng C Coll llabo bora ration What does the research say? = Got it. I know or understand this. ! = This is really important information. ? = I’d like clarification or elaboration of this material. PG 33

  32. C.2 Stories es o of Gover ernan ance ce Manne nner a r and R nd Rule les o of C Civility PG 33

  33. C.3 Evi videnc nce In Pra n Practice - Alberta S a Stories o of P f Pract actice ce 1. Review Stories - identify governance indicators 2. Dialogue about promising practices you/your school authority take that would model “Evidence in Practice” for the indicators at your table. PG 33

  34. C.4 Pro Professiona nal G Gro rowth Refl flect ection How is your practice reflected/informed by what you have learned? What que questions have emerged in this session about supporting effective governance within your school authority?

  35. D.1 Tips f ps for T Trustees a s and S Superi rint ntende ndent nts PG 33


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