Consulting Engineers S.r.l. PRESENTATION Serrù dam in Orco valley – AEM Turin Abha dam, Asir, Saudi Arabia Waterways S.r.l. – Via Augusto Vera 20 – 00142 Roma – tel/fax +390643415484 –
WATERWAYS__________________________________________________ P RESENTATION Feasibility studies Projects Technical assistance Investigations Geology and Geotechnics Consultancies Work supervision Environmental impact assessments Design Validation Serrù dam, Orco valley, termographic survey 1998 Waterways was stated in 1983 consolidating the previous professional expe- rience dated from 1972, including both design and technical assistance to con- struction. Waterways has gained a wide experience in the field of civil works, in particu- lar for dams and power station, water supply and sanitation, irrigation and agricultural development plans, water resources, risk and emergency interven- tions, road and railways trasports and road safety projects, in Italy and abroad. Cyprus, survey of water leakage in Nicosia aquedict, 2002 Waterways performed several technical assistance services for United Nations, to the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to the Italian Presidence of Ministries’ Board, to EuropeAid. Waterways assisted major Italian and French Contractors during bid prepara- tion, for design analysis, search of alternatives, construction methods, price analyses, as well as assisting them during construction. 1
WATERWAYS__________________________________________________ P RESENTATION Environmental process modelling Waterways gained very high competence and qualification in the field of WWTP and integrated urban wastewater systems modelling. The division is managed by Dr. Lorenzo Benedetti, a leading expert in the field. Main projects • Calibration of the Czajka WWTP (Poland) • Model of the Traffeyère WWTP (France) • Modelling of the integrated urban wastewater system of the city of Eindhoven (Netherlands) • Modelling and sensitivity analysis of the WWTPs of Lynetten and Damhusaen (Denmark) • Modelling of the Drava river (Croatia) • EU research project SANITAS Modelling of the WWTPs of Modelling of the Drava River (Croatia) Lynetten and Damhusaen (Denmark) SST_r_H return_sludge_control_ratio ATS_split SST_v0 T2_T5_ATS 1000 ATS_control_Q_OFF 100 10 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 no WWTP eff. 1 N P removal current 0.1 no treatment 0.01 BOD O2 NO3 PO NH COD sec_9 Modelling of the integrated urban wastewater system of the city of Eindhoven (Netherlands) Modelling the Czajka WWTP in Warsaw (Poland) KALLISTO project 2
WATERWAYS__________________________________________________ P RESENTATION Dams, weirs and hydroelectric power plants. Waterways, also through appointement to the Tecnichal Director Luciano Serra, per- former studies and design on 85 major projects in Italy and abroad In Indonesia, in Dominican Republic, in Iraq, in Morocco, in Algeria, in Salvador, in Libya, inBrasil, in Saudi Arabia, in Sarawak, in India, in Phil- ippines, in Tunisia, in Turkey, in Chile. Agaro dam, Ossola Valley Abha dam construction, Saudi Arabia Abdelmoumen, Morocco Studied dams and reservoirs are set to various purposes, hydroelectric, fresh water, irrigation, flood protection, navigation purposes. The service performed varies from full design to assistance during bidding or construction, validation of design, environmental impact assessment. Safety assessment and procedures for management was performed for 25 dams in Italy, under appointment of the Servizio Dighe. 3
WATERWAYS__________________________________________________ P RESENTATION Dams in Italy Client Service Year Gavardo Regione Lombardia Risks and environment 2003-2005 Esine Regione Lombardia Risks and environment 2003-2005 Cedegolo Regione Lombardia Risks and environment 2003-2005 Bovegno Regione Lombardia Risks and environment 2003-2005 Cividate Regione Lombardia Risks and environment 2003-2005 Serrù AEM - Torino Rehabilitation 1997-2000 Agrasina Sisma Elettrica Rehabilitation 1997-1998 Larecchio Sisma Elettrica Rehabilitation 1997-1998 Piano del Campo Dumez GTM Contractor Consultancy 1996-1997 Pagnona PCM, Servizio Dighei Risks and dam safety 1995-1998 Cardenello PCM, Servizio Dighei Risks and dam safety 1995-1998 Stuetta PCM, Servizio Dighei Risks and dam safety 1995-1998 Lago Eugio PCM, Servizio Dighei Risks and dam safety 1995-1998 Lago Truzzo PCM, Servizio Dighei Risks and dam safety 1995-1998 Piantelessio PCM, Servizio Dighei Risks and dam safety 1995-1998 S. G. di Fraele PCM, Servizio