water resource data gri d in thailand

Water Resource Data GRI D in Thailand By Royol CHITRADON, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Water Resource Data GRI D in Thailand By Royol CHITRADON, royol@haii.or.th Hydro and Agro I nformatics I nstitute, www.haii.or.th National Science and Technology Development Agency Ministry of Science and Technology Technology at HAI I Mobile

  1. Water Resource Data GRI D in Thailand By Royol CHITRADON, royol@haii.or.th Hydro and Agro I nformatics I nstitute, www.haii.or.th National Science and Technology Development Agency Ministry of Science and Technology

  2. Technology at HAI I Mobile Telem etering For monitoring temperature, humidity, solar intensity, air pressure, rainfall, etc for 24 hours a day. The real-time data is transmitted via GPRS package radio, etc.

  3. Technology at HAI I I nternet GI S - MI S พฤศจิกายน 2548 รายงานความกาวหนา 32 The application of I nternet GI S– MI S for w ater resource and agricultural m anagem ent, and com m unity developm ent

  4. Technology at HAI I Terabyte Server Data w arehouses consist of a cluster of com puters operated as a server and connected w ith backup archives.

  5. www.thaiwater.net www.thaiwater.net www.thaiweather.net www.thaiweather.net

  6. w w w .thaiw ater.net

  7. w w w .thaiw ater.net Thaiw ater.net presents w ater related inform ation including: � Storm direction � Rainfall information � Water diagram � Water level in Chaopraya River Basin and Pasak River Basin � Water level and rainfall in Bangkok � Dam water level � Water model and warning system in flood and drought for water management.

  8. w w w .thaiw eather.net

  9. w w w .thaiw eather.net Thaiw eather.net presents autom atic real - tim e data collected from Mobile Tele Metering and Autom atic W eather Stations nationw ide. At present, there are over 3 0 0 stations in operation. It was designed to be portable and easy to install with prompt responses via GPRS system on mobile phones. Moreover, the system can be real-time inspected by Internet (WWW) or WAP. This system can measure various types of data including: � Solar intensity � Temperature � Humidity � Air pressure � Rainfall � Water level

  10. ’ as a Service as a Service Data ’ ‘ Data ‘

  11. Data ’ ’ as a Service as a Service ‘ Data ‘ Data Warehouse Data Warehouse ‘Data Data’ ’ Grid Grid Data Services ‘ Data Services Transformation Data Source 1 Data Warehouse Data Source 2 Standards Standards & & Controls Controls • Data Exchange • Data Access Transformation Data Source 3 Protocols Method ‘Middleware’ • Tag / Metadata • Metadata/ Data • Data Definitions Semantic Warehouse • Data Structures • Data Definitions Data Source 4 • Platform • Data Structures Independent • Platform Independent Transformation Data Source 5 Data Warehouse Data Source 6

  12. Data ’ ’ as a Service as a Service ‘ Data ‘ Data Warehouse Data Warehouse ‘Data Data’ ’ Grid Grid Data Services ‘ Data Services Transformation Data Source 1 Data Warehouse Data Source 2 Standards Standards & & PHP5 PHP5 Controls Controls FTP FTP SOA • Data Exchange • Data Access SOA Transformation Data Source 3 Protocols Method PHP5 Semantic Web ‘Middleware’ PHP5 Semantic Web • Tag / Metadata • Metadata/ Data • Data Definitions Semantic GML PHP5 Warehouse GML PHP5 • Data Structures • Data Definitions Data Source 4 • Platform • Data Structures Web Services Web Services Web Services Web Services Independent • Platform Independent Extract, Load, Transform Extract, Load, Transform Transformation Data Source 5 Data Warehouse Data Source 6

  13. HAII Technology Roadmap HAII Technology Roadmap Geospatial Web SVG Geospatial Web SVG Semantic Web Semantic Web GML GML Web 3.0 SOA SOA Web 2.0 Web Service Web Service - - - - Continuous Improvement - - - - community Tagcloud SOAP REST Tagcloud SOAP REST podcast collaboration CMS Wiki CMS Wiki social journal weblog software longtail XML RSS XSLT XML RSS XSLT MCF In Place Auto In Place Auto Javascript AJAX Effect Drag & Drop Javascript AJAX Effect Drag & Drop Editor Complete Editor Complete web as collective platform ASP SaaS intelligence HTML XHTML HTML HTML Design Pattern XHTML HTML Design Pattern CSS CSS Design Pattern CSS CSS Design Pattern PEAR:DB PEAR PEAR PEAR:DB PEAR PEAR PHP 4 PHP 5 PHP 6 PHP 4 PHP 5 PHP 6 Data-Grid DB-Pager Pager Data-Grid DB-Pager Pager …. …. PEAR PEAR PEAR MDB2 PEAR MDB2 PHP-Compat PHP-Compat Web 2.0 สวนที่ HAII ไมไดเลือกใช Onward 2548 2549 2550 2551

  14. Climate Change in GLOBAL

  15. Climate Change in SEA Region

  16. SSH on December 11 th , 2007 SSH raising is shown in Gulf of Thailand and Andaman Sea, and SSH of the east of Pacific and the west of Indian Sea is lower. This pattern is similar to the year 2002 and 2006 which had heavy flood.

  17. SSH on December 12 th , 2001

  18. SSH on December 10 th , 2005

  19. SSH on December 11 th , 2004

  20. 2008 Rainfall Projection by using December 2007 SSH Image Sea surface height anomalies – SSH is result of sea surface temperature difference and sea surge in the ocean. Sea surface is the major part of an earth surface, so, changing or movement of sea is a good indicator of a long range weather projection in each year. It is similar to using sea surface temperature anomalies to project elNino and Lanina which will indicate annual rainfall projection. It is founded that SSH of this year – 2008 is similar to the year 2002 and 2006 (heavy flood year), and the pattern is in opposite of the year 2005 (drought year). By this comparison, rainfall pattern of this year is projected. Then projection of 2008 Rainfall would be similar to 2002 Rainfall.

  21. Climate Change in Thailand

  22. Data from TMD Automatic Rain Guage Max. annual rainfal : 4,853.4 mm. in Trad 2005 Min. annual rainfall: 647.7 mm. in 200.00 Supanburi 2004 (784,274 MCM.) 159.70 Annual Rainfall Deviation in mm. 150.00 Annual Rainfall in MCM. (760,358 MCM.) 112.93 (751,798 MCM.) 96.19 100.00 11.62% 8.22% 50.00 7.00% (702,917 MCM.) 0.60 0.04% (1,374 mm.) 0.00 2546 2547 2548 2549 2550 -2.19% Year in B.E. -30.08 -50.00 (687,228 MCM.) -100.00 Average Rainfall in 48 yrs., 1950-1997 1,374 mm. Volume 702,610 MCM. Country Area 511,361 sqKM.

  23. Rainfall in May Average of 1950 - 97 Of 2007 ม . ม . Rainfall in mm.

  24. Rainfall in June Average of 1950 - 97 Of 2007 ม . ม . Rainfall in mm.

  25. Rainfall in July Average of 1950 - 97 Of 2007 ม . ม . Rainfall in mm.

  26. Rainfall in August Average of 1950 - 97 Of 2007 ม . ม . Rainfall in mm.

  27. Rainfall in September Average of 1950 - 97 Of 2007 ม . ม . Rainfall in mm.

  28. Rainfall in October Average of 1950 - 97 Of 2007 ม . ม . Rainfall in mm.


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