web programming in django

Web Programming in Django Introduction to its Model-View-Controller - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Web Programming in Django Introduction to its Model-View-Controller Architecture CS 370 SE Practicum, Cengiz Gnay (Some slides courtesy of Eugene Agichtein and the Internets) Snowpacolypse ATL 2014 CS 370, Gnay (Emory) Django MVC intro

  1. Web Programming in Django Introduction to its Model-View-Controller Architecture CS 370 SE Practicum, Cengiz Günay (Some slides courtesy of Eugene Agichtein and the Internets) Snowpacolypse ATL 2014 CS 370, Günay (Emory) Django MVC intro Spring 2014 1 / 5

  2. Agenda Warm-up project: Good proposals! � Tentatively due Feb 13th CS 370, Günay (Emory) Django MVC intro Spring 2014 2 / 5

  3. Agenda Warm-up project: Good proposals! � Tentatively due Feb 13th Today: Intro to Django & its Model-View-Controller framework Running Django on your laptops CS 370, Günay (Emory) Django MVC intro Spring 2014 2 / 5

  4. Agenda Warm-up project: Good proposals! � Tentatively due Feb 13th Today: Intro to Django & its Model-View-Controller framework Running Django on your laptops Surveys first. . . CS 370, Günay (Emory) Django MVC intro Spring 2014 2 / 5

  5. Entry/Exit Surveys Exit survey: Web Programming Tell me the steps between the server and client during an HTML web form display, submission, and response. To maintain user sessions, what pieces of persistent information must be stored on the client and the server side? Entry survey: Django & MVC In your opinion, what is the most useful feature of the Model-View-Controller approach? What parts of web programming are most tedious to you that you would like it handled by a high-level web framework? CS 370, Günay (Emory) Django MVC intro Spring 2014 3 / 5

  6. • high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. • Django was designed to handle two challenges: – intensive deadlines – stringent requirements of the experienced Web developers who wrote it. • It lets you build high-performing , elegant Web applications quickly . • Focuses on automating as much as possible 1/24/2013 CS 370, Spring 2012 18

  7. Approach: Model-View-Controller Formalized in 1979 • Model: maintain state of application. Typically done with a database • View: output to client, usually as HTML code, rendered by a web browser. • Controller: interaction with user. handles user input, processes data and communicates with Model to save state. 1/29/2013 CS 370, Spring 2012 2

  8. MVC 1/29/2013 CS 370, Spring 2012 3

  9. Django flow • 1) Visitor’s browser asks for a URL. 2) Django matches the request against its urls.py files. 3) If a match is found, Django moves on to the view that’s associated with the URL. Views are generally found inside each app in the views.py file. 4) The view generally handles all the database manipulation. It grabs data and passes it on. 5) A template (specified in the view) then displays that data. 1/29/2013 CS 370, Spring 2012 4

  10. Site design in Django: review • Goal: make common Web-development tasks fast • Step 1: Design your model: model.py (M) – Automatically create DB, APIs, admin interface • Step 2: Design your views: views.py (V) • Step 3: Design application logic: urls.py ( C ) • Step 4: Design your templates: • Step 5: Enjoy free bells & whistles (caching, syndication, …) 1/29/2013 CS 370, Spring 2012 5

  11. Who cares? • Spotify uses Django for some of their web sites. • Instagram uses Django for their web application [10] • Yandex uses Django for their weather forecast site, OpenID provider, blog hosting service, internal Wiki and internal Mail Archives. • Transifex – an open source platform for localization. • Bucketlist – uses Django to let users store life goals. • The Public Broadcasting Service • The Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism • Universal Subtitles uses Django for its free and open source collaborative subtitling site. • FreeNAS uses Django for its web interface in its 8.0 major release. • PBS's Merlin, a platform for managing member stations' video metadata • Google internal stuff (details unknown). • …. 1/24/2013 CS 370, Spring 2012 20

  12. Example Django Project • Tutorial: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/intro/tutorial01/ – https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/intro/tutorial03/ 1/29/2013 CS 370, Spring 2012 6

  13. Django Models • A model is the single , definitive source of data about your data . • Each model is a Python class that subclasses django.db.models.Model. • Each attribute of the model represents a database field . • Django gives you an automatically-generated database-access API 1/29/2013 CS 370, Spring 2012 7

  14. Example: Person (first_name, last_name) • Define Person: from django.db import models class Person(models.Model): first_name = models.CharField(max_length=30) last_name = models.CharField(max_length=30) • What happens automatically CREATE TABLE myapp_person ( "id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "first_name" varchar(30) NOT NULL, "last_name" varchar(30) NOT NULL ); 1/29/2013 CS 370, Spring 2012 8

