VISIBLE, VIABLE, VALUABLE Take Part. Get Set For Life.™ National Federation of State High School Associations Jennifer Brooks ‐ Muller David Douglas High School Portland Oregon NFHS Music Advisory Chairperson
FOR NFHS PA CONFERENCE What will this clinic cover Where can it be used What is the desired outcome NFHS Outreach Poten � al
INSTRUMENTAL SUCCESS 301 students in Band 131 students in Orchestra Expecta � ons of the programs Visibility of the programs
GENERAL STATS DAVID DOUGLAS SCHOOL DISTRICT 12 square miles inside the city of Portland, With 3224 students; DDHS is the largest high school in Oregon. With a population of 76% Free and Reduced lunch 1 Alternative High School 100% 3 6 ‐ 8 Middle Schools 1 is 100% 10 K ‐ 5 Grade Schools 4 are 100% Total of 10,745 students 82.1% 74 languages represented
VISIBLE 3 Concert Bands Percussion Ensemble 3 Jazz Bands 4 String Orchestras Pep Band Symphony Orchestra Marching Band Musical Pit Orchestra
VISIBLE Athle � c events Annual musical District ‐ wide performances Mee � ngs with administra � on Music In Our Schools Month
VIABLE Resources are limited No parent booster organiza � on Access to instruments
VALUABLE Administra � on invests in viable programs Access to students through scheduling Continued support district wide
VALUABLE Student engagement (data pending grad. rate) Current DDHS GPA (10 ‐ 12) 2.91 Current band program GPA (10 ‐ 12) 3.43 Current top ensemble GPA (10 ‐ 12) 3.53 Bene fi ts to the school
VALUABLE Instrumental program's contribution to the school Spirit School pride "When you're in the hunt every year people know it" ‐ JB
VALUABLE What sets us apart in the school? What successes do you have in the state?
CONCLUSION "I can't believe what you do with those kids" "It's so nice to see so many students of color in the Wind Ensemble" Excuses are for people that need them
FOR NFHS PA CONFERENCE Applica � ons Other thoughts to add Ques � ons
Jennifer Brooks ‐ Muller – James Weaver – NFHS – THANK YOU!
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