Vertjcal Profjles of Wave–Coherent Momentum Flux and Velocity Variances in the Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer Lichuan Wu 1 , Tihomir Hristov 2 , and Anna Rutegersson 1 1 Deapartment of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University, Sweden 2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltjmore
Introductjon The atmosphere turbulence facilitates momentum and energy exchange between the atmosphere and ocean. Many studies suggest that the Monin-Obukhov Similarity Theory needed to be revised in order to considering wave infmuences. The momentum fmux over waves can be expresses as: 0 turbulence momentum fmux wave-induced momentum fmux parameterized as a functjon of parameterized as a functjon of Hogstrom et al., 2015. JAS the wind speed. wave parameters.
Introductjon The total momentum fmux over waves is roughly constant near the surface. Sullivan et al., 2014. JAS; Högström et al., 2015. JAS Measure the momentum fmux at the ocean surface is not possible! Interpolation? The wave-coherent momentum fmux decays exponentjally with height ? surface wave-induced peak wave number momentum flux 2 Semedo et al. (2009) and Song et al. (2015) 10 Hanley and Belcher (2008) coefficient 1.4 Högström et al (2015) 5 for short waves Makin and Mastenbroek (1996)
Aims Do the wave-coherent momentum fmux and variances decay exponentjally with height? If so, A uw , A u and A w are constant or a functjon of wave parameters?
The height that wind speed is equal to the wave phase speed Critjcal layer model For neutral convectjve and wave aligned with wind conditjons over waves, the wave correlated fmuctuatjons can be described using Rayleigh equatjon : a transfer function for the air flow’s response Ψ Based on logarithmic wind profjle, the wave-coherent fmuctuatjons: Hristov et al., 2003. Nature
Results Using wave slope spectrum: wave slope wave age at the spectal peak Theoretical model Exponentical decay fit The wave-coherent momentum fmux decays approximately exponentjally with height.
Results Ω = 0.01 Ω = 0.02 Ω = 0.003
Measurements-RED Rough Evaporatjon Duct experiment
Methods Methods to fjlter out the wave-induced momentum fmux Projectjng the measured velocity onto the Hiblert space of the wave-coherent signals: (Hristov et al. 1998, 2003) Wave coherent signals are calculated from spectral analysis: (Veron et al. 2008; Grare et al. 2013)
Results Exponential fit line 95% confident line Only the case with |z/L|<0.1 and regression coeffjcient R 2 >0.7 are shown.
Wave impacts on wind profjle Shear induced stress: Wind profile over waves: The ratio between the wave-induced wind and logarithmic wind:
Wave impacts on wind profjle
Conclusions The wave-coherent momentum fmux and variances decay approximately exponentjally with height. The exponentjal decay coeffjcient decays with the peak wave number. The wave-coherent momentum fmux with the small decay coeffjcient has a larger impact on the logarithmic wind profjle. The surface roughness length impact on the wave impact wind only on the near surface layer.
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