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Vision Development Cincinnati, Ohio, USA Cincinnati, Ohio, USA - PDF document

Vision Development Cincinnati, Ohio, USA Cincinnati, Ohio, USA Activities for Human Gregory Kitchener, O.D. Gregory Kitchener, O.D. Intelligence Sydney, Australia ICBO 2006 ICBO 2006 Sydney, Australia Intelligence Gregory Kitchener, O.D.

  1. Vision Development Cincinnati, Ohio, USA Cincinnati, Ohio, USA Activities for Human Gregory Kitchener, O.D. Gregory Kitchener, O.D. Intelligence Sydney, Australia ICBO 2006 ICBO 2006 Sydney, Australia Intelligence Gregory Kitchener, O.D. Activities for Human Gregory Kitchener, O.D. Cincinnati, Ohio, USA Cincinnati, Ohio, USA Vision Development Vision Development Activities for Development Human Intelligence � What are we talking about? What are we talking about? op \ \di di- - ′ ′ vel vel- - ə ə p p\ \ – – to cause to grow and to cause to grow and de- -vel vel- -op � de differentiate along lines natural to its kind; differentiate along lines natural to its kind; � When given this title, I had some concerns When given this title, I had some concerns � or to go through a process of natural or to go through a process of natural about the various terms and how they are about the various terms and how they are growth, differentiation or evolution by growth, differentiation or evolution by understood by various audiences. understood by various audiences. successive changes. successive changes. � So, lets look at these terms. So, lets look at these terms. � Kitchener/ICBO/2006 3 Kitchener/ICBO/2006 4 Kitchener/ICBO/2006 3 Kitchener/ICBO/2006 4 1

  2. “Development” “Development” � Most of us readily acknowledge that Most of us readily acknowledge that � In this title and in many other contexts, the In this title and in many other contexts, the � � people develop, but there is much less discussion of human development quickly people develop, but there is much less discussion of human development quickly agreement about how or why. agreement about how or why. turns to learning and intelligence. turns to learning and intelligence. � Some see human development as a Some see human development as a � So, let So, let’ ’s look at s look at “ “intelligence. intelligence.” ” � � genetically determined unfolding, genetically determined unfolding, � while others see an environmentally while others see an environmentally � mediated acquisition of abilities in a logical mediated acquisition of abilities in a logical and reasonably consistent sequence. and reasonably consistent sequence. Kitchener/ICBO/2006 5 Kitchener/ICBO/2006 6 Kitchener/ICBO/2006 5 Kitchener/ICBO/2006 6 “Intelligence” “Intelligence” � Many opinions that I hear give an Many opinions that I hear give an � Any such impression is mostly Any such impression is mostly impression that newer and better ideas impression that newer and better ideas have settled at least some of the many have settled at least some of the many awkward issues related to “ “intelligence. intelligence.” ” awkward issues related to MISTAKEN! MISTAKEN! � We like to think that modern research We like to think that modern research � based on new definitions, larger studies, based on new definitions, larger studies, and more sophisticated statistics do a and more sophisticated statistics do a better job of defining, describing, or better job of defining, describing, or measuring intelligence. measuring intelligence. Kitchener/ICBO/2006 7 Kitchener/ICBO/2006 8 Kitchener/ICBO/2006 7 Kitchener/ICBO/2006 8 2

