web admin webinar

Web admin webinar Erwin Siweris, Petra Polaskova, Laura Uotila - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

European Union | European Regional Development Fund Sharing solutions for better regional policies Web admin webinar Erwin Siweris, Petra Polaskova, Laura Uotila Communication team Interreg Europe 17 February, 2017 Web admin webinar 1.

  1. European Union | European Regional Development Fund Sharing solutions for better regional policies Web admin webinar Erwin Siweris, Petra Polaskova, Laura Uotila Communication team Interreg Europe 17 February, 2017  Web admin webinar

  2. 1. Introduction 5. How to 2. Your get more project Project visitors website website 4. Content 3. Google for your Analytics website 2

  3. JS communication team  Website related questions  For LPs and project communication managers  Keep LP + PO + FO in copy 3

  4. Project branding  Harmonised communication  Communication toolkit: logo, ppt, poster, website 4

  5. 1. Introducti on 2. Your project 5. How to get more website Project visitors website 4. Content 3. Google for your Analytics website 5

  6. What is your project website?  Individual website, same layout  Public face of the project  Reflects project’s communication pla n 6

  7. Basic content Automatically from iOLF Created by project  Name  News and events  Summary  Pictures  Partners  Social media feeds  Partnership map  Links, call to actions  Budget  Documents  Duration  Policy instruments 7

  8. Editing your project website  Through IE community account  JS follows what you do 8

  9. Good examples  Nice description: http://www.interregeurope.eu/ieer/, http://www.interregeurope.eu/regio-mob/  Smart use of additional page: http://www.interregeurope.eu/impact/protected-areas/  Clear library folders: http://www.interregeurope.eu/ieer/library/, http://www.interregeurope.eu/passage/library/  Using sidebar: http://www.interregeurope.eu/speedup/  Videos: http://www.interregeurope.eu/osiris/ 9

  10. Common issues and mistakes Have a look Keep in mind  Missing partners on map  Partner logos > contact JS  Length of twitter feed  Editing contact details  Clear formatting (e.g. > we will inform when editing is notepad) when copying possible text to editor  Events vs. news  Avoid special characters on document names 10

  11. Help and support http://www.interregeurope.eu/projects/guidance/project-websites/ 11

  12. 1. Introduction 5. How to 2. Your get more project Project visitors website website 4. Content 3. Google for your Analytics website 12

  13. What can you learn? Do you reach your targets? Who visits your website? What is interesting for your visitors? How do people find you? Icons: http://ballicons.net/ 13

  14. Monthly report Session : a user is actively engaged with a website Users : Users that have had at least one session within the selected date range. Includes both new and returning users Pageview: Total number of pages viewed. Repeated views of a single page are counted. 14

  15. Top channels : How did the users find your website Sessions by landing page: What page users arrive first Bounce : A bounce is a visit in which the person left your site from the entrance page without interacting with the page. Together with “ pageviews ” can give you an accurate feeling on how relevant is a page content for the user 15

  16. ‘Event label’: event in Google Analytics terminology - interaction taken with a type of content (subscribe to newsletter, search etc.) Searches Overview of most researched terms; search happening on a specific project website Newsletter sign ups Measures newsletter subscriptions (part 3) 16

  17. How to report sessions? Six monthly reports  Sum up all = 1441  Insert total per six months in progress report (PR) Following PR => new sum from six Google reports 17

  18. 1. Introduction 5. How to 2. Your get more project Project visitors website website 3. Google 4. Content for Analytics your website 18

  19. Think of your audience + goals 19

  20. What are news? 20

  21. Pay attention to title 21

  22. Tips for good online content  Clear language  Chunking  Structure Toolbox  Headlines and subheadings  Images  Videos  Links 22

  23. 1. Introduction 2. Your 5. How to get project more visitors Project website website 3. Google 4. Content Analytics for your website 23

  24. How to get more visitors? 24

  25. Spread your content  Always have a direct link  Tell people about your website  Share your news 25

  26. Social media  You don’t have to be on every channel  Think of your target audience  Reserve time and resources 26

  27. Social media – good practices  Always link to your website!  Different channel, different content  Twitter: short quotes and images  Linkedin: open discussion  FB: videos and images  Interact 27

  28. Get visible on our channels 1. News and events on homepage 28

  29. Get visible on our channels 2. Featured project 29

  30. Get visible on our channels 3. In my country 30

  31. Get visible on our channels 4. Social media  Twitter list + retweeting  Youtube 31

  32. 32

  33. Next steps  LPs will receive project posters for display  We will start promoting new project websites end of February  First analytics report in March > Save for reporting  Communication seminar in May  Subscribe to our newsletter for any future updates 33

  34. Useful links  Project communication tools http://www.interregeurope.eu/library/#folder=16  Help page for web admins http://www.interregeurope.eu/projects/guidance/proje ct-websites/  Project resources https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/0B_2u8Lvp D_IzQndsY19rUFFzSFk  Implement a project -page http://www.interregeurope.eu/projects/implement-a- project/ 34

  35. European Union | European Regional Development Fund Sharing solutions for better regional policies Thank you! Interregeurope


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