schera ( Br il ) Cara Ca v an Masc Brazil Vi Vidas Se Seca cas BA BARREN LIVES Non- verbal puppet theater show Public: +12 years old
Particularity of the aesthetic proposal Through hybrid puppets and scenes caracterized by a strong visual impact, the show continually transforms the meanings and metaphors of the current and historical context of exodus, distress and hope. The visual poetry invites the viewer to embark on a sensitive and emotional trip, beyond rational understanding and geographical boundaries. .
A show that goes beyond geographical and temporal frontiers. Parallelism with the contemporary context In a concrete and sharp way, the show portrays the saga of a migrant family, who, to escape from certain death due to the spread of acute drought, wanders looking for better living conditions. The novel "Vidas Secas”, by the famous Brazilian author Graciliano Ramos, is revisited in the form of theatrical signs, through puppets, animated forms, masks and almost in total absence of words. The show establishes a relationship with the public that goes beyond rational understanding and that privileges emotional and sensory stimulation. The artistic proposal abides current issues that characterize contemporary reality and portrais the human being with his fears, hopes and wonderings.
Vi Visu sual P l POETRY RY Through the succession of scenes whose strong plasticity refers to living paintings, the public is invited to "feel" the condition of human beings, in eternal search better living conditions, fighting against death and in conflict with their own fears and limits dictated by nature or social context. The show aims to establish a dialogue between the subjective interpretation of the audience and the sensations and feelings that inhabit the scenes. The succession of images with a strong visual impact and the physiognomy of the puppets, whose aspect refers to the anguish and the harshness of drought, make the use of the text superfluous. The absence of text and the visual poetry allow the viewer to subjectively relate to the scenes, regardless of cultural and geographical contexts. The choice of a non-verbal communication breaks down every barrier of linguistic or rational understanding.
Ae Aesthetics an and puppe puppets The puppets, conceived and created by the members of the company, are inspired by Candido Portinari's paintings and Sebastião Salgado's photos. Different types of puppets and manipulations are used: glove puppets, table-top puppets, inhabited puppets and masks .
Ma Main the theate ter an and fes festivals ls BRAZIL: 2019 – CURITIBA/PR – Sesc da Esquina 2019 - PONTA PORA/MS- Centro de Conveções, PATRONAGE: PETROBRAS 2019 – RONDONOPOLIS/MT - SESC Rondonópolis, PATRONAGE: PETROBRAS 2019 – 33º FESTIVALE São José dos Campos/SP 2019 - 1ºENCONTRO INTERNATIONAL DE POÉTICAS DO INANIMADO- UNESP SãO PAULO/SP 2019- 12 performances in 6 cities in the Snao Paulo State – PATRONAGE: SESI VIAGENS TEATRAIS 2018 - 14 performances in 14 cities in Paraná State – PATRONAGE: CIRCUITO CULTURAL PARANÀ 2017 - RIO DE JANEIRO/RJ - Caixa Cultural (temporada de 02/11/2017 à 23/11/2017) 2017- SAO PAULO/SP - Sesc Santo Amaro (Festival De Teatro De Animação) 2016 – MACEIO/AL - Teatro Jofre Soares 2016 - PALMEIRA DOS INDIOS/AL - Sesc PalmeiraDos Indios 2016 – SALVADOR/BA - Forte do barbalho 2016 - BELO HORIZONTE /MG-Sesc Palladium- 2016 - CONTAGEM /MG- Sesc Contagem 2016 – ARACAJU/ES -Teatro João Costa 2016 - SAO PAULO/SP – Teatro Cacilda Becker (Mostra Internacional de Sp De Teatro De Bonecos) 2015 -SAO PAULO/SP- Complexo Funarte- Sala carlos Miranda (Temporada De 03/06/2016 A 11/06/2016 4 310) ABROAD: 2017- Festival Mondial des Théâtres de Marionettes – Charleville- Mézières (FR) 2017- International Puppet Theater Festival Il Castello Incantato - Locarno(CH) 2017- Floating Castle Festival – Grad Sneznik( SLO) 2017- International Puppet Theater Festival Arrivano del Mare - Ravenna (IT) 2017 – South America Puppet Festival Fratelli Burattini - Firenze (IT) 2017 – International Festival I Teatri del Mondo- Porto SantÉlpidio (IT)
ca caravan ma maschera: : br brief cu curricu culum Giorgia Goldoni was born in Modena-Italy, and graduated at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna and at the International Theater School of Rome (Lecoq). Her artistic research was dedicated to the study of masks, puppets and visual elements applied to theater. She creates masks and puppets in various techniques and materials. Leonardo Garcia Gonçalves was born in São Paulo, and began his artistic research at the UNICAMP university of the city of Campinas (BR). He ended his studies at the Sorbonne University in Paris where his research thesis was published in the book "The Commedia dell'arte et les danses populaires brésiliennes". His artistic research investigates the convergences and divergences between the manifestations of popular culture in which the use of the mask, visual elements and dance are adopted. He is an invited artist within the State Theater School SP ESCOLA DE TEATRO, in the city of Sãp Paulo (BR). In 2010 Giorgia and Leonardo were selected to participate to the European project Masks On Stage, thanks to which, between 2010 and 2011, they received an international professional training, sponsored by the European community-EACEA study center. The participants (10 in total) lived in artistic residencies in Italy, France, Germany and the Czech Republic deepening their researches about the traditional and popular local theatre culture. Caravan Maschera was founded in 2010, with the desire to experiment and deepen the forms of theater in which the use of the image and visual elements prevail: puppetry, animated forms, masks, clowns, physical theater, fool and visual theater. The company annually produces shows, workshops and artistic residences that contribute to nurturing and deepening their artistic research in performing arts, caracterized for the hybrid dialogue between various visual and theatrical languages. The artistic research of the company and the quality of the projects and productions have obtained the patronage of large institutions: Petrobras, Banco do Brasil, Banco Caixa Federal, ProAC, Funarte, Ministério da Cultura, SESI and European EACEA. In Brazil, the company is headquartered in the TERRITÓRIO DAS ARTES CARAVAN MASCHERA, located in a rural district (quartiere)of the city of Atibaia (SP): the community center of the district is transformed into a cultural center and a space for trials, residences and cultural exchanges within the peripheral context. Art dissemination and sensitization activities are carried out: courses are offered that offer integrated didactics between the arts (plastic arts, theater, photography, art history, cinema and video) in a project that promotes dialogue and parallelism between the various artistic events ( Since 2015 the Company integrate the universitarian group of research in visual poetries of the UNESP university in São Paulo.
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