version control is an essential tool for scientists

Version control is an essential tool for scientists Richard E. Turner - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Version control is an essential tool for scientists Richard E. Turner ( ) August 16th, 2011 Synchronisation Laptop Server simulations travel backup working from home Collaboration - sharing materials 13 local authors, 13

  1. Version control is an essential tool for scientists Richard E. Turner ( ) August 16th, 2011

  2. Synchronisation Laptop Server simulations travel backup working from home

  3. Collaboration - sharing materials

  4. 13 ‘local’ authors, 13 ‘non-local’ authors

  5. Record taking and reproducibility

  6. Releasing code

  7. Desiderata • Synchronise : between multiple machines • Share : – between multiple local and non-local coauthors – make parts of the code public (development versus stable release) • Record : simulation settings, changes an author has made, etc. Version control handles this and more

  8. Version control AKA: revision control, source control, software configuration management • analogue to track changes in word: for all files in a directory • who changed what, where and when • can roll back changes • can share/synchronise all the files

  9. Why Git? my laptop latest version • Regular version control – Centralised – Everything passes through server – Slow and cannot work off-line server database

  10. Why Git? • In Git everyone has a copy of the my laptop database database - whole history – Everything is local – Very fast and can work offline – Distributed (backup) • Branching is simple (refactoring) server database • Open source and Free • limitation: text files versus binaries

  11. Demo

  12. Why Scientific Computing Does Not Compute Nature, 467, 775; Oct. 14, 2010 “Bringing industrial software- development practices into the lab cannot come too soon” Greg Wilson

  13. Where to find out more information • Where’s the Real Bottleneck in Scientific Computing? American Scientist HPC Wire • Intro to scientific computing (unit testing, version control etc.): • Why Git’s popularity is on the up: • Git project home: • Git online tutorial:

  14. • Git for scientific computing tutorial (part of python summer school) • Git reference: • Git Wiki: • UNISON: • Version control is built into matlab:


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