wa 2015 2216 application under section 73a to vary

WA/ 2015/ 2216 Application under Section 73A to vary Condition 1 of - PDF document

CHIDDINGFOLD PARISH COUNCIL M inutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 10 December 2015 at 7.45 pm in the Charles Watts Room of the Village Hall. Present: Cllr Richard Hogsflesh, Chairman (RH) Cllr Susie Forrest (SF) Cllr Tim

  1. CHIDDINGFOLD PARISH COUNCIL M inutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 10 December 2015 at 7.45 pm in the Charles Watts Room of the Village Hall. Present: Cllr Richard Hogsflesh, Chairman (RH) Cllr Susie Forrest (SF) Cllr Tim Forrest (TF) Cllr Roger Underwood, Vice-Chair (RU) Cllr Christine Tebbot (CT) Cllr Anthony J ohnson (AJ ) Cllr Derek J oseph (DJ ) Cllr Neil Denyer (ND) In attendance: Sue Frossard M ILCM (Clerk) Public: 5 Presentation to the Council a group of residents updated the Council in respect of areas of the parish that have no broadband - Pook Hill, Fisher Lane, Pickhurst Road and the area around ‘The M ulberry’. The Council was asked: ~ to influence the Surrey County Council (SCC) Open M arket Review (OM R) process to ensure this is a priority and to support the provision of Superfast broadband to the 400+ residential and business properties in the parish that do not have any broadband service. ~ when and how the Council will provide pressure/ influence/ input into SCC. ~ if there is any information that the groups of residents can provide to the Council to help it make a case. There was some discussion around the activity of the council over the last two or three years, in order to secure broadband for the whole parish. These questions were further discussed at Item 5.02.02 later in the meeting. Action 1.00 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE . No apologies had been received. 2.00 DECLARATIONS OF NON-RECORDED PECUNIARY OR OTHER INTERESTS IN ITEM S ON THE AGENDA. There were no declarations of interest. M INUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL M EETING HELD ON 12 NOVEM BER 2015. 3.00 The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 12 November 2015 were APPROVED and signed by the Chairman as being a true record of decisions at that meeting. 3.01 REVIEW OF OUTSTANDING ACTIONS FROM PREVIOUS M INUTES. (Not otherwise itemized on the agenda). There were no outstanding actions. 4.00 PLANNING COM M ITTEE. There were no updates. 4.01 PLANNING DECISIONS. Granted: WA/ 2015/ 2013 and WA/ 2015/ 2014 Combe Court, Combe Lane. Withdrawn: WA/ 2015/ 2001 Quest End, Woodside Road and WA/ 2015/ 2002 Chewton, Woodside Road. 4.02 PLANNING RECOM M ENDATIONS. WA/ 2015/ 2216 Application under Section 73A to vary Condition 1 of Russets, Petworth Road. WA/ 2011/ 2044 (restricts use to a temporary period). This application had been declared invalid. 4.03 The M inutes of the last Planning Committee meeting, held on 26 November 2015, were NOTED . The date of the next Planning Committee meetings, to be held on 07 and 28 January 2016, were NOTED . 5.00 WORKING AND ADVISORY GROUPS . It was AGREED that existing Working Groups continue unchanged and that no new groups are required. 5.01 ENVIRONM ENT AND AM ENITIES GROUP (EAG). 5.01.01 - Update on general EAG matters. There were no updates from this group. 5.02 BROADBAND GROUP (BBG). 5.02.01 - UPDATE ON BBG M ATTERS. There were no general updates. 5.02.02 - Response to Parishioners request for support. Having considered the facts presented by the residents in their earlier presentation: RESOLVED: to support a house to house drop of a questionnaire to ascertain the current level of coverage and speed of broadband in the parish. Data will be collected before the end of J anuary 2016. BBG Chiddingfold Parish Council Minutes - 10 December 2015 Signed by Chairman: .............................................................................. Date: ......................................... 2015-12-10---90

