Web Site Design : Invasive Species Student Name: ________________________________________ CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Overall Look Background is Background is Background is Background detracts exceptionally attractive, consistent consistent across from the readability attractive, consistent across pages, adds to pages and does not of the site. Pictures across pages, adds to the theme or purpose detract from are non-existent or off the theme or purpose of the site, and does readability. There are topic. Type is illegible. of the site, and does not detract from no pictures or not detract from readability. Pictures graphics. The type is readability. Pictures and graphics are somewhat legible. or graphics are somewhat appropriate and add appropriate or slightly to the topic. Type is distracting. The type is legible and attractive. legible. Content The site has a well- The site has a clearly The purpose and The site lacks a stated clear purpose stated purpose about theme of the site is purpose and theme. covering invasive invasive species, but somewhat muddy or species that is carried may have one or two vague. out throughout the elements that do not site. seem to be related to it.
Content Accuracy All information All information Almost all of the There are several provided by the provided by the information provided inaccuracies in the student on the Web student on the Web by the student on the content provided by site is accurate and site is accurate and is Web site is accurate the students. useful and somewhat useful and and somewhat useful informative for the informative for the and informative for general public. general public. the general public. Spelling and Grammar There are no errors in There are 1-3 errors in There are 4-5 errors in There are more than 5 spelling, punctuation spelling, punctuation spelling, punctuation errors in spelling, or grammar in the or grammar in the or grammar in the punctuation or final draft of the Web final draft of the Web final draft of the Web grammar in the final site. site. site. draft of the Web site. Learning of Material The student has an The student has a The student has a fair Student did not exceptional good understanding understanding of the appear to learn much understanding of the of the material material included in from this project. material included in included in the site. the site. Can easily Cannot answer most the site and where to Can easily answer answer most questions about the find additional questions about the questions about the content and the information. Can content and content and procedures used to easily answer procedures used to procedures used to make the web site. questions about the make the web site. make the web site. content and procedures used to make the web site.
Navigation Links for navigation Links for navigation Links for navigation Some links do not are clearly labeled, are clearly labeled, take the reader where take the reader to the consistently placed, allow the reader to s/he expects to go, sites described. A user allow the reader to easily move from a but some needed typically feels lost. easily move from a page to related pages links seem to be page to related pages (forward and back), missing. A user (forward and back), and internal links take sometimes gets lost. and take the reader the reader where s/he where s/he expects to expects to go. A user go. A user does not rarely becomes lost. become lost. Presentation The student gives a The student gives a The student gives a The student does not clear and informative somewhat clear and poor tour of the participate in the tour of their website informative tour of website (confusion on presentation. (volume, clarity of their website. how it works, low speech, knowledge of volume or clarity, no site, seems prepared). preparation). Citation and Students use 2 Students use 1-2 Students do not cite Bibliography appropriate sources sources. Citations are their sources Students use at least or one of the three not correctly properly. 3 appropriate sources, sources is not in print. formatted. with at least one print Citations are mostly source. Citations are correct. correctly formated. Length Website contains 3 or Website contains less more navigatable than 3 naviatable pages. pages.
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