Dighei Risks and dam safety 1995-1998 Cancano PCM, Servizio Dighei Risks and dam safety 1995-1998 Ortiglieto PCM, Servizio Dighei Risks and dam safety 1995-1998 Valla PCM, Servizio Dighei Risks and dam safety 1995-1998 Valtoggia PCM, Servizio Dighei Risks and dam safety 1995-1998 Morasco PCM, Servizio Dighei Risks and dam safety 1995-1998 Alpe Larecchio PCM, Servizio Dighei Risks and dam safety 1995-1998 Agaro PCM, Servizio Dighei Risks and dam safety 1995-1998 Agrasina PCM, Servizio Dighei Risks and dam safety 1995-1998 Sabbione PCM, Servizio Dighei Risks and dam safety 1995-1998 Quarazza PCM, Servizio Dighei Risks and dam safety 1995-1998 Melezet PCM, Servizio Dighei Risks and dam safety 1995-1998 Gurzia PCM, Servizio Dighei Risks and dam safety 1995-1998 Rochemolles PCM, Servizio Dighei Risks and dam safety 1995-1998 Lago della Rossa PCM, Servizio Dighei Risks and dam safety 1995-1998 L. dietro la Torre PCM, Servizio Dighei Risks and dam safety 1995-1998 Malciaussia PCM, Servizio Dighei Risks and dam safety 1995-1998 Valsoera PCM, Servizio Dighei Risks and dam safety 1995-1998 Rimasco PCM, Servizio Dighei Risks and dam safety 1995-1998 Pont Ventoux Spie Batignolles Contr. Bid project 1993-1994 Cardinale Todini Contractor Consultancy 1992 Gimigliano Italstrade Contractor Bottom outlet design 1991-1992 Corbara Comune di Baschi EIA 1987-1989 La Gera Cigri Design 1987-1989 Montebamboli Cigri Design 1986-1987 Menta Grassetto Contractor Bid design 1984 Gimigliano Italconsult Design 1983-1984 Fluminimanno Grassetto Contractor Bid design 1983 Pian Ferrale Etsaf Design 1982-1984 Marsico Nuovo Grassetto Contractor Bid design 1982-1983 La Cantoniera Grassetto Contractor Design 1981 Arcichiaro Grassetto Contractor Bid design 1981 Serranella Consorzio Lanciano Technical assistance 1980 Castreccioni As Italconsult Design 1978 Gimigliano As Italconsult Design 1976-1979 Pantaleo As Italconsult Design 1975-1976 Farneto As Italconsult Design 1975 S Anna As Italconsult Design 1974 4
WATERWAYS__________________________________________________ P RESENTATION Dams and power plants in the world Country Description Client Service Year Al Samer and Um Al Kahir Safège Almabani Con- Design and technical assis- Saudi Arabia 2011 dams for flooding prevention. tractor tance during construction Hydroelectric power plant of CEL/Astaldi Contrac- El Salvador Design 2009-10 Chaparral tor/Sembenelli Dokan dam and hydroelectric World Bank/ELC Electro- Iraq Consultancy for rehabilitation 2009 power plant consult Derbendi Khan dam and hy- World Bank/ELC Electro- Iraq Consultancy for rehabilitation 2009 droelectric power plant consult Glory project and Cetin dam – Edison/ELC Electrocon- Turkey Due diligence 2009 700 MW sult Angostura power project, 300 Colbun/ELC Electrocon- Chili Dasign variations 2008-09 MW sul Database of dams and reser- System analysis and Algeria EU/PMO 2008 voirs of the coyntry methodology Environmental impact asses- Morocco Power palnt of Afourer BEI/ONE/AGRECO. 2007 sment Environmental impact asses- Morocco Power plant of Abdelmoumen BEI/ONE/AGRECO. 2007 sment Congo Republic Inga dam SNEL Technical assistance 2005 Sarawak (Mala- Condotte d'Acqua Ital- Bakun dam 2.400 MW Study of the proposal 1995 ysia) strade Contractors Environmental impact asse- Kazakhstan Sir Darya y Aral sea (19 dams) C. Lotti & Associati 1994 sment Condotte d’Acqua Co n- Philippines S. Roque dam Study of the proposal 1994 tractor Tunisia Guemgoum dam C. Lotti & Associati Design 1986-87 Spie Batignolles Contrac- Tachnical assistance during Venezuela La Vueltosa dam 1982-83 tor construction Alternative energy study in Localisation of mini hydro Indonesia Asian Development Bank 1982 Borneo plants PLN/MAE/ITS/C. Lotti & Indonesia Anai power project Design 1980-82 Associati Libya Wadi Zaza dam Lotti & Associati Design 1981 Peru Recreta dam ITS Study of the proposal 1980 Sikuvyaye dam and power Burundi ITS Design 1979-80 station Mulembwe dam and power Burundi ITS Design 1979 station Algeria Douani reservoir Comtec Design 1979 Dominican Rep. Alto Yuna dam Italconsult Study of the proposal 1978 Dominican Rep. Hatillo dam Italconsult Design 1977 Algeria Hamma Grouz dam Italconsult Study of the proposal 1977 Power projects Los Toros 1 e Dominican Rep. Italconsult Design 1976 2 Dominican Rep. Sabana Yegua dam Italconsult Design 1974-75 Brasil Erechim dam Italconsult Design 1974 Montedil/Incas Bonna Saudi Arabia Abha dam Construction 1971-74 Contractor 5
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