Water management on the Lunan Water Andy Vinten, Laure Kufuss, Orla Shortall, – can we give Ina Pohle nature a little help? + Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
Improve management of natural assets - eg: smart regulation of water flows £30k annualised value of relieving irrigation restriction Impact at low flows Weir could relieve low flow and promote abstraction reporting Question: Water quality Could water levels in Local stakeholder influences wetland lochs and wetlands be concerns identified: biodiversity in managed to give better Impacts on wetland flooding, wetland ecosystem services Chapel Mires ecology ecology, irrigation, across the catchment Weir could divert fisheries and water using smart hydraulic quality sediment and controls? nutrients from (eg tilting weir) Chapel Mires Increasing loch water levels over 15y Flooding impacts Weir could enable smart storage and halve flood risk to upper catchment
Developing management instruments -Could a community interest company work? SURVEY: Willingness to pay X Governance governance evidence Share offer? Public finances? Charitable trust? Agency concerns: Riparian owner SNH- wetland ecology concerns: What are the changes in delivery of benefits SEPA – WFD / low flows Will it work? Eco-hydrological and and risks? Angus Council – floods Will I get the blame if hydraulic model it doesn’t? Who will run it? evidence real-time forecasting Is it financially Rivers Trust? of impacts of weir robust? CIC? management Will I get my say? Agency? Capital (<50k) and running costs <10k pa Comment from a farmer relatively minor at Glensaugh event: Robust long term funding streams Business plan and “Farmers will never seek liability agreed collaboration unless it is before consent mandatory” application to SEPA
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