  3. “Intelligence” and IQ “Intelligence” and “Intelligences” � However the idea of and support for a However the idea of and support for a � � Attempts have been made to replace the Attempts have been made to replace the � general intelligence function (g) remains general intelligence function (g) remains notion of a general intelligence factor notion of a general intelligence factor strong. strong. (often labeled (often labeled “ “g g” ” and measured by IQ and measured by IQ � IQ scores continue to show: IQ scores continue to show: � tests) by various theories of “ “multiple multiple tests) by various theories of � good PREDICTION ability, good PREDICTION ability, intelligences.” intelligences. ” � � high HERITABILITY, high HERITABILITY, � � These theories of multiple intelligences These theories of multiple intelligences � � significant GROUP DIFFERENCES, and significant GROUP DIFFERENCES, and � have yielded only modest successes. have yielded only modest successes. � high STABILITY. high STABILITY. � Kitchener/ICBO/2006 9 Kitchener/ICBO/2006 10 Kitchener/ICBO/2006 9 Kitchener/ICBO/2006 10 “Intelligence” Controversies “Intelligence” Tidbit #1 � Consider for a moment the possibility that Consider for a moment the possibility that � None of the intuitive criticisms of these None of the intuitive criticisms of these � � there is a general intelligence factor (g), there is a general intelligence factor (g), qualities of IQ tests have yielded qualities of IQ tests have yielded and that it has a high survival value for and that it has a high survival value for compelling research results. compelling research results. humans. humans. � Please note that many of the common Please note that many of the common � � It might make sense for the biological It might make sense for the biological � conclusions or implications drawn from conclusions or implications drawn from basis for this intelligence to have some basis for this intelligence to have some these qualities are often not shared by the these qualities are often not shared by the “homeostatic “ homeostatic” ” mechanism that would tend mechanism that would tend researchers who produced them. researchers who produced them. to insulate it (g) from the vagaries of the to insulate it (g) from the vagaries of the environment. Jensen A.R., The Limited Plasticity of Human environment. Jensen A.R., The Limited Plasticity of Human Intelligence, The Eugenics Bulletin, Fall 1982 Intelligence, The Eugenics Bulletin, Fall 1982 Kitchener/ICBO/2006 11 Kitchener/ICBO/2006 12 Kitchener/ICBO/2006 11 Kitchener/ICBO/2006 12 3

  4. Stability of “Intelligence” Stability of “Intelligence” � This stability, or This stability, or “ “limited plasticity limited plasticity” ” of the of the � Of course this is simply speculation, but it Of course this is simply speculation, but it � � general intelligence factor (as reflected by is not at all unusual, and it seems prudent, general intelligence factor (as reflected by is not at all unusual, and it seems prudent, the general stability of IQ scores) could the general stability of IQ scores) could for the organism to limit and protect the for the organism to limit and protect the then resist unintentional, harmful forces of range of certain critical variables. then resist unintentional, harmful forces of range of certain critical variables. the environment, and the environment, and … … � What are the implications for our efforts to What are the implications for our efforts to � � It might resist, equally well, the intentional, It might resist, equally well, the intentional, improve human “ improve human “intelligence? intelligence?” ” � benevolent forces we try to impose. Jensen benevolent forces we try to impose. Jensen A.R., The Limited Plasticity of Human Intelligence, The Eugenics A.R., The Limited Plasticity of Human Intelligence, The Eugenics Bulletin, Bulletin, Fall 1982 Fall 1982 Kitchener/ICBO/2006 13 Kitchener/ICBO/2006 14 Kitchener/ICBO/2006 13 Kitchener/ICBO/2006 14 “Intelligence” Tidbit #2 “Intelligence” and Performance � Let Let’ ’s avoid defining s avoid defining “ “intelligence intelligence” ” for the for the � Dr. Carol Dr. Carol Dweck Dweck has has “ “demonstrated demonstrated � � moment and imagine that people implicitly moment and imagine that people implicitly empirically that students who hold an empirically that students who hold an think of “ think of “intelligence intelligence” ” in two different ways. in two different ways. entity theory of intelligence are less likely entity theory of intelligence are less likely � One group might see intelligence as an One group might see intelligence as an � to attempt challenging tasks and are at to attempt challenging tasks and are at , i.e. “ “an unchangeable internal an unchangeable internal entity , i.e. entity risk for academic underachievement.” risk for academic underachievement. ” characteristic.” characteristic. ” Plucker, J. A. (Ed.). (2003). Human intelligence: Historical influences , J. A. (Ed.). (2003). Human intelligence: Historical influences, current , current Plucker controversies, teaching resources. Retrieved Feb. 10, 2006, from controversies, teaching resources. Retrieved Feb. 10, 2006, from � The other might see intelligence as The other might see intelligence as � http:// incremental , i.e. , i.e. “ “malleable and can be malleable and can be incremental increased through effort.” increased through effort. ” Kitchener/ICBO/2006 15 Kitchener/ICBO/2006 16 Kitchener/ICBO/2006 15 Kitchener/ICBO/2006 16 4


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