  15. Example: Person (first_name, last_name): 2 • Each field should be an instance of the Field class – The database column type (e.g. INTEGER, VARCHAR) – The widget to use in Django's admin interface, if you care to use it (e.g. <input type="text">, <select>). – The minimal validation requirements, used in Django's automatically-generated forms. • Field reference: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.3/ref/models/fields/#model-field-types • More details: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.3/topics/db/models/ 1/29/2013 CS 370, Spring 2012 9

  16. Django Models • https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/models/instances/?from=olddocs 1/29/2013 CS 370, Spring 2012 10

  17. Example 2: Django blog site • Step-by-step tutorial: http://www.webmonkey.com/2010/02/get_started_with_django/ • Try using: http://dutch.mathcs.emory.edu:8100/blog/ • Admin interface: http://dutch.mathcs.emory.edu:8100/admin/ • Code: /home/cs370000/src/Django-1.3.1/blog/ • Start: python manage.py runserver 1/29/2013 CS 370, Spring 2012 11

  18. Recap: Django project pieces • django-admin.py startproject blog – blog/ __init__.py: A file required for Python to treat the mysite directory as a package manage.py : A command-line utility that lets you interact with this project. Try: python manage.py help settings.py : Settings/configuration for this project. urls.py : The URLs for this project (“table of contents”) 1/29/2013 CS 370, Spring 2012 12

  19. Django Project vs. App 1/29/2013 CS 370, Spring 2012 13

  20. Django architecture encourages this 1/29/2013 CS 370, Spring 2012 14

  21. Example: 1/29/2013 CS 370, Spring 2012 15

  22. URL dispatcher • A clean, elegant URL scheme is an important detail in a high-quality Web application. • Django lets you design URLs however you want – There’s no . php or .cgi required • Cool URIs don't change: – http://www.w3.org/Provider/Style/URI 1/29/2013 CS 370, Spring 2012 16

  23. How Django processes a request 1. Determine the root URLconf module to use. Ordinarily, this is the value of the ROOT_URLCONF setting, can be changed. 2. Load URLconf and looks for variable urlpatterns . This should be a Python list, in the format returned by the function django.conf.urls.patterns(). 3. Iterate through each URL pattern, in order , and stop at the first one that matches the requested URL. (REGEX) 4. If one of the regexes matches, import and call the given view , which is a Python function . The view gets passed an HttpRequest as its first argument and any values captured in the regex as remaining arguments . 5. If no regex matches, or if an exception is raised during any point in this process, invoke an appropriate error-handling view . 1/29/2013 CS 370, Spring 2012 17

  24. 2-minute REGEX review http://www.djangoproject.com/r/python/re-module/ Symbol Matches . (dot) Any single character \d Any single digit [A-Z] Any character between A and Z (uppercase) [a-z] Any character between a and z (lowercase) [A-Za-z] Any character between a and z (case-insensitive) + One or more of the previous expression (e.g., \d+ matches one or more digits) [^/]+ One or more characters until (and not including) a forward slash ? Zero or one of the previous expression (e.g., \d? matches zero or one digits) Zero or more of the previous expression (e.g., \d* matches zero, one or more * than one digit) Between one and three (inclusive) of the previous expression (e.g., \d{1,3} {1,3} matches one, two or three digits) 1/29/2013 CS 370, Spring 2012 18

  25. Python Regexes , cont’d • To capture a value from the URL, just put parenthesis around it. • There's no need to add a leading slash, because every URL has that. • For example, it's ^wiki, not ^/wiki. The 'r' is optional but recommended. • Named regular-expressions: (?P< name >pattern) – (?P<page_name>[^/]+)/$', 1/29/2013 CS 370, Spring 2012 19

  26. Example URLconf from django.conf.urls.defaults import * #http://cs370.mathcs.emory.edu:8100/wiki/CSRF urlpatterns = patterns('', (r' ^wiki/(?P<page_name>[^/]+)/$', ' blog.wiki.views.view_page '), (r'^wiki/(?P<page_name>[^/]+)/edit/$', 'blog.wiki.views.edit_page'), (r'^wiki/(?P<page_name>[^/]+)/save/$', 'blog.wiki.views.save_page'), ) 1/29/2013 CS 370, Spring 2012 20

  27. Passing Parameters to Views CS 370, Günay (Emory) Django MVC intro Spring 2014 5 / 5


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