
VALEOL Thirty Month Review Meeting 23 rd - 24 th November 2017, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Funded by the European Union VALEOL Thirty Month Review Meeting 23 rd - 24 th November 2017, INRIA, Bordeaux Presented by Claire Taymans AEROGUST M30 PROGRESS MEETING 1 Funded by the European Union Summary WP 2 Task : Investigation of

  1. Funded by the European Union VALEOL Thirty Month Review Meeting 23 rd - 24 th November 2017, INRIA, Bordeaux Presented by Claire Taymans AEROGUST M30 PROGRESS MEETING 1

  2. Funded by the European Union Summary WP 2 Task : Investigation of predicted non-linear behaviour of wind turbine blades subjected to gust using incompressible flow model • 3D natively parallel CFD code on Octree grids under development for my PhD Thesis. WP 4 Task : Collection of in-service wind turbine data • Meteorological mast and sensors on the blade will stay until April 2018 WP 5 Task : Comparison between experimental data and numerical simulations • Coupling with structural model • Analysis of the experimental data ongoing AEROGUST M30 PROGRESS MEETING 2

  3. Funded by the European Union 3D CFD Code on Octree grids Methods developed ▪ Natively parallel by using PABLO library (Optimad) ▪ Finite volume solver with semi-Lagrangian method 𝐸𝒗 𝐸𝑢 = 1 𝑆𝑓 Δ𝒗 − 𝛼𝑞 ቐ 𝛼𝒗 = 0 Figure : Explanation of semi-lagrangian method ▪ Fractional step method ▪ Penalization is used to take into account the obstacles ▪ LES has been implemented with a Vreman subgrid model ▪ Order of convergence in space of the Laplacian solver : 2 ▪ Order of convergence of the whole NS solver : 1 for L ฀ 1.8 for L 1 and L 2 ▪ Interpolations when a jump in the refinement level occurs : with Radial-Basis Functions ➢ Some problems exist and should be resolved by changing the method Figure : Example of Octree mesh AEROGUST M30 PROGRESS METING WP 2 3

  4. Funded by the European Union 3D CFD Code on Octree grids Validation with literature Test Case : Flow around a sphere at Re = 500 AEROGUST M30 PROGRESS METING WP 2 4

  5. Funded by the European Union 3D CFD Code on Octree grids Validation with literature Test Case : Flow around a sphere References : Re Present work [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [1] Campregher (2009) 300 0.6268 0.675 - - 0.657 0.653 [2] Fornberg (1988) [3] Fadlun et al. (2000) 500 0.5488 0.52 0.4818 0.476 - 0.555 [4] Kim et al. [5] Correlations found in Subramanian (2003) Table : Comparison of drag coefficients with data from literature at different Reynolds Number AEROGUST M30 PROGRESS METING WP 2 5

  6. Funded by the European Union 3D CFD Code on Octree grids Validation with literature Test Case : Flow around a cylinder with diameter D at Re = 3900 ▪ Spanwise extension of the domain = 40 D ▪ Inlet at 3D from cylinder. Outlet at 37D. ▪ No periodic BCs ▪ Number of cells : 25.5 Millions ▪ 6 different levels of refinement ▪ Minimum grid size : 0.0195 D -> 50 points along D ▪ 960 processors were used ▪ 11 wall clock hours needed for 30 convective times ▪ Turbulence with Vreman subgrid model Figures : Vorticity of flow around cylinder (10 levels) without LES (top) and with LES (bottom) AEROGUST M30 PROGRESS METING WP 2 6

  7. Funded by the European Union 3D CFD Code on Octree grids Validation with literature Test Case : Flow around a cylinder with diameter D Figure : Evolution of aerodynamic coefficients along time after a preliminary simulation Figure : Wake profile at different positions obtained by averaging Velocity after a preliminary simulation ▪ C D mean : 1.4 instead of 1. in the literature ➢ Study of the effect of eddy viscosity coefficient needed AEROGUST M30 PROGRESS METING WP 2 7

  8. Funded by the European Union 3D CFD Code on Octree grids Other preliminary results Figure : Penalization of the apx48 wind blade Figure : Flow around a cylinder at Re = 10 6 Figures : Flow around a fixed wind blade at Re = 400. Horizontal view on the top, section view on the bottom AEROGUST M30 PROGRESS METING WP 2 8

  9. Funded by the European Union Collection of experimental data Meteorological Mast ▪ 49 days of data have been lost in end of March and between mid-April and mid-May ➢ The cause is not well-known, the 1s data have not been sent because of communication problems ➢ An intervention occurred to solve the problem ➢ 81% of data is available ▪ The mast will stay at least 1 complete year to well know the wind resource of the site Sensors on the wind blade ▪ Periods have been lost ➢ The inquiry system is connected to the plug of the wind turbine but power cuts occurred ➢ The clock had problem to synchronize with the network because of poor 3G ➢ An intervention has been done to add a battery and a proper clock to the system ➢ 78.3% of data is available ▪ The sensors will probably stay until next March or April AEROGUST M30 PROGRESS MEETING WP 4 9

  10. Funded by the European Union Analysis of experimental data Filtering of experimental data ▪ Availability of both met mast and sensors on wind blade ▪ When the time has a reasonable uncertainty ➢ Evaluated at < 7 s ▪ With a wind direction lined up with the met mast and the wind turbine ➢ ± 10 ° around ▪ Blade rotational speed representing a normal behaviour of the turbine ▪ > 11 rpm and < 25 rpm Figure : Evolution of the wind velocity and the deformation measured by a sensor on the wind blade along time (during 9h 30 min) AEROGUST M30 PROGRESS MEETING WP 5 10

  11. Funded by the European Union Analysis of experimental data Influence of upstream wind direction ▪ The next figures have been plot for a period of 1 whole month of data after filtering ▪ A first check : relevance of the wind direction range ± 10° Figure : Deformation sensors at different locations as a function of wind direction AEROGUST M30 PROGRESS MEETING WP 5 11

  12. Funded by the European Union Analysis of experimental data Influence of blade angle Figure : Deformation sensors at different locations as a function of blade angle AEROGUST M30 PROGRESS MEETING WP 5 12

  13. Funded by the European Union Analysis of experimental data Influence of wind velocity ▪ Work in progress Figure : Deformation sensors at different locations as a function of wind velocity AEROGUST M30 PROGRESS MEETING WP 5 13

  14. Funded by the European Union Future Work WP 2 ▪ Implementation of wall functions. ▪ Fixing totally the interpolation problems. WP 5 ▪ Identification of gusts in the experimental data. ▪ Implementing the interface between the CFD code and the ROMs developed by INRIA. ▪ Running the case of a blade in a rotational domain with simulation of fluid-structure interactions. AEROGUST M30 PROGRESS MEETING 14

  15. Funded by the European Union The research leading to this work has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 636053. AEROGUST M30 PROGRESS MEETING 15

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