variation in falling and fall risk among community

Variation in falling and fall risk among community-dwelling older - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Variation in falling and fall risk among community-dwelling older citizens in 12 European countries Carmen Franse Department of Public Health Erasmus MC Rotterdam, The Netherlands CONFLICT OF INTEREST DISCLOSURE I have no potential conflict of

  1. Variation in falling and fall risk among community-dwelling older citizens in 12 European countries Carmen Franse Department of Public Health Erasmus MC Rotterdam, The Netherlands

  2. CONFLICT OF INTEREST DISCLOSURE I have no potential conflict of interest to report

  3. Falls: an introduction Burden health • 30% community-dwelling elderly >65y fall yearly • 90% hip fractures attributed to falls Burden resources • In 2000, direct costs hip fractures Europe over € 24 billion • In 2050, costs expected to double

  4. Falls: an introduction • No studies on international variation in falling and fall risk – Important to inform policy – Prioritize right fall prevention programmes • Composition of fall-risk factors in populations could explain variation – Socio-demographic – Intrinsic – Extrinsic

  5. Research questions 1. Are there between-country differences in fall rate? 2. Are there between-country differences in prevalence of socio- demographic and intrinsic fall risk characteristics 3. Do these differences account for possible differences in fall rate?

  6. Methods • Data: Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE), wave 4&5 (2010-2013) • Population: 18,596 community-dwelling men and women aged ≥ 65 years from 12 European countries

  7. Measurements • At baseline: Fall risk factors – Socio-demographics (age, sex, education, living alone) – Mobility limitations, ADL, dizziness, depression, self- perceived health, vision, cognitive function • At 2-year follow-up: Falling – Question: “ For the past six months at least, have you been bothered by any of the health conditions on this card?”

  8. Results 1: Are there between-country differences in fall rate? Falling by country 18 % within past 6 months 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

  9. Results 2: Are there between-country differences in terms of intrinsic fall characteristics? Intrinsic fall risk factors by country 80 70 Proportion, % 60 Low health 50 Mobility limitation(s) 40 ADL limitation(s) 30 Dizziness 20 Impaired vision 10 Depression 0 Impaired cognition

  10. Results 3: Do these differences account for possible differences in falls? Falls by country, unadjusted (OR) Falls by country, adjusted for socio-demographics (aOR) Falls by country, adjusted for intrinsic fall risk factors (aOR) 3 3 3 2,5 2,5 2,5 2 2 2 1,5 1,5 1,5 1 1 1 0,5 0,5 0,5

  11. Discussion/Conclusion • Fall incidence varies between European countries – Higher in Belgium, France, Spain, Estonia, Czech Republic • Explained by: – Differences main intrinsic fall risk factors – Not by socio-demographic composition • Other explanations: home hazards, risk behaviour

  12. Discussion/Conclusion • Limitations – self-reported data – 25% persons lost to follow-up between baseline & follow-up • Strengths – first cross-national comparative study falling – Nationally representative samples – Able to capture many intrinsic risk factors

  13. Thank you! • Co-authors and collaborators: Hein Raat, Judith Rietjens, Ed van Beeck, Francesco Mattace Raseo, Lex Burdorf, Amy van Grieken, Agnes van der Heide, Ida Korfage • SHARE research team and participants

  14. Do you have any questions? Franse CB, Rietjens JA, Burdorf A , et al. A prospective study on the variation in falling and fall risk among community-dwelling older citizens in 12 European countries BMJ Open 2017; 7: e015827 .


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