Int ntrod oductions ons For or a any q ny ques estion ons reg egarding a any ny of of the he inf nformation i n in n thi his presentation, on, p please c cont ontact the c he cor orrespond nding d dep epartment f for or ser ervice i e inf nfor ormation on. For or q ques estions ns r reg egarding y you our em employe yee b e benef enefits or or ot other her H HR rel elated inform rmati tion p please co conta tact: t: HR Solution C n Cent nter er 435.797.0122 hr.usu.edu facebook.com/UtahStateHR
US USU U Missi sion S Statem ement ent “ The mission of Utah State University is to continue to be one of the nation’s premier student-centered land-grant and space-grant universities by fostering the principle that academics come first, by cultivating diversity of thought and culture, and by serving the public through learn earning, disc scov over ery, and enga ngagement nt.”
Utah ah’s L s Lan and G d Gran ant U t University ity In 1862 President Lincoln signed the Morrill Land Grant Act- This act assigned federal lands in each state to institutions of education for the use of those lands to create opportunities for Utah communicates, including agricultural families. USU is Utah’s Land Grant University, and we have the unique opportunity to serve communities all throughout the state. Our programs provide widespread support, information and technology to some of our most rural areas.
NASA S Spac pace-Grant S School chool USU has sent more student experiments into space than any other university and we have hardware on both Mercury and Mars!
Inst stituti tional F Fun undi ding ( (20 2019 19) We e rel ely hea heavily on: on: 1. Contracts, Grants & Federal Appr. 2. State Appropriations 3. Tuition and Fees This affects how we do business and our decision-making processes.
hr.usu su.edu du This is where you can find our Policy Library. USU Policies help communicate expectations and processes.
Employee T ee Types pes We e ha have t thr hree m e main em n employe yee t e typ ypes es: 1. 1. Non on-Ex Exem empt- Wage Hourly, Non-exempt Full-time benefitted 2. 2. Ex Exem empt 3. 3. Fa Faculty ty Your employee type may determine what policies apply to you including how and when you are paid and accrue leave. You ou can f n find nd ou out you our em employee ee t typ ype b by: y: Asking your supervisor • Asking your Department’s Business Services • Asking HR’s Solution Center 435-797-0122. •
No Non-Ex Exempt Em t Employ oyee ee I Inf nfo Hourly E y Employe yees: s: Ful ull-Time e Benef efitted E d Employees ees: • Are At-Will-Employees and do • Have an Introductory period of not have an Introductory employment of 6 months Period of Employment • Earn overtime if they work over 40 hrs in a • Earn overtime if they work work week, which is accrued as Comp over 40 hrs in a work week time • Must keep a timecard • Must keep a timecard to track hours • Paid by the hour • Paid on a monthly salary • Use the AggieTime System to • Use the MyTime System to track and track and record work hours record work hours *Schedule of all Employees are based on business needs and determined by the department and/or supervisor.
Exem empt pt E Employees es Have a 12-month Introductory Period of Employment • Are paid on a monthly salary • Do not earn overtime if they work over 40 hrs within a work week • Use the MyTime System for leave entry only • *Schedule of all Employees are based on business needs and determined by the department and/or supervisor.
HR.usu.edu This is where you can find time keeping systems and trainings on how to use them.
Annual ual & & Sick L Leav eave Ex Exem empt & & Faculty P Pos ositions ns ( (12 m mont onths) May accrue annual leave – up to 22 days May accrue sick leave – up to 12 days Faculty P Pos ositions ons ( (9 9 mont onths) No annual leave, but have 3 months off in the summer May accrue sick leave – up to 12 days Staff N ff Non-Ex Exem empt P Positions ns May accrue annual leave based on years of service - 0-5 years: 12 days, 5-10: 18 days, 10+: 22 days May accrue sick Leave – up to 12 days
Meal eal & Rest est P Per eriods Non on-Ex Exem empt E Employ oyee ees Should take 15 minutes worth of rest periods within each 4-hour • work period of work Breaks are not cumulative and not at the beginning or end of • workday Unpaid meal period of 30 to 60 minutes for those who work • more than five hours in a day USU encourages employees to leave their workstations during meal and rest periods.
Atten endan ance ce ! Reg egular a atten endanc nce a e and nd punctuality a are p part of of ea each em employe yee’ e’s j job ob res espons nsibilities es Schedules are determined by supervisors and the business needs of the department. Please call in to your supervisor if you are unable to report to work before your scheduled hours if possible. No-Ca No Call ll / / No-Show how Failure to report for work for 3 consecutive days without notice may result in termination for voluntary job abandonment
Drug & & Alcohol ol-Free ee W Worksp space ce USU Pol olicy 31 y 313 The university expects employees to report to all work assignments unimpaired and in a condition ready to perform their duties safely and efficiently.
Resp espectful tful W Workplac ace The university is committed to maintaining a working environment that encourages mutual respect. All employees of USU are collectively responsible for providing a work environment that is free from mistreatment, harassment, and/or intimidation, and where individuals are treated with dignity and respect.
Med edical B Ben enefi fit E t Eligibil ility ty Selections & changes can only be made at the following times: As s a N a New ew If y you hav ave a e a Ope pen n Hi Hire Life E e Event En Enrol ollment Eligible for Marriage or Held Annually coverage 1 st day Divorce on May 1 st with of employment an effective Birth or date of July 1 st Adoption Loss or Gain of Coverage
Specia ial E l Enro rollm lment You may enroll or make changes to benefits within 30 days of a qualifying Life Event Must submit the necessary paperwork Coverage begins the day of the qualifying life event
Re Regen ence B ce BCBS i is o our Medical al Insur suran ance C Car arri rier
Heal ealth th Insur suran ance T Ter erms Deducti ctible | The amount of money you pay out-of-pocket each year before the insurance will begin coverage expenses. The deductible may not apply to all services. Co Co-Pay ay | A fixed amount you need to pay for certain medical services. Office visits and prescription medication often require copays. Co Co-Ins nsuranc nce e | After you meet your deductible, your plan will start paying some of the costs. This means you share the cost of health care service with your health insurance company. Ou Out-of of-Pocket M Maximu mum m | The maximum amount of money you can pay for medical services over a certain period of time. Once you meet your out-of-pocket maximum, your insurance will pay 100% of all allowed charges.
How ow Health I Ins nsuranc nce W Wor orks ks Exampl mple | Jane’s insurance plan has a $1,500 deductible. The co-insurance is 70/30 with an out-of-pocket limit of $4,000. If Jane has reached her $1,500 deductible, co co-in insuran ance ce If Jane has reached her $4,000 If Jane’s office visit cost is $125 begins. If her office visit is $125 out-of-po out pocke ket limit and has an and she has not reached her with a copay of $30.00, she pays office visit of $125 she pays $1,500 deductib ible, then she pays $30.00 for the co-pay and pays nothing. Her plan pays her $125. Her plan pays no coverage. $37.50 for the office visit, and covered health care services. her plan pays $87.50.
Traditiona Tr onal P Plans ns Each time an individual within the family pays towards his or her individual deductible, that amount is credited toward the family deductible. If the family deductible is met, the health plan co-insurance rate kicks in for every member of $750 $750 $0 the family whether or not they met their own individual deductible. Note No te | Co-pays do not count toward your annual $1,500 Family Deductible deductible.
High D Deduc educti tible Plan an The family deductible can be met by one or any family member. Once the $3,000 family deductible is met, the members will pay the coinsurance rate. There is no per personal deductible to meet.
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