Evalutation of E- -newspaper newspaper Evalutation of E prototypes prototypes
E- -newspaper prototypes: newspaper prototypes: E User evaluations and tests User evaluations and tests • Evaluations of 3 E Evaluations of 3 E- -newspaper prototypes newspaper prototypes • from Aftonbladet, Göteborgs Posten and from Aftonbladet, Göteborgs Posten and Sundsvalls Tidning tested on 36 users Sundsvalls Tidning tested on 36 users • The test was done on users from Halmstad, The test was done on users from Halmstad, • Sundsvall and Gothenburg Sundsvall and Gothenburg • The duration of the test was around 45 The duration of the test was around 45 • minutes minutes • On each test two prototypes was evaluated, On each test two prototypes was evaluated, • one main test and one comparing test was one main test and one comparing test was conducted conducted
Selection of readers Selection of readers • The readers was selected from the The readers was selected from the • newspapers focusgroups and the selection newspapers focusgroups and the selection was based on age, gender and newspaper was based on age, gender and newspaper reading reading
The main test The main test • 5 minutes of free browsing/reading to let the user get familiar • 5 minutes of free browsing/reading to let the user get familiar with the prototype with the prototype • • A number of tasks were then given the user. The first tasks lead A number of tasks were then given the user. The first tasks lead the reader to the first page, index page and the index of the the reader to the first page, index page and the index of the different sections of the paper different sections of the paper • The main test continued with task oriented navigation (finding • The main test continued with task oriented navigation (finding articles). Problems were observed and noted and after every articles). Problems were observed and noted and after every finished task, questions about perceived problems were asked finished task, questions about perceived problems were asked • • The test was finished with an interview about usability and The test was finished with an interview about usability and navigation specific questions navigation specific questions
The comparative test The comparative test • One more prototype were tested with the One more prototype were tested with the • same approach as the main test but with a same approach as the main test but with a limited set of tasks limited set of tasks • The comparative test was finished with The comparative test was finished with • questions about what solutions the test questions about what solutions the test person preferred, which prototype that were person preferred, which prototype that were easiest to use, which prototype that easiest to use, which prototype that supported the best overview etc. supported the best overview etc.
The prototype from Aftonbladet The prototype from Aftonbladet • Based on a design from the traditional Based on a design from the traditional • newspaper newspaper • 4 levels of information; First page, table of 4 levels of information; First page, table of • contents, section index and the article level contents, section index and the article level • No hyperlinks within the paper except the No hyperlinks within the paper except the • bottom menu and the thumbnails on the bottom menu and the thumbnails on the section index section index
The prototype from Aftonbladet The prototype from Aftonbladet
The prototype from Aftonbladet The prototype from Aftonbladet
Main points from the Aftonbladet test Main points from the Aftonbladet test Observations and interviews: Observations and interviews: • A lot of respondents had trouble to know under which section • A lot of respondents had trouble to know under which section an article could be found an article could be found • • Half of the testpersons used the t.o.c during their search for Half of the testpersons used the t.o.c during their search for articles. The other half based their search on their conclusions articles. The other half based their search on their conclusions of where the article could be found of where the article could be found • Most people had trouble finding information on the t.o.c due to • Most people had trouble finding information on the t.o.c due to the amount of presented information the amount of presented information • Non of the users really browsed the newspaper, most users • Non of the users really browsed the newspaper, most users navigated through the section index’s thumbnails to the navigated through the section index’s thumbnails to the articles articles
Main points from the Aftonbladet test Main points from the Aftonbladet test Concluding interviews: Concluding interviews: • 10 of the 12 test persons thought it was easy to find • 10 of the 12 test persons thought it was easy to find the articles. The main reason mentioned was the the articles. The main reason mentioned was the section index (the thumbnails). section index (the thumbnails). • The most frequently mentioned problem was the lack • The most frequently mentioned problem was the lack of direct navigation from the t.o.c t.o.c and the first page: and the first page: of direct navigation from the – ” ... if links from the main index would have worked it would be great” . • All test persons thought it was easy to learn the • All test persons thought it was easy to learn the navigational aid and liked the information structure navigational aid and liked the information structure regarding the different levels of information. regarding the different levels of information.
Main points from the Aftonbladet test Main points from the Aftonbladet test Concluding interviews (cont.): Concluding interviews (cont.): • 10 of 12 persons said it was easy to get an 10 of 12 persons said it was easy to get an • overview of the information. The overview overview of the information. The overview was provided through the t.o.c t.o.c and the first and the first was provided through the page according to the answers. page according to the answers. • 7 persons said that it was hard to get a 7 persons said that it was hard to get a • feeling of how much information there was in feeling of how much information there was in the newspaper and also that it was hard to the newspaper and also that it was hard to get a feeling of what was read and what not. get a feeling of what was read and what not.
GP’s prototype GP’s prototype • The prototype was tested in two formats, A4 The prototype was tested in two formats, A4 • and A5. The design is primarily done for the and A5. The design is primarily done for the A5 format A5 format • 3 levels of information (first page, index and 3 levels of information (first page, index and • articles) articles) • First page contains hyperlinks to articles and First page contains hyperlinks to articles and • the index page contains sectionlinks the index page contains sectionlinks • ”The thumb navigation” is used for ”The thumb navigation” is used for • sequential browsing and also support sequential browsing and also support navigation back to index navigation back to index
GP’s prototype GP’s prototype
”the thumb” the thumb” ” • Inspired by how people hold Inspired by how people hold • newspapers when reading newspapers when reading – Support reading behavior from physical world – People move their hands while reading – ”thumb grip” was used by most of the users
Result of ”the thumb” Result of ”the thumb” Step 1 Step 2 Support movement of hand and change of • • Support movement of hand and change of grip grip – Thumb moves and ends up where you put your hand (”thumb”) • • The basic functions of ”the thumb” The basic functions of ”the thumb” navigation navigation – Sequential reading – ”Hide function” (step1 & 2) – Forward and backward ”page turning” (step1 & 2) – Access to menu (step 2) • Left or right hand navigation (never implemented) – Access to Index (step 2)
GP’s prototyp GP’s prototyp
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