wams amster ter

WAMS AMSTER: TER: Practical results WAMSTER Ad-hoc synchrophasor - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

1 WAMS AMSTER: TER: Practical results WAMSTER Ad-hoc synchrophasor measurement network Introducin oducing the WAMST STER2/ R2/SyncPQ SyncPQ multifu ifunct ction ional l DIN-rail il-moun mountabl table e unit: t: Modification of

  1. 1 WAMS AMSTER: TER: Practical results WAMSTER Ad-hoc synchrophasor measurement network Introducin oducing the WAMST STER2/ R2/SyncPQ SyncPQ multifu ifunct ction ional l DIN-rail il-moun mountabl table e unit: t: Modification of the STER PMU device into a new form factor with functional and measurement improvements (PMU, power quality, disturbance recorder) Studio Elektronike Rijeka, September 2013 ∙ www.ster.hr ∙ www.wamster.net

  2. Prese esentation ntation Co Contents ntents 2 About our company (STER) 1. (Studio Elektronike Rijeka d.o.o.) 2. WAMSTER system description WAMSTER achievements 3. SyncPQ: multifunctional synchrophasor 4. unit for distribution systems in a DIN rail mountable enclosure www.ster.hr

  3. 3 1. About out company Studio Elektronike Rijeka

  4. Our Our co comp mpany any  ST STER ER 4 Stud udio io Elektr tronik onike e Ri Rijeka ka d.o .o.o. .o. (S (STER) R)  Located in the Technology-Innovation Centre of Rijeka (TIC), J. P. Kamova 19  Development of technological solutions in automation, measurement and electronics  Founded in 2006 based on previous achievements in the field of power quality  Currently employing 3 R&D engineers www.ster.hr

  5. Our Our co comp mpete etence nce 5  Complete service in the field of measurement:  Hardware development  Firmware/software development  firmware: development of real-time measurement and control algorithms  software: distributed systems for data acquisition, storage, analysis, event detection, alarming  Management of complex measuring campaigns  Locating faults in naval and terrestrial power systems  Design and commissioning of automation systems  Steel plants, tobacco industry, shipyards and ships www.ster.hr

  6. Deve velopment lopment for or Me Metr trel el d.d .d. . Sl Slove venia nia 6  METREL PowerQ4+  Class A power quality instrument  METREL PowerView  Software for data acquisition, storage and analysis of measured data (Windows platform)  EN50160 / GOST compliant reporting www.ster.hr

  7. 2. WAMSTER system: 7 wide area monitoring system based on the synchrophasor (PMU) technology, using mobile telephony for data transmission WAM – wide area monitoring PMU – phasor measurement unit

  8. Sy Synchr nchrophasors ophasors 8  GPS satellite signal provides an accurate time base (1 μ s) across the globe  Pr Precise ise time bas ase e al allows ws system stem moni nitoring toring to be bas ased ed on n ab absol olute ute pha haso sor r an angles es  50/60 samples per second www.ster.hr

  9. WAM AMSTER STER sy syst stem em 9  Integrates measurement devices, data storage as a service and online analysis of distributed synchrophasor measurements  Key properties: STER PMU: a handheld, portable device for 1. synchrophasor measurements Uses the mobile network (GPRS/UMTS) for 2. communication Server application (service) for data acquisition, 3. storage, online (web) analysis, event detection and integration with third-party systems www.ster.hr

  10. 10 WAMSTER server Web clients GPRS (PC, laptop, node smartphone) STER PMU synchrophasors Database www.ster.hr

  11. ST STER ER PMU 11  Han andheld held pha haso sor r meas asur urement ment un unit  4 voltage + 4 current inputs  3 voltage ranges: 150/300/1000V  External toroids / current clamps  32GB flash memory (5mo.)  Battery backup (5h)  GPS synchronization (1 μ s/3 μ s)  GPRS communication  RS232 / USB / Ethernet www.ster.hr

  12. Tec echnologica hnological l ad advan vance ce: 12 STER PMU - Handheld device (4 kg incl cl. . bag ag) Mainstr stream eam PMU - Wirele less ss communications - Switchboard weighing 80 kg (mobile networks) - Wired d communication www.ster.hr

  13. ST STER ER PMU 13  Small dimensions  No ventilation  No rotating parts  Ins nstall talled ed in n an any posi osition tion www.ster.hr

  14. WAM AMSTER STER.NET .NET 14  Server application  Data concentration over GPRS/Ethernet  Data storage provided  Online access from any web enabled device (laptop, smartphone)  Online data analysis and event detection with configurable event triggering  Extensions: integration with existing systems (continuous forwarding, offline/daily/weekly archiving, FTP uploading) www.ster.hr

  15. WAM AMSTER STER Sy Syst stem em 15 . . . . . . TCP/IP Server Web Interface Ster Concentrator Real Time Data Provider Ster Logger Historical Data Provider WAMSTER Server Web Server Database www.ster.hr

  16. WAM AMSTER STER.NET .NET 16  Online device status monitoring  Full remote access to all devices over web www.ster.hr

  17. WAM AMSTER STER.NET .NET 17  Offline measurement analysis (trends)  Online measurement comparison www.ster.hr

  18. WAM AMSTER STER.NET .NET 18  Configurable event detection  Export to other formats (CSV) and download www.ster.hr

  19. WAM AMSTER STER extension tensions 19  Custom system state visualization on request  Integration with other systems:  Synchroshield (2010) – continuous data forwarding over the Internet towards CARWAMS  Energynautics (2012-2013) – daily archives are automatically sent to the client’s FTP server  Custom communication protocols  E-mail/SMS notifications www.ster.hr

