VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN 1. Description The violence against women will be the subject of the meeting of November, because the 25 th of November is the “ International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women ”. Nowadays the violence is still a big issue and nobody is saved from it. There is also a wrong interpretation of the violence, restricted to the physical attack, forgetting the unequal and discriminatory situations suffered by women just for the fact of being a woman. During our presentation we will, on one hand, describe the different types of violence, the process and some myths about violence, but on the other hand we will explain the legislation, resources for the victims and some emergency planning in case of a violent incident. 2. Foundation It is necessary to talk about this issue because there are risks for the human life, which make this problem a public is sue, since it isn’t something private or familiar anymore, as many people believe. This behaviour is usually perceived as normalized conduct in daily life and it can be visible from the young est ages in the domestic environment. That’s why, it can influence the future partnerships and even the social relationships at school. The best way to educate from the earliest years is to report and prosecute those violence behaviours to avoid similar behaviours. It’s important to mention that if we want a whole development of women and equal opportunities between men and women, we should work together to remove the violence from our society and with this purpose we should present the subjects related with the violence to the people attending the meeting. Violence against women Fundacja “Fundusz Inicjatyw”
The public opinion in Poland about violence against women and their stereotypes is significant, since it can be found in many surveys. These studies show how big number of people believe that the violence is provoked by the victim and the verbal abuse or pulling are considered as normal in a partnership There is also the wrong idea that the violence against women doesn’t apply to the so-c alled “good” Catholic families and it only affects the marginal of the society. These incorrect ideas make the knowledge about this issue very difficult, because it could be seen a s a distant problem which won’t affect to a “normal” person. So far we can dismantle these ideas with the explanation about the myths and the data of different studies. The purpose is to awake the awareness and the knowledge about the process of violence, which makes it difficult to realize it once you are inside. 3. Addressee The target group are women of all age. We will try to reach more university students and men. The attendance of men is important to make them aware of the issue and prevent any possible violent actions. The attendance is open to any interested person. You only have to send an email to 4. Objectives The general objective of this meeting is to raise the awareness of the participants about the violence suffered by women just for the fact of being a woman. We can point a few specific objectives: i. First specific objective is that the participants will be able to understand the whole process of the violence. Within this process Violence against women Fundacja “Fundusz Inicjatyw”
we can distinguish the cause, the consequences, the legal process and the victim resources. ii. The second specific objective is to get rid of the myths and stereotypes about the violence against women. iii. Finally we would like the participants to be ready in case of a violent action and to be able to help or advise any person suffering from this problem. 5. Methodology The presentation with all the definitions about the violence against women, the myths and stereotypes will be the format of this meeting. The presentation will be accompanied by a speaking explanation about the concepts to make them more understandable. Besides the presentation, there will be some workshops in groups to make participants more aware of the situation and the stereotypes of the victims and the aggressor. To finish the meeting, the participants will make a practice case of a violence incident in small groups. 6. Structure 18 18:00 :00 5 min of courtesy to start the meeting. We thank the participants for the attendance and we explain briefly the actions of our Foundation. 18:10 18 :10 Starting the first part of the presentation about definition and process of the violence with basic regulation and resources in the Polish Law. 18 18:45 :45 Beginning the first workshop about blame and excuses 18:55 18 :55 Continuation with the presentation about myths and stereotypes 19:10 19 :10 Discussion about myths, blames and excuses 19 19:20 :20 Presentation about emergency planning Violence against women Fundacja “Fundusz Inicjatyw”
19 19:40 :40 Final workshop with some practical cases about violence against women 19:55 19 :55 Closing of the event, thanks to the attendance and launch of the next meeting 7. Place and time The meeting will take place in a cafe of Lublin. The first option is Kawiarnio-Ksi ę garnia "Spółdzielnia”, in 11 Peowiaków Street, Lublin, on the 25th of November at 6 p.m., on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. For further information don’t hesitate to contact us: Email: „Initiative Fund“ Fou Founda ndation ion NIP IP no. o. 9462553005,R ,REGO EGON no. o. 060368615, VI I Co Comme mmercial l Div ivision ion of of the N National Cour ional Court R Regis gister, , no. o. 0000306907 www.f .ffi. i.or org. l , , ffi@ i@ffi.or .org.p Regis Re gistration ion address: : Phone one/fax : : 00 48 81 532 10 30 Offic ice: Sierpińskiego 24/5 Street Narutow owic icza 5 57/6 S Street 20-448 L 20 Lublin lin, , Pola oland 20 20-016 Lublin lin, Po Poland Violence against women Fundacja “Fundusz Inicjatyw”
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