Building Water Resistant Durable Pavements Using Zydex Nanotechnology Presentation to ASHGHAL, Qatar Public Works Authority By Vishal Saluja – Vice President , Zydex Industries
Failures/Issues most common in roads and highways Oxidation Moisture Cracking Bleed • Binder loss leading to • Stripping of the • Potholes and undulations • Tracking raveling aggregates and bitumen • High thermal cracking • Pitting out/Pulling up • Loosening of the mix • Inefficient compaction due to temp variations chunks of pavements leading to surface • Premature pavement • Slipperiness cracking failures • Increased Surface • Increased maintenance Roughness costs Common Factor here is Water/Moisture Ingress
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Water Intrusion through Soil
Water Intrusion through Soil
Water Intrusion through Soil
Water Intrusion through Soil
Water Intrusion through Soil
Water Intrusion through Soil
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What is the solution to these issues High performing mix to meet current needs Technology that works under different climatic zones User friendly technology Permanent solution to the problem Cost effective solution Tested and approved ANSWER IS ZYDEX ROAD SOLUTION Currently being used in 65 + countries worldwide Tested, approved and accepted globally Received several awards globally under technology & Innovation
CHEMICAL BONDING Chemical bonding is far superior to the physical bonding of bitumen and aggregate Bitumen bonded chemically to aggregate will ensure that stripping and oxidation of bitumen is eliminated Extended time & temperature of moisture conditioning parameter, shows excellent retention of wet strength due to chemical bonding Zycotherm mixes comply to AASHTO T 283 / ASTM tests (to simulate ageing of actual production of mixes)
THE CH THE CHEMICA EMICAL L ACTIO CTION -OH groups make surface very hydrophilic (water loving) Silanol Groups O H O H O H O H O H O H O H S i S i S i S i S i S i S i Particle surface O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O S i S i S i S i O S i S i S i O O O O O O O O O O Aggregate / Soil / Clay / Sand surface silicate structure ZycoTherm 4 - 6 nm creates molecular Alkyl O level hydrophobic O O O O Siloxane S i S i S i S i S i S i S i O O O O O O zone surface O O O O O O O O O (water repellent) S S i S i S i S i S i S i i O O O O O O O O Particle surface O O O O O O O O S i S i S i O S i S i S i S i O Internal O O O O Siloxane bonds O O O O O Aggregate / Soil / Clay / Sand surface silicate structure after ZycoTherm reaction
CHEMICAL BONDING Aggregate Surface with ZycoTherm Nano Layer Strong Chemical Bonding Basalt Granite Limestone Weak Physical Bonding
BITUM BITUMEN BIND EN BINDER ER MIC MICROSTR OSTRUC UCTURE TURE Polar Asphaltenes In Non-Polar dispersed (5- 15%) Maltenes (85-95%)
ZY ZYCO COTHERM THERM – AGG GGREGA REGATE TE - BIN BINDER DER IN INTE TERA RACTIO CTION APPLE SKIN EFFECT ORANGE PEEL EFFECT Aggregate Stripped Clean Binder Water Non Polar – Non Polar Interaction Polar - Polar Interaction 5-15 % Asphalt participates in 85-95 % Asphalt participates in Bonding Bonding Faster Coating & Consistent Compaction Better workability, Pave at 0 o Celsius, Higher RAP
BOIL TEST ASTM D3625 : EXTEND TO 6 HOURS 100 90 80 % Coated Aggregates 70 60 50 10 min 40 30 min 30 1 hr 20 6 hrs 10 0 Control 2% 0.5% Amine 0.1% Hydrated ZycoTherm Lime Basalt Aggregate (DBM) : 45% 20 mm, 10% 10 mm, 45% less than 6 mm with stone dust Asphalt Grade: AC-20 (VG-30, 60-70 penetration grade)
BOIL TEST ASTM D3625 : EXTEND TO 6 HOURS SALT RESISTANT PAVEMENTS 100 100 90 90 80 80 70 70 60 60 10 Min 10 Min 50 50 1 Hr 1 Hr 40 40 6 Hr 6 Hr 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 PMB Control PMB + 0.1% Control 135 C Control 120 C 1% Hydrated 0.5% Amine 0.1% 165 C ZycoTherm Lime 135 C 135 C ZycoTherm 135 C 120 C PG 64-22 / VG 30 / 60-70 Pen PG 76-22 Basalt Aggregate (DBM) : 45% 20 mm, 10% 10 mm, 45% less than 6 mm with stone dust Asphalt Grade: AC-20 (VG-30, 60-70 penetration grade)
Boil Test Retained Coating 98 % of ZT mix v/s control 65 % Treated Control Test 30 minutes as per IS 14982 Mix made with VG 30 Bitumen Granite Aggregates 25 25
EFFECT OF ZYCOTHERM ON BITUMEN BINDER Bitumen Parameter Outcome Performance Grading It maintains the grading Rotational Viscosity remains unchanged Viscosity AASHTO T316 at 135 0 C Improves Rut Resistance (higher G*/ Sinδ ) Rutting Aging Improves retention of elasticity reflected by higher phase angle (in PAV aged asphalt binder) Similar / Higher m value at -12 0 C, even though the G* Low Temperature shows consistently higher values at 64 0 C Flexibility (BBR Test AASHTO T 313) Stiffness Penetration number goes down showing increase stiffness of the binder
ST STATIC TIC IM IMMER MERSIO SION N AASHTO T182 TEST TEST : : EXTEND EXTEND T TO O 360 360 HR HRS S 100 90 80 % Coated Aggregates 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0.1 % ZycoTherm Control 2% Lime 0.5% Amine 0.1% Zycosoil 24 Hours 48 Hours 120 Hours 360 Hours Basalt Aggregate (DBM) : 45% 20 mm, 10% 10 mm, 45% less than 6 mm with stone dust Asphalt Grade: AC-20 (VG-30, 60-70 pen. Grade)
MARSHALL WET COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH AASHTO T165 / ASTM D1075 Flow Values (mm) 3.14 3000 3.09 2500 2.95 3.05 2.85 2000 3.02 Marshall Stability (Kg) 3.18 2.78 2.71 3.10 1500 3.00 2.70 1000 500 0 Binder AC-10 Binder AC-20 CRMB-1 PMB-40 Control 2% Hydrated Lime 0.1% ZycoTherm Control 2% Hydrated Lime 0.1% Zycosoil Basalt Aggregate (DBM) : 45% 20 mