visions of the future

Visions of the Future Reduction in Operating Costs Concentrator - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Increased Productivity Visions of the Future Reduction in Operating Costs Concentrator Improvements in Long Term Sustainability Dr David Way Chief Executive Officer Dr Sarma Kanchibotla Advisor - Mining Introduction

  1. Increased Productivity Visions of the Future Reduction in Operating Costs Concentrator Improvements in Long Term Sustainability Dr David Way Chief Executive Officer Dr Sarma Kanchibotla Advisor - Mining

  2. Introduction

  3. Traditional Process Flowsheet Mine KPI’s : Safety, production tons or Final Product bcm, mining cost/ton etc Mill KPI’s : Safety, throughput, milling cost/ton, recovery etc

  4. Traditional Process Flowsheet • Mine and mill are under different management structures and reporting systems o cost centres • Each process has production targets and cost budgets o endeavours to meet targets and budgets o focus on quantity (volume) rather than quality o Little understanding on the impact on other processes and overall value • KPI’s do not encourage to understand risks and maximise the overall value and risks • Inadequate systems to measure the outcomes in a timely and reliably manner • Inadequate communication between different processes to understand the interactions and changes • Cost focus rather than value maximisation and risk mitigation

  5. Ore Characterisation

  6. Information is Key Adding Value to Project Delivery 140 120 225 Axb values PERCENTAGE OF NAMEPLATE CAPACITY (%) 100 NPV ≈ USD 300 M 80 21 Axb values 60 40 McNulty Series 1 20 Ramp up of Greenfield Copper Concentrators 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MONTHS

  7. Drill to Mill – Downstream Prediction Using Blast Hole Data

  8. Ore Fragmentation

  9. Ore Fragmentation Opportunities Based on total power draw of 49872 kW for Ab = ~35 Throughput estimates: Lower 95% 1904 tph Mean 2178 tph Upper 95% 2545 tph 7 1 st intervention 2 nd intervention Pre 2011 2011 - 12 6 Mine to Mill Advanced Blast Fragmentation 5 Fragmentation Frequency 4 3 Industry standard 2 3112 3400 2820 1 ? 0 Can we go further Throughput (tph)

  10. Breakage in the Mine-to-Mill Value Chain Energy

  11. Baseline - Current Practise Throughput = 100 F80 = 120 – 150mm Relative energy intensity /unit metal = 100 Relative capital cost / unit metal = 100 Fines = 10 -15% Feed Characteristics Hydrocyclone • F80 > 120mm • Fines (-10mm) < 10 % Recycle • Crusher Ab = 35 • Bwi = 14 • Grade – 5 -10 % dilution D&B cost ≈ $0.30/ton SAG Ball Mill Screen Mill

  12. Best Case – Mine to Mill Practise F80 < 100mm Throughput = 110 - 120 Relative energy intensity /unit metal = 80 - 90 Relative capital cost / unit metal = 100 Fines > 15 - 20% Feed Characteristics Hydrocyclone • F80 < 100mm • Fines (-10mm) > 15 - 20 % Recycle • Crusher Ab = 35 • Bwi = 14 • Grade < 5 % dilution D&B costs ≈ $0.60/ton SAG Ball Mill Screen Mill

  13. Future Feed Integrated Process Model Throughput = 130 - 140 Grade Relative energy intensity /unit metal = 70 - 80 Hardness Each Relative capital cost / unit metal = 100 block Fragmentation Tph Recovery Kwh/t $/t Value / block F80 < 100mm Hydrocyclone Superior Feed Recycle Fines > 40% Crusher Feed Characteristics • F80 < 50mm • Fines (-10mm) > 40 % SAG • Ab = 45 (micro fractures) Ball Mill Screen Mill • Bwi = 12 (micro fractures • Grade < 3 % dilution D&B costs ≈ $1.50/ton

  14. Super Fine Feed with Future Concentrator Throughput > 150 Relative energy intensity /unit metal < 60 Relative capital cost / unit metal < 60 Impact breaker Grizzly 75mm Screen 10mm Feed Characteristics • F80 < 50mm • Fines (-10mm) > 40 % Rolls • Ab = 45 (intense micro fracturing) • Bwi = 10 Crusher • Grade < 2% dilution Ball Mill D&B costs ≈ $1.50 /ton • Δ ≈ $1.00 /ton

  15. Ore Pre - Concentration

  16. Ore Pre - Concentration • Early Gangue Rejection • Reduced Mass for Grinding and Mineral Separation • Reduced Maintenance in Comminution Circuit

  17. Classification

  18. Classification Typical product size Recovery losses P 80 Recovery Optimum Recovery losses + range for % energy + grind size passing slimes Size Leverage of classification? • Energy savings • Minimise production of slimes

  19. Classification

  20. Classification - Opportunities Site energy Circulating load Throughput Flotation Feed P 80 consumption in ball mill circuit Water Consumption Valuables Recovery

  21. Classification – JKMRC Research • JKTech Promoted Research - Current Hydrocyclone Technology v Screening • Measure the size of the opportunity for screening • Novel Cyclone Design • Proof of concept tests completed with 250mm cyclone with synthetic ores and a real ore • Results show that the new cyclones • Cut much coarser with lower water split compared to standard cyclone • Performance is comparable to that of fine wet screening Actual efficiency curve (d50c=80micron and WS to U/F=30%) Actual efficiency curve (d50c=80micron and Alpha=3) 100.00 120.00 90.00 100.00 Efficiency to U/F [%] 80.00 Efficiency to U/F [%] 70.00 80.00 60.00 60.00 50.00 Alpha=3 WS to U/F=30% 40.00 40.00 Alpha=8 WS to U/F=10% 30.00 20.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 1 10 100 1000 0.00 1 10 100 1000 size [ μ m] size [ μ m] Next Steps: 1. Prototype development and detailed parametric testing 2. Industrial testing

  22. Flotation & Regrind

  23. Effect of Flotation Feed Size on Overall Performance 500 100 450 Overall Metal Recovery at Target Grade Metal Sulphide Liberation, % 80 Throughput Relative to Basecase, % 400 Typical Region for & Metal Recovery, % 350 Optimum Flotation Recovery 60 300 Metal Sulphide Liberation for Rougher Flotation Feed 250 40 80kt/a Metal in 56kt/a Metal in Concentrate 200 Concentrate 3kt/a Metal in 20 Tailings 43% 150 100 Potential Throughput Variation 0 per unit time 50 -20 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Primary Grind Size, (P 80 microns)

  24. Liberation for Rougher Recovery Target - Low Grade Composite Particles Floatable Non - Floatable Valuable Sulphide or Precious Mineral A Valuable Sulphide or Precious Mineral B Gangue Mineral

  25. Low Grade Composite Flotation – Some Considerations • Increase in Rougher Concentration Mass Recovery • More Regrind Capacity • Staged Regrind David Way, Principal Metallurgist, Xstrata Copper Kenton Maloney, Project Metallurgist, Xstrata Copper Reference: D. Way & K. Maloney, Mill Optimisation, March 2011, Optimisation of Regrind Power for the Tampakan Copper – Gold Project

  26. Conclusions

  27. Future Concentrator Process Flowsheet • Mine and Concentrator as one business unit • Integrate and optimise the total process rather than an individual process • Focus on maximising the overall value and minimising the risk to total business rather than unit cost minimisation • Understand the interactions between the key processes in value chain Geology / Planning Flotation Drilling Maximise Value & Grinding Blasting Minimise Risks Crushing Loading Hauling

  28. Future Concentrator Opportunities • Improved Ore Characterisation • Comminution & Waste Rejection Starts in the Mine • Ore Pre - Concentration • Classification • Separating Coarser Particles containing Lower Valuable Mineral Content • Higher Rougher Mass Recoveries • Staged Regrind and Flotation • Improved Dewatering • Reduced Environmental Exposure Not Considered but Important • Separation and Water Chemistry, Mill Design Options, Flotation Cell Options, etc …

  29. Breakage in the Future Process Flowsheet 100% Sag Mill Product 80% Crusher Flotation ROM Product Feed 60% Cum % passing 40% 20% In-situ 0% 1000 0.1 1 10 0.01 100 Size mm

  30. Contact Us For More Information Social Media Head Office Website & Email JKTech South America SpA JKTech.Pty.Ltd 40 Isles Road Av. Vitacura 2670, Piso 15 Indooroopilly QLD 4068 Las Condes Santiago AUSTRALIA CHILE Phone : +61 7 3365 5842 Phone: +56 2 2820 4355

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