uw madison college of engineering shared research

UW-Madison College of Engineering Shared Research Facilities Jerry - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

UW-Madison College of Engineering Shared Research Facilities Jerry Hunter, Director Wisconsin Center for Applied Microelectronics (WCAM) Materials Science Center (MSC) Soft Materials Laboratory (SML) Meeting Organizers Desire Benefield,

  1. UW-Madison College of Engineering Shared Research Facilities Jerry Hunter, Director Wisconsin Center for Applied Microelectronics (WCAM) Materials Science Center (MSC) Soft Materials Laboratory (SML)

  2. Meeting Organizers Desirée Benefield, Ph. D. Isabelle Girard, Ph. D. Jerry Hunter, Ph. D. Facility Manager Director Director UW Cryo-EM Facility Office of Campus Research Cores CoE Shared Facilities Kate Salter Julie Last, Ph. D. Felix Lu, Ph. D. Assistant Administrative Director Instrument Manager Electrical and Computer Engineering MRSEC UW-Materials Science Center Co-Director AMIC

  3. Agenda for Tutorials

  4. Union South Level 3 Level 2

  5. Meeting Sponsors

  6. Demonstrations • Everyone that scheduled Demos should have a personalized schedule  45 minute demonstration, 15 min to get to next demo  Please adhere to your schedule • Demonstration location  Materials Science and Engineering  SEM, TEM, AFM, APT, FIB, Nanoindentation, Raman, Mechanical Sample Preparation and XPS  Engineering Research Building  RBS and XRD  Engineering Hall  Ellipsometry  Engineering Centers Building  Electron Beam Lithography

  7. Outline • Introduction to College of Engineering Shared Research Facilities  Wisconsin Center for Applied Microelectronics (WCAM)  Materials Science Center  Soft Materials Laboratory • Overview of Analytical Techniques • Summary

  8. CoE Shared Facilities Overview Director: Jerry Hunter Wisconsin Center for Soft Materials Lab Applied Microelectronics Materials Science Center • Polymer characterization • Micro and nano-fabrication • High end microscopy and laboratory facility microanalysis facility • 30 major instruments • 10,000 sq. ft. cleanroom • 30 major instruments with 60 instruments

  9. CoE Shared Research Facilities S oft M aterials L aboratory M aterials Pictures S cience C enter W isconsin C enter for AMIC members receive 20% A pplied discount M icroelectronics

  10. Overview: FY17 Use Research in the Physical Usage statistics (FY17) Sciences • ~77,000 use hours from • Materials structure/property 45,000 activities relationships • Structures, magnetism and electronics • 180 Principle Investigators and • Advanced materials for energy ~700 users • Flexible electronics • Quantum devices • 48 different departments • Power electronics covering 8 colleges/schools • Organic/Inorganic interfaces • ~30 Companies Research in the Biological Sciences • ~10 other institutions • Hierarchical and active soft materials • 8 courses supported • Molecular virology • 320 grants totaling $175M in • Plant pathology • Membrane trafficking pathways in research supported plants

  11. WCAM Fabrication Toolset

  12. WCAM Fabrication Toolset • Deposition • Lithography  Ebeam Evaporator (metals) ꞏ Nikon NSR-2005i8A Stepper  CVC-601 DC Sputterer (metals) ꞏ Canon PLA-501 Contact Aligner  Denton Discovery 24 Sputterer (RF & ꞏ Suss MA6/BA6 double-sided aligner DC) ꞏ Suss MJB-3 Contact Aligner  PlasmaTherm 74 PECVD (dielectrics) ꞏ Suss MJB-3 Contact Aligner (with I.R. Telemark Ebeam Evaporator (dielectrics)  backside alignment) ꞏ Headway Photoresist Spinners  Angstrom Ebeam Evaporator (metals) ꞏ Solitec HMDS chamber ꞏ Elionix G100 Electron Beam • Plasma Etch Lithography ꞏ (3) Scanning Electron Microscopes with  PlasmaTherm 74 RIE/PECVD (deposition and etch of oxide, nitride on Si) Nabity electron beam lithography  STS ICP Multiplex (Deep Silicon Etcher) • Packaging  Unaxis 790 RIE (general purpose)  WestBond 747677 Wedge Wire Bonder  PlasmaTherm SLR 770 ECR (compound  K+S 4124 Ball Wire Bonder semiconductors)  Karl Suss RA-120 Wafer Scribe  PlasmaTherm 770 ICP (metals)  (2) MicroAutomation 1006 Wafer Saw  PlasmaTherm 790-2 ICP (general purpose)  MEI-720 Die Attacher  YES Asher  Indium Evaporator (die bonding)  Samco UV Ozone cleaner  YES vacuum oven  SPTS Xetch E1 XeF 2 vapor etch  Package annealer

  13. WCAM Fabrication Toolset • Thermal Processing • Assembly  4 stack MRL Phoenix Oxidation Tubes  EVG Wafer-Wafer Bonder  wet/dry oxides 4 stack MRL Phoenix Oxidation Tubes   EVG Wafer-Wafer Bond Aligner Dan  diffusion/anneals Christensen  Tousimis Critical Point Dryer 4 Stack Tystar Furnace   Obducat NIL-25 Nano-imprinter  LPCVD Nitride  LPCVD Polysilicon  400C Oven for polymers  LTO oxide  Cooke polyimide vacuum oven  Thermal oxide Hal Gilles • Wet Chemical  AG 610 RTA (contact anneal – compound semi)  Pre-furnace clean wet bench  (2) General Purpose Wet Benches • Metrology Equipment  HF Wet Bench  Tencor Flexus 2320 Film Stress Measurement  Piranha Wet Bench  Rudolph Ellipsometer  Metal Etch Wet Bench  Filmetrics Optical Film Thickness  Nitride Strip Wet Bench (2)Tencor Alpha Step 200 Profilometers   KOH / TMAH Wet Etch Bench  KLA-Tencor P7 Stylus Profilometer  Wild M420 Stereo Microscope  (3) Solvent Wet Benches  Several Inspection Microscopes  Spin Rinse-dryers  Wafer mapping four-point probe Dan Quinn Leonard Hal Gilles Christensen, Kurt Kupcho WCAM manager Ed Gonzales

