we m re for m pr og r a m

WE M Re for m Pr og r a m L imit Advic e Re q uire me nts - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

WE M Re for m Pr og r a m L imit Advic e Re q uire me nts WRIG 1 October 2020 1. Limit Advice Overview Ag e nda 2. Limit Advice Requirements: Overview Thermal Limit Advice Format, form, manner and timeframe

  1. WE M Re for m Pr og r a m L imit Advic e Re q uire me nts WRIG – 1 October 2020

  2. 1. Limit Advice Overview Ag e nda 2. Limit Advice Requirements: Overview • Thermal Limit Advice • Format, form, manner and timeframe • Non-Thermal Limit Advice • Format, form, manner and timeframe • Review • General requirements • Publication • General review & request for updated Limit Advice • Retirement • WRIG 01/10/2020 Limit Advice Requirements 12/10/2020 2

  3. L imit Advic e Ove rvie w WRIG 01/10/2020 Limit Advice Requirements 12/10/2020 3

  4. WEM Rules 2.27A.2: L imit Advic e Information to be provided to AEMO by a Network Operator in respect to limitations of, or relating to, it Network (“Limit t Advice ce”) includes: (a) Limit Equations in respect of Network Limits, excluding Limit Equations for Essential System Services or, if, in respect of a particular Network element, a mathematical expression is not appropriate, the Network Overview Limit for that particular Network element; (b) Limit Advice Inputs; (c) Supporting information and data specified in WEM Procedure referred to in clause 2.27A.10 (A). WRIG 01/10/2020 Limit Advice Requirements 12/10/2020 4

  5. L imit Advic e Re q uire me nts WRIG 01/10/2020 Limit Advice Requirements 12/10/2020 5

  6. • WEM Rules 2.27A.10 (a) L imit Advic e • WEM Procedure to specify Re q uire me nts • Information & data to be provided to AEMO in relation to Limit Advice • Processes to be followed • Format • Form • Manner • Timeframe • Two forms of Limit Advice: • Thermal Limit Advice Overview • Thermal Network Limits • Examples: transmission line thermal limits • Non-Thermal Limit Advice • Non-thermal Network Limits • Examples: Voltage stability, transient stability • NOTE 1: Tranche 1B will have the definitions of Thermal Network Limits and Non-thermal Network Limits • NOTE 2: RCM requirements not included in this requirement. To be included later. WRIG 01/10/2020 Limit Advice Requirements 12/10/2020 6

  7. • Thermal Network Limits = Equipment thermal L imit Advic e limits Re q uire me nts • Background • Presently provided to support real-time contingency monitoring in AEMO’s EMS • Format, form and manner • Utilising existing processes Thermal Limit Advice • A list of SWIS equipment thermal limits provided to an agreed shared location • Timeframe • As soon as practicable when no longer complete, current or accurate • New equipment: must be provided 3 months prior to commissioning WRIG 01/10/2020 Limit Advice Requirements 12/10/2020 7

  8. Network Operator AEMO Requested by AEMO [Clause 2.27A.4] L imit Advic e START Network Operator’s obligation to provide Limit Advice [Clause 2.27A.1] Re q uire me nts Network Operator Typical review timeframe depends on provides complete, current and accurate Limit Advice type of Limit Advice [Clause 2.27A.6] (Paragrah 3.3) Draft Limit Advice Yes Review Non-thermal Further information or Limit Advice additional Limit (Paragrah 4) Advice? Additional Limit Advice Further information/ Non-thermal Limit additional Limit Advice Further information required? amount and complexity of Timeframe dependent on Advice: Overview (Paragrah 3.3) information No Finalise Limit Advice Final Limit Advice planned outage approval or unplanned outage events Timeframe dependent on progress of connection/ network augmentation, Refer to timeframe requirement in (Paragrah 3.3) Constraint Equation implemented Fixed timeframe Variable timeframe commissioning of connection/ network augmentation, planned outage or unplanned outage events WRIG 01/10/2020 Limit Advice Requirements 12/10/2020 8

