Jessica Hubrich (German National Library) Visual Representations of Newspaper Information
2 | 25 | Visual Representations of Newspaper Information | 21 April 2016 Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 . Background 1 . Germ an Union Catalogue of Serials 2 . Project Context 3 . The New ZDB Catalogue 2 . Special Features of the New ZDB Catalogue 1 . Holdings Overview 2 . Title History 3 . Title Relations 3 . Sum m ary & Outlook
3 | 25 | Visual Representations of Newspaper Information | 21 April 2016 Germ an Union Catalogue of Serials ( ZDB) One of the world’s largest databases for journals, newspapers, monographic series and other serial publications 1.8 million titles 13.5 10.1 million million links to GND all countries holdings all languages all times about 4,000 printed German & Title increase per year: electronic Austrian Circa 45,000–50,000 digitised institutions
4 | 25 | Visual Representations of Newspaper Information | 21 April 2016 Germ an Union Catalogue of Serials ( ZDB) One of the world’s largest databases for journals, newspapers, monographic series and other serial publications 1.8 million titles 13.5 10.1 million million links to GND 60,000 holdings newspapers
5 | 25 | Visual Representations of Newspaper Information | 21 April 2016 Germ an Union Catalogue of Serials ( ZDB) Information contained in ZDB that can be used for visualisations 1.8 million titles 13.5 10.1 million million links to GND holdings title links machine-readable machine-readable places of time information time information distribution
6 | 25 | Visual Representations of Newspaper Information | 21 April 2016 Germ an Union Catalogue of Serials ( ZDB) Information contained in ZDB that can be used for visualisations 1.8 million titles 13.5 10.1 million million links to GND holdings title links places of Chronological relations: 850,000 distribution Relations ‟ has supplement”: 83,000 Relations ‟ is supplement of”: 74,000 Parallel editions: 310,000
7 | 25 | Visual Representations of Newspaper Information | 21 April 2016 Germ an Union Catalogue of Serials ( ZDB) Information contained in ZDB that can be used for visualisations 1.8 million titles 13.5 10.1 million million links to GND holdings title links places of distribution geo- 20,000 coordinates in GND
8 | 25 | Visual Representations of Newspaper Information | 21 April 2016 Germ an Union Catalogue of Serials ( ZDB) Context information in the current OPAC
9 | 25 | Visual Representations of Newspaper Information | 21 April 2016 Project Context ”Further development of the German Union Catalogue of Serials (Zeitschriftendatenbank, ZDB) as steering and research instrument for newspaper digitisation projects and for newspaper” – Funding: German Research Foundation – Project duration: 02/ 2014–06/ 2015 – Part of a joint project ”Digitisation of Historical Newspapers” Duration joint project: 05/ 2013–12/ 2015
1 0 | 25 | Visual Representations of Newspaper Information | 21 April 2016 Joint Project ‟ Digitisation of Historical New spapers” – Partners: 6 libraries Bavarian State Library, German National Library, State and University Library Bremen, Berlin State Library, Saxon State and University Library Dresden, University and State Library Halle – Aims - Proof of the feasibility regarding different organisational and technical digitisation methods - Infrastructural improvements for common representation and search environments - Insights and recommendations for a nation-wide funding scheme are gathered in a ‟ masterplan”.
1 1 | 25 | Visual Representations of Newspaper Information | 21 April 2016 ZDB Project – Partner German National Library Berlin State Library – Prussian Cultural Heritage ] init[ AG (Frontend development) – Aim New ZDB catalogue with innovative support of searches for newspapers and digitisation Betaversion online since 06/ 2015: zdb
1 2 | 25 | Visual Representations of Newspaper Information | 21 April 2016 The New ZDB Catalogue w ith Old Features … Search for Filter title data holdings Show • Title data • Title connections • Holdings Sort title data • Licence information
1 3 | 25 | Visual Representations of Newspaper Information | 21 April 2016 … and New Features breadcrumbtrail title facets/ checkboxes/ holdings autosuggest timeline facets title history Search for Filter holdings title data holdings map title relations map for places Compare of distribution holdings Show • Title data original script • Title connections • Holdings Sort title data • Licence information Sort holdings
1 4 | 25 | Visual Representations of Newspaper Information | 21 April 2016 … and New Features breadcrumbtrail title facets/ checkboxes/ holdings autosuggest timeline facets title history Search for Filter holdings title data holdings map title relations map for places Compare of distribution holdings Show • Title data original script • Title connections • Holdings Sort title data • Licence information Sort holdings
| 25 | Visual Representations of Newspaper Information | 21 April 2016 1 5 Visual Representation of I nform ation
| 25 | Visual Representations of Newspaper Information | 21 April 2016 1 6 Holdings Overview http: / / zdb/ title.xhtml?idn= 012416673&mf= nonlatin
| 25 | Visual Representations of Newspaper Information | 21 April 2016 1 7 Holdings Overview
| 25 | Visual Representations of Newspaper Information | 21 April 2016 1 8 Holdings Overview
1 9 | 25 | Visual Representations of Newspaper Information | 21 April 2016 Title History … http: / / zdb/ title.xhtml?idn= 014500930&mf= nonlatin
2 0 | 25 | Visual Representations of Newspaper Information | 21 April 2016 … w ith I ntegrated Overview of Supplem ents http: / / zdb/ title.xhtml?idn= 012416673&mf= nonlatin
2 1 | 25 | Visual Representations of Newspaper Information | 21 April 2016 Title Relations http: / / zdb/ title.xhtml?idn= 010716106&mf= nonlatin
2 2 | 25 | Visual Representations of Newspaper Information | 21 April 2016 Title relations
2 3 | 25 | Visual Representations of Newspaper Information | 21 April 2016 Sum m ary & Outlook Visualisation as value-adding services in the new ZDB catalogue but not the only new features to im prove searches Additional feature Support of … Enhanced search: … digitisation projects Checkbox ‟ planned digitisation” Facet ‟ digitisation” … digitisation projects Facet frequency … newspaper searches Facet attribute ‟ newspapers” Timeline … time-related newspaper searches
2 4 | 25 | Visual Representations of Newspaper Information | 21 April 2016 Sum m ary & Outlook Upcoming visualisation: facet & map ‟ places of distribution”
2 5 | 25 | Visual Representations of Newspaper Information | 21 April 2016 Thank You for Your I nterest! If you have any questions, please contact Jessica Hubrich German National Library URL of the betaversion of the new ZDB catalogue zdb
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