  2. 5.03 ROAD AND TRAFFIC GROUP (RTG). 5.03.01 - Update on RTG matters. There were no general updates . 5.03.02 - Butcher’s Paving. An estimate of £10k for the Parish Council’s contribution towards this work had been received from Surrey Highways. The work to be carried out by their contractor before April 2016. RESOLVED: to accept Surrey Highways’ estimate of £10k being the Parish Council’s contribution towards the project to re-design and re-lay the footway known as ‘the butcher’s paving’. Funded from the ear- marked reserve and to be carried out by Surrey Highways’ contractor before end of April 2016. 5.03.03 - Kerbing at the north end of The Green. An estimate of £10k for the Parish Council’s contribution towards this work had been received from Surrey Highways. The work to be carried out by their contractor before April 2016. (See also Item 9.03 below). RESOLVED: to accept Surrey Highways’ estimate of £10k, being the Parish Council’s contribution towards the project to kerb the northern edge of The Green. To be funded from general reserve (see Item 9.03 below). Work to be carried out by Surrey Highways’ contractor before end of April 2016. 5.04 NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN DEVELOPM ENT GROUP (NPDG). 5.04.01 - Update on Neighbourhood Plan matters. RH reported that a meeting had been held to discuss potential sites for development, the Settlement Boundary, The Green Belt Review and Waverley’s Local Plan. In one of its nine policies on starter homes, the Government had announced the use of Green Belt land to build starter homes where a local Neighbourhood Plan specifies the need for starter homes and that need is supported by residents. 5.05 RECREATION GROUND M AINTENANCE GROUP (RGM G). 5.05.01 - Update on RGM G matters. RH reported that STRI have carried out a survey of the Petworth Road recreation ground and will write a report on the work steps towards levelling and drainage. 5.06 EM ERGENCY PLAN GROUP (EPG). 5.06.01 - Update on EPG matters. There were no updates . 5.07 VILLAGE M AINTENANCE GROUP (VM G). 5.07.01 - Update on VM G matters. There were no updates . 6.00 PARISHIONERS’ CORRESPONDENCE . 6.01 GRANTS AND DONATIONS. The Clerk reported that she had received a number of letters of thanks from community organizations and groups in response to the donations or grant funding that this Council had provided this financial year. 7.00 OTHER CORRESPONDENCE AND BUSINESS . POLICING IN THE PARISH. SF reported that there had been one incident in the last month where a stone bird bath and some York stone slabs had been removed. SF also reported that she had attended the Neighbourhood Watch meeting on 09 December. The new Neighbourhood Police Commander for Waverley, M ark Bridge, was there to answer questions around the recent press reports on cuts to Surrey Police. There have been reports of 500 job cuts and difficulties recruiting into the Surrey Force due to the high cost of living in this area. However, the Police Commissioner for Surrey is talking about putting more ‘Bobbies on the beat’. According to M ark, the Police are unable to confirm whether there will be more Bobbies on the beat, including an assigned Officer and PCSO for each area, until 03 April 2016 when Surrey Police will receive the promised Government funding to support additional policing in the wake of the Paris shootings. 8.00 LATE ITEM S SINCE THE CLOSE OF THE AGENDA . There were no late items. 9.00 FINANCE AND COM PLIANCE GROUP (FCG) . 9.01 FINANCIAL STATEM ENT OF ACCOUNTS. RESOLVED: to approve the financial statements of accounts as measured against the budget for the year to 30 November 2015. 9.02 RECEIPTS AND PAYM ENTS. RESOLVED: to note receipts, to approve payments and to ratify payments necessarily made since the last council meeting as detailed on the Order to Pay form and in accordance with the 2015-2016 budget. Chiddingfold Parish Council Minutes - 10 December 2015 Signed by Chairman: .............................................................................. Date: ......................................... 2015-12-10---91

  3. 9.03 EXPENDITURE FOR KERBING NORTH END OF THE GREEN. Under the terms of its Lease the Parish Council has responsibility for maintenance of The Green. In order to fulfil this obligation and in conjunction with Item 5.03.03 above, Council was asked to approve the unbudgeted expenditure from general reserve of an estimated £10k to be paid to Surrey Highways who will, through their contractor, install high kerbing along the north edge of The Green. RESOLVED: to approve expenditure of an estimated £10,000, being this Parish’s contribution to Surrey Highways towards the installation of kerbing along the north end of The Green. 9.04 BUDGET FOR 2016-2017. The draft budget had been presented to Council for approval. RESOLVED: to approve the draft budget for 2016-2017. 9.05 PRECEPT DEM AND FOR 2016-2017. The precept demand for 2016-2017 had been calculated according to the above budget. RESOLVED: to approve the 2016-2017 precept demand to WBC for £118,500 2016-2017. 10.00 DATE OF THE NEXT PARISH COUNCIL M EETING . For information. Dates are set at the Annual Parish Council M eeting. NOTED: the date of the next Parish Council M eeting is Thursday 14 J anuary 2016. Chiddingfold Parish Council Minutes - 10 December 2015 Signed by Chairman: .............................................................................. Date: ......................................... 2015-12-10---92


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