  9. • Format, form and manner • Non-thermal Limit Equations L imit Advic e • Non-thermal Limit Advice Inputs, supporting Re q uire me nts information and data Non-thermal Limit Advice: Format, form and manner WRIG 01/10/2020 Limit Advice Requirements 12/10/2020 9

  10. Typical lead t time Cause of of non on-thermal L Limit Circumstances of of prov ovision on of of Maximu mum B m Business D Days to Timeframe me o of requireme ment for Advice r requirement non on-thermal L Limit Advice com omplete ( (from t the start of of non on-thermal Limit A Advice t to be L imit Advic e review) w) finalised A year or more in advance Significant change to SWIS under After Network augmentation/ 30 days Typically at least 3 months prior normal operation, due to reinforcement has been to commissioning of new network augmentation or approved for detailed design equipment Re q uire me nts reinforcement And, typically, 6 months prior to commissioning of new equipment Significant change to SWIS under After Detailed Planning Data in 30 days Typically, at least 3 months prior normal operation, due to new relation to relevant connection to commissioning of new connections details becomes available to the connection Network Operator, And, typically, 6 months prior to commissioning of new connection Months and up to a year in Single Outage As soon as practically possible 20 days If a Network Operator forms a advance after a Network Operator view that non-thermal Limit forms a view that a non- Advice is required for Outages, thermal Limit Advice is non-thermal Limit Advice should required for Outages, and be provided to AEMO for typically 4 months prior to finalisation as soon as practically finalisation of the Limit Advice possible. Non-thermal Limit Multiple Outages 20 days, and additional 2 days per Network Limit Where in relation to Planned Advice: Timeframe Outages, prior to approval of an Outage and typically 2 months prior to commencement of the Outage. Planned minor change to SWIS Typically, 3 months prior to Up to 20 days Typically 1 month prior to the under normal operation proposed changes approval of the change to the SWIS Immediate and up to 1 day in Unforeseen events As required and best endeavours As required and best endeavours Immediate and best endeavours advance [1] Examples of significant change to SWIS under normal operation include: a new generation or load connection, Network augmentations, and new Network equipment having significant impact on system normal operation. [2] Detailed Planning Data has the meaning given in Attachment 3 of Technical Rules. [3] Note that Constraint Equations for the power system under Outage conditions are typically implemented in advance and must be ready to be invoked when Outages take place. Therefore, relevant non-thermal Limit Advice must be provided as soon as practically possible, whenever a Network Operator forms a view that an updated or a new non-thermal Limit Advice is required. [4] Examples of minor changes to the SWIS under normal operation include: change of normally open or closed points, and change of switching philosophy of Network equipment. [5] Examples of unforeseen events include multiple and non-credible contingencies due to bushfire or storms determined and re-classified by AEMO as Credible Contingencies in accordance with clause 3.8A.5 of the WEM Rules. WRIG 01/10/2020 Limit Advice Requirements 12/10/2020 10

  11. • To support formulation of constraint equations L imit Advic e • WEM Market Objectives Re q uire me nts • Good electricity industry practice • AEMO is not required to • Review methodology & assumptions • Recalculate/modify Limit equations • To identify residual risks and unnecessary consequences: Non-thermal Limit Advice: Review • Failing to maintain Power System Security or Power System Reliability • Overly conservative such that inconsistent with WEM Market Objectives • Unintended impact on power systems • To inform AEMO’s request for clarification, additional information and Limit Advice [2.2 .27A.4 A.4] WRIG 01/10/2020 Limit Advice Requirements 12/10/2020 11

  12. • Publication L imit Advic e • Public information Re q uire me nts • When thermal Limit Advice is received • When non-thermal Limit Advice is finalised • General review of Constraint Equations & request for additional/updated Limit Advice • Retirement General requirements • As specified by NO to be obsolete WRIG 01/10/2020 Limit Advice Requirements 12/10/2020 12

  13. • Additional comments or questions can be Que stio ns provided to AEMO • WA.ETS@aemo.com.au • AEMO Contact – Josephine Nga WRIG 01/10/2020 Limit Advice Requirements 12/10/2020 13


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