Weighted ranking by members of the Bargaining Unit when asked to prioritize issues of the concern within Columbia Public Schools
Salaries were frozen in 2008- 2009 and 2009-2010
Cost to Restore 2008-2009 Step School Year Cost to Restore Step 2012-2013 $ 798,623 2013-2014 $ 699,544 5 year total expense: $1,454,946 2014-2015 $ 541,946 2015-2016 projection $ 420,000 2016-2017 projection $ 295,000 2017-2018 projection $ 160,000 2018-2019 projection $ 38,000
Historical Perspective of the Reserves
There is no law in Missouri stating what can or cannot negotiated
Board Policy HA states: The Columbia School District will negotiate salary and other conditions of employment as required and permitted by law
FROM POLICY HA The Columbia School District recognizes the importance of maintaining ongoing positive relations with employees and consulting with employees when making decisions regarding salary and other conditions of employment. If employees request to do so in accordance with the procedures provided by applicable law and Board policy, the district will bargain collectively with representatives of employees, in accordance with law. The Board and its representatives will engage in respectful negotiations with employee representatives. Negotiations must not disrupt school operations or negatively impact the educational environment. The ultimate goal of all negotiations is to secure the services necessary to deliver an excellent education to the district's students in a safe environment based on a sound, realistic budget. The Board understands that collectively bargained agreements are legally binding and is committed to carrying out the provisions of each agreement. The legal obligation to collectively bargain does not require either the district or employee representatives to agree to a proposal or to make a concession. Board policy and district procedures will govern in the absence of a binding agreement, when the agreement does not address an issue, or when an agreement expires and a new agreement regarding the issue has not been reached.
Scope - from Policy HA The Columbia School District will negotiate salary and other conditions of employment as required and permitted by law. All agreements must state a fixed term or duration. The Board will not ratify an agreement that diminishes or compromises management rights or the district's ability to make administrative decisions and educational policy decisions including, but not limited to, curriculum decisions. The Board will not approve an agreement that could cause the Board to violate any state or federal law, negatively affect the district's accreditation, or disrupt or weaken the district's educational program. The Board will not ratify an agreement that includes impasse procedures for resolution by third parties outside the district including, but not limited to, binding arbitration. All agreements must contain a clause that allows the Board to unilaterally modify the agreement in emergency situations including, but not limited to, natural disasters, financial hardships and pandemics. Once an agreement has been ratified by the bargaining unit, approved by a majority of the whole Board, and signed by the employee representative and Board president, the agreement is considered inclusive and complete. Once an agreement is entered into, the district may refuse to negotiate any item that is addressed in the existing agreement, that was discussed during negotiations for the existing agreement, or that was not included in the discussions for the existing agreement, for the term of the agreement. The purpose of this provision is to provide for a specific period of negotiations during each school year and to protect the finality of agreements once they have been approved.
Parkhill Rockwood Wentzville Springfield Planning Time All classroom Full time classroom All certified teachers Teachers who are teachers will be will be scheduled for teachers (including assigned provided with 250 a minimum of 250 art, music, and PE) teaching minutes of teacher minutes per week of at the elementary responsibilities directed planning plan time. If a level shall be allowed during their time per week. Duty teacher receives less no less than 275 planning time time, including than 200 mins due to minutes of non- may be eligible to supervision of mandatory meetings, students before and the teacher shall student contact time receive additional after school, does receive per week for the compensation in not count toward compensation for purpose of accordance with these 250 minutes lost plan time. preparation for the District’s instruction. ...Team practice. work/planning sessions that are held during teacher plan time will be collaborative in nature.
ParkHill Rockwood Wentzville Springfield School Regular teacher In addition to the The hours of The minimum work contract day is 7 regular hours of duty, employment shall be day for Bargaining Day hours and 40 attendance at 7 hours & 25 mins Unit employees shall minutes. See teacher meetings called by and should include begin no later than handbook for arrival the principal’s office student contact time, thirty (30) minutes and departure times. or Central Services is 25 minute duty free before the established considered a part of lunch and time start time for the each teacher’s before/after classes building and shall end professional except when no sooner than thirty responsibility. It is extended for faculty (30) minutes after the expected that meetings & students in the adequate notice is emergency situations. building are normally given and that such dismissed on a meetings are held at regular school day. reasonable times. Work on Districtwide professional committees outside the regular school day will be voluntary
Parkhill Rockwood Wentzville Springfield Reasonable professional Attendance at Meetings All certified The District may faculty expectations are those that personnel may be hold a reasonable meetings, benefit the school climate, required to spend number of staff IEPs, open parent communication, and up to four (4) meetings in its house and student participation. Using additional hours discretion. A curriculum a collaborative nights is per month for the reasonable effort administrative/teacher mandatory. purpose of process at the school level, will be made to Building such as the monthly attending faculty schedule extracurricular RNEA/Administration meetings, meetings either events like meetings, reasonable department carnivals, fun immediately professional expectations nights and meetings, in- before or after the shall be identified at the dances are service sessions, student start of the school year in voluntary. and committee instructional day order to allow for planning and scheduling both for the meetings. school administration and teaching staff. ….
ParkHill Rockwood Wentzville Springfield Contract Year Annually, the Board of The contractual 4 early release days will none be incorporated into the Education, will teacher orientation 184 day calendar as establish the work days prior to the follows: calendar for teachers opening of school ● 2 days will be and the academic will be organized district wide PD calendar for students. as follows: • One and time for The work calendar for full day on the day collaboration teachers will consist of prior to the first day between 188 days. The of student buildings, dept, calendar committee attendance and grades will determine when one ½ day teacher ● 2 days for teacher the days will be used. work day to be initiated and led The calendar is included in the PD inclusive of 1.5 parent orientation ● The district will / teacher conference schedule • One day provide a half day dates; 4 professional of district for FTE 0.5 & development days and curriculum/in- higher to be used 5.5 administrative / service/PLC….. for teacher teacher work days. initiated work time in building/district
CMNEA’s Original Proposal ● Article II 2.1 Recognition – Add all instructional employees paid from the teacher’s salary schedule to the Bargaining Unit. REJECTED ● Article III 3.2 Ground Rules – Change the date ground rules for bargaining to be agreed upon to January 20. ACCEPTED Article III 3.3 Contract Ratification – All employees of the unit shall be permitted to vote. ACCEPTED ● Article III 3.4 Reopeners – CMNEA proposed 10 reopeners per bargaining session. CHANGED ● ● Article V 5.4 Planning Time – Planning time needs to be teacher-directed and protected during the school day. CHANGED ● Article V 5.9 Contract Days – Clear expectations for length of work day - Set limit for school meetings to no more than 150 minutes per month. REJECTED ● Article V 5.10 Work Year – 187 days/year – Work days/Conference Prep Days would be equal and clearly defined. REJECTED Article V 5.11 Personal Days – Accrue personal leave up to 5 days. CHANGED ● Article VI 6.1 Salary Schedule – 5% added to base and the minimum starting salary. REJECTED ● Article VI 6.3 Frozen Steps – Restore 08-09 Step - Benefits 630.1 Employees REJECTED ●
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