vermont communication support project communication

Vermont Communication Support Project Communication Support In and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Vermont Communication Support Project Communication Support In and Out of the Courtroom Disability, Communication & Accommodations COMMUNICATION COMMUNI NICATI TION Commu mmuni nication Commun unic icatio ion Communication

  1. Vermont Communication Support Project

  2. Communication Support In and Out of the Courtroom Disability, Communication & Accommodations

  3. COMMUNICATION COMMUNI NICATI TION Commu mmuni nication Commun unic icatio ion Communication

  4. DEFINITIONS OF “COMMUNICATION”  The imparting or exchanging of information  The act or process of using words, sounds, signs, or behaviors to express or exchange information or to express your ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc., to someone else  Communication is the process of sending and receiving messages through verbal or nonverbal means, including speech, or oral communication; w riting and graphical representations; and signs, signals, and behavior. More simply, communication is said to be "the creation and exchange of meaning." Richard Nordquist, Ph.D. Communication In & Out of the Courtroom Primary Focus INTERACTIVE DIALOGUE

  5. Our Brave New Remote World! Communication Sometimes challenging… Sometimes not… Sometimes better / Sometimes worse… Sometimes the same… Technology Rules In 2020 & Beyond Remote Lesson Du Jour: NEVER underestimate a person’s ability to connect and participate remotely!

  6. Reminder… JULY 26,1990

  7. ADA Definition of a Disability • Physical or mental impairment • Impairment substantially limits one or more major life activities • Individual has a record of such impairment • Individual is regarded as having an impairment

  8. Disability Labels Functional Approach

  9. EXAMPLES of DISABILITIES that may affect a person’s ability to communicate and/or to communicate as effectively as they are able

  10. Disabilities… VCSP Qualifying Disabilities over Past 3 Years • Intellectual Disability • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity • Learning Disability Disorder (ADHD) • Mental Health Disorder • Agoraphobia • Multiple Personality Disorder • ALS • Multiple Sclerosis • Anxiety Disorder • Neur-ocognitive Disorder • Aphasia • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) • Asperger Syndrome • Panic Disorder • Autism • Postpartum Mood Disorder • Bipolar Disorder • Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) • Borderline Personality • Schizophrenia / Schizoaffective Disorder Disorder • Stroke • Cerebral Palsy • Stutter • Cognitive Processing Disorder • Substance Abuse • Depression • Temporal Lobe Seizures • Developmental Disability • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) • Dyslexia • Tourette Syndrome • Epilepsy • Vision Impairment • Hearing Impairment

  11. What Clients Say… TOP 6 Learning Disability Anxiety Disorder PTSD/Depression ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) TBI

  12. Accommodations Who’s Responsible? Self? Attorney? Court? Equipment? CSS

  13. Who Know s Best? Nothing About Us Without Us!

  14. “Pre sum e Com pe t e nc e ” Never put a limit on what someone can achieve – you’ll be surprised at how often they’ll prove you wrong!


  16. The Toolbox & stress balls & cue cards & pads & pens & snacks & oh, and NO fidgety spinners, etc.

  17. SET UP FOR SUCCESS! Ready? Set Up / Seating / Ground Rules Respect / Patience

  18. Expect The Unexpected!

  19. CSS Communication Support Specialist AKA Communication Specialist

  20. Who’s Who? What’s What? ROLES Communication Specialist Attorney Judge Advocate Guardian And… And… And...

  21. CLIENT REFERRALS CSS Who Refers? How ? Qualification Motion Scheduling Pre-meeting Hearing or Meeting Post-meeting CLIENT MUST WANT & NEED CSS SERVICES

  22. Thank You!

  23. Lynne C. Cardozo, VCSP Director VT Communication Support Project 141 Main St., #7, Montpelier, VT 05602 802.244.8867 Toll Free 888.686.VCSP Fax 802.229.1359 Robert Appel, Attorney at Law, PLC 64 Prindle Rd. #2 Charlotte VT 05445 Tel: (802) 595-1544 Fax: (802) 881-0379

  24. Vermont Communication Support Project

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