  14. MSC/SML Imaging and Analysis Toolset • Microscopy • Soft Materials Characterization  Zeiss Auriga 1540 XB Cross Beam (FIB  Q1000 Modulated Differential Scanning + SEM) with Nabity electron beam Calorimetry lithography  Perkin Elmer DSC 8000  FEI Helios G4 UX Plasma FIB/FESEM  Q500 Thermo Gravimetric Analysis  (2) Leo 1530 SEMs with EDS (1) with  ARES LS2 Rheometer EBSD and Nabity electron beam RSA III Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer  lithography  Viscotek GPCmax Gel Permeation  Leo 1550 VP SEM with EDS and Nabity Chromatograph electron beam lithography  Waters Gel Permeation Chromatograph  Philips CM200UT TEM  Waters e2695 HPLC  FEI Tecnai T-12 TEM  OCA 15/20 Contact Angle measurement  FEI Tecnai TF30 cryo-TEM tool  NanoMEGAS ASTAR TEM orientation  (2) Rudolph Auto EIII Ellipsometers imaging system  Thermo Scientific DXRxi Raman Imaging  FEI Titan aberration corrected (S)TEM Microscope  Cameca 3000 X Si Atom Probe  Zetasizer Nano ZSP with Multi Purpose Microscope Titrator MPT-2  Bruker MultiMode 8 AFM  Biolin Scientific Q-Sense E4 Quartz crystal  Bruker Bioscope Catalyst AFM microbalance  Andor spinning disc Confocal  Woollam IR-VASE Ellipsometer microscope  Woollam VASE+AR Ellipsometer

  15. MSC/SML Imaging and Analysis Toolset • Spectroscopy • X-ray Analysis Rigaku Small Angle X-ray scattering  Thermo K-Alpha XPS   Zygo 6300 White light profilometer  Panalytical Empryrean XRD  Horiba Aramis Confocal MicroRaman  Bruker D8 Discover – XRD  Panalytical X’Pert Pro MRD -- XRD  Horiba fluorolog spectrofluorometer  Nicolet NicPlan IR Microscope with Nicolet Magna 550 Fourier Transform • Sample Preparation Infrared spectrometer  Leica EM UC7 Cryo Ultramicrotome PE spectrum 19 – UV/VIS/NIR  FEI Vitrobot cryo vitrifier  spectrometer  Fischione 1040 NanoMill  Fischione 1050 TEM Mill • Mechanical Test  Fischione 1010 Low Angle Ion Mill  Hysitron TI 950 TriboIndenter Nanoindenter  Hysitron PI 95 in-situ TEM Picoindenter Alex Kvit, TEM Julie Last, SPM & John Jacobs, Manager Rick Noll, SEM & Don Savage, X-Ray Anna Kiyanova Mike Efremov light microscopy Surface Science FIB Manager systems manager SML manager SML Manager Manager

  16. MSC/SML Imaging and Analysis Toolset Thermo k-alpha XPS Aramis Confocal Raman Advanced Rheometric Expansion System Bruker D8 Discover XRD Leo 1530 FESEM FEI Titan aberration corrected (S)TEM Zeiss Auriga SEM/FIB Hysitron TriboIndenter Cameca Atom Probe

  17. Summary • Centers support research campus wide and outside users • Over $3M in new instrumentation added since Jan 2016  Nanoscale Fabrication Center (currently WCAM)  Elionix G100 Electron beam Lithography  Nanoscale Imaging and Analysis Center (currently MSC)  NanoMEGAS ASTAR TEM orientation imaging  FEI Helios G4 Plasma FIB/FESEM  Panalytical Empyrean XRD  Glow Discharge Optical Emission Spectrometer (GDOES)  Phase contrast microscope with temperature stage  Soft Materials Characterization Lab (currently SML)  Perkin Elmer DSC 8000 Differential Scanning Calorimeter  Waters e2695 High Performance Liquid Chromatography • Over 100 instruments available for nanoscale fabrication and characterization of polymers, biological and “hard” materials • Centers are available for use by both internal and external users

  18. Analytical Methods Introduction

  19. Analytical Methods

  20. Theoretical detection limits • How many silicon atoms in a cm 3 ? ((2.33 g/cm 3 )/ (28.09 g/mol)) * 6.023x10 23 atoms/mol = 4.98 x 10 22 atoms/cm 3 • How many silicon atoms in a nm 3 ? 4.98 x 10 22 atoms/cm 3 * (1e-7nm/cm) 3 = 4.98x10 22 atoms/cm 3 * 1e-21nm 3 /cm 3 = 50 silicon atoms in nm 3 • What is the minimum detectable concentration in 1 nm 3 (best case)? – Must be one atom in the volume – 1/50 = 0.02 = 2% – In practice no technique can detect 100% of atoms in a volume, so actual detection limits will always be worse than the theoretical


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