VSAM P ERFORMANCE S UITE ™ Optimize VSAM performance with this powerful suite of tools from CSI International S
VSAM P ERFORMANCE S UITE ™ Optimize Your VSAM Performance Ken McMahon with Juan Alegria’s assistance will give an overview of the VSAM P ERFORMANCE S UITE ™ and will be available to answer questions following the presentation If you are watching a recorded version of this presentation, you can email us with any questions: info@csi-international.com
VSAM P ERFORMANCE S UITE ™ Upgrade and Save Pricing and Upgrade Options Current VSUM ™ or O VERRIDE ™ customers can upgrade to the VSAM P ERFORMANCE S UITE ™ 30% discount off the price of the “other product” through December 2014 25% discount off the “other product” through March 2015 New licensees of the VSAM P ERFORMANCE S UITE ™ 20% discount through December 2014 15% discount through March 2015
A T A G LANCE VSAM P ERFORMANCE S UITE ™ Offers powerful design, monitoring, and tuning capabilities for VSAM catalogs and datasets Improves DASD-space utilization and job-run performance Optimizes VSAM performance by using buffers more efficiently Significantly increases VSAM performance
VSUM ™ C OMPONENT VSAM P ERFORMANCE S UITE ™ Simplifies many of the complex tasks necessary for effective VSAM dataset design and management with the following features: An extended catalog search/list function A dataset modeling and design feature A dataset-recommendations feature A dataset space utilization analysis and backup option
O VERRIDE C OMPONENT VSAM P ERFORMANCE S UITE ™ Remains transparent to the programs involved Installs in minutes with no need to change any existing files, programs, or JCL Does not alter any VSAM files or make modifications to VSAM itself
O PTIMIZE AND S AVE The following performance improvements have been achieved in benchmarks of real-life applications: Physical I/Os Elapsed Typical sequential access 33% 10-50% Typical random access 25-50% 40-60% Clustered random access 99% 95% Perhaps best of all, these savings can be realized almost immediately.
VSAM P ERFORMANCE S UITE ™ Available Soon! System z Compatibility Available for z/OS and z/VSE First release will be bundled at the “license level” Marginal product integration between the two components of the product – Available December 2014
VSAM P ERFORMANCE S UITE ™ Available in the Near Future! Improved Integration Within the Product Second release will be the initial “product integration” release Recommendations module (within VSUM) will communicate directly with the buffering component Product will “learn” from itself and make tool more efficient over time Planned availability May 2015
VSAM P ERFORMANCE S UITE ™ Optimize VSAM performance with this powerful suite of tools from CSI International S 800-795-4914 sales@csi-international.com www.csi-international.com
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