Grace L. Scott Pretreatment Coordinator Water Resources Division 517-284-5488 (new number)
Stormwater, Asset Management and Wastewater (SAW) Grants for: Stormwater and wastewater asset management plan development, Stormwater management plan development, Sewage collection and treatment plan development, Loans to: Construct projects identified in an asset management plan or stormwater management plan.,4561,7-135- 3308_3333_4169_21606-308098--,00.html
Federal Regulations Effluent Guidelines Steam Electric (40 CFR Part 423) Proposed revisions published in Federal Register on 6/07/2013 Comments were due 9/20/2013 Final Regulation expected May 2014 (required under consent decree between EPA and the Defenders of Wildlife and the Sierra Club) electric/index.cfm
Federal Regulations Electronic Reporting Rule – Would require all NPDES reporting be submitted electronically. Covers municipalities and some SIUs. electronic-reporting-rule Published in Federal Register 7/30/2013 Comments due 10/28/2013
Federal Regulations Preliminary 2012 Effluent Guidelines Program Plan for review and comments due October 7, 2013. ndex.cfm No new categories are proposed. Requesting comment on how EPA evaluates industries. No additional information on Dental Amalgam Effluent Guideline Continuing to work on Shale Gas Extraction. Discontinuing - Coalbed Methane Extraction , Chlorine and Chlorinated Hydrocarbon manufacturing, and Regenerated Cellulose Manufacturers (under Plastics Forming).
Constitution Hall Staff are moving (1, 2, 3 or even 4 times) We ask for your patience, as we are operating without access to many files and resource materials. Staff in Lansing will have all new phone numbers, and some field staff are receiving cell phones. For current contact information:
Sleeping Bear Dunes Our best kept secret is out. Voted the most beautiful place in America in 2011. Now Michigan is truly a world class destination. With 20% of the world’s fresh water surrounding us, we have a huge responsibility to ensure that it’s clean. Thank you and the MWEA for your long commitment to this difficult and important work.
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