  20. 20 3. WAMSTER installations and use cases

  21. CARWAMS AMS  Implemented for University of Rijeka  Active since 09/ 09/2010 2010 until 09/ 09/2011 2011  Hor.: 0.4kV, , Vert.: 0.4kV - 110kV  Data stream towards the TSO PDC www.ster.hr

  22. CARW RWAM AMS S LV an anal alysis ysis Event triggering: 22 • 50 fps on demand 50 fps request Monitoring and baselining: • Continuous 1 fps reporting • Daily angle fluctuations • Seasonal fluctuations A ( t ) STER:RITEH STER:FERZG 3 5 2 0 angle diference(deg) angle diference(deg) 1 -5 0 -10 -1 -15 04/Mar/2011 04/Mar/2011 -2 -20 17/Jun/2011 17/Jun/2011 -3 -25 00:00 06:00 12:00 18:00 00:00 00:00 06:00 12:00 18:00 00:00 a) b) STER:FESB STER:ETFOS 5 5 04/Mar/2011 04/Mar/2011 0 0 angle diference(deg) angle diference(deg) 17/Jun/2011 17/Jun/2011 -5 -5 φ ( t ) -10 -10 -15 -15 -20 -20 -25 -25 00:00 06:00 12:00 18:00 00:00 00:00 06:00 12:00 18:00 00:00 c) d) www.ster.hr

  23. CARM RMAWS: WS: HV HV-MV MV-LV V voltage tage level vels 23 Angle comparison HV-MV-LV 4.5 T:TSRIJEKA 110kV / 35kV L:TSRIJEKA - TSCENTAR 4 T:TSCENTAR 35kV / 10kV TSCENTAR10kV - LV:RITEH 3.5 Angle difference (degrees) 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 00:00 06:00 12:00 18:00 00:00 www.ster.hr

  24. Zag agreb b rin ing g 110kV 110kV 24  SIPS Project / HEP, conducted by Faculty of Engineering Rijeka  09/2 /201 011 until 03/2 /2012 12 www.ster.hr

  25. Zag agreb eb rin ing: : Topolo logy y loop op recon confi figur guration tion 25 20-Oct-2011 12:16:40 P = -45.9 MW Q = -2.3 MVAr www.ster.hr

  26. 26 Zag agreb eb rin ing : islanding caused by operator’s mistake 12-Jan-2012 52 JARUN-ELTO TETO-BOTINEC1 TETO-MRACLIN 51.5 Frequency (Hz) 51 Δ f = 1.2Hz 50.5 50 49.5 11:49:00 11:50:00 12-Jan-2012 12-Jan-2012 20 100 18 50 16 0 Power (MW,MVAr) Angle(deg) 14 -50 12 -100 P:ELTO-TRPIMIROVA P:TETO-BOTINEC1 Reference: STER-RI -150 P:TETO-MRACLIN 10 JARUN-ELTO Q:ELTO-TRPIMIROVA TETO-BOTINEC1 Q:TETO-BOTINEC1 -200 8 TETO-MRACLIN Q:TETO-MRACLIN 11:49:00 11:49:10 11:49:20 11:49:30 11:49:40 11:49:50 11:50:00 11:49:50 11:49:51 11:49:52 11:49:53 11:49:54 www.ster.hr

  27. HEP EP PP Sj Sjever ver 27  TSO HEP Pr Produc duction tion, , HE HE Sjever er, , Jul ul-Aug Aug 2012. 2012.  Problem: HP Dub ubrava ava power generator stopped due to power oscillations – cause unknown www.ster.hr

  28. HEP EP PP Sj Sjever ver 28  Customer requested a custom page for system stem overvi rview w an and onl nlin ine e moni nitoring toring www.ster.hr

  29. HEP EP PP Sj Sjever ver 29  Retrieved data provided new insights Switch tching ng events nts Atmospheric heric discha harge ges www.ster.hr

  30. HEP EP PP Sj Sjever ver 30  18-Jul-201: Detected power fluctuations www.ster.hr

  31. NIA IAF F Ab Abuj uja, a, Nig igeria eria 31  „Bridging SCADA“ demonstration, Apo Substation, in cooperation with:  KU Lueven, Belgium  Nigeria Infrastructure Agency Facility (NIAF), Nigeria  Bauchi State University, Nigeria www.ster.hr

  32. NIA IAF Ab Abuj uja, a, Nig igeria eria 32  Typical frequency fluctuations (49-51 Hz), blackout and switch to the DG supply 51 Hz 50 Hz 49 Hz 48 Hz www.ster.hr

  33. NIA IAF Ab Abuj uja, a, Nig igerij erija 33  Frequency fluctuation details (2h interval) 51 Hz 50 Hz 49 Hz www.ster.hr

  34. Ke Kenya nya, , Af Africa (2012/2013) 34  Energynautics Germany, UMEME 24/7 Germany  6 PMU devices, event detection, FTP upload www.ster.hr

  35. Ke Kenya nya UMEME2 EME24/7 4/7 35 220 kV TS 220/x kV PMU#41 41 Nyanyuki Nyanyuki 132 kV TS 132/x kV HE Masinga Turkwe wel Olkaria Kindaruma Kamburu Kiambere PMU#44 44 Mombasa Uganda Musaga Nakuru S.Hamud M.Andei ei Maungu Mombasa Naivesha Lessos Nairobi Rabai Kiboko Voi Mariakani PMU#42 42 PMU#40 40 PMU#45 45 Nakuru Nairobi Diani Bch. PMU#43 PM 43 Kisumu www.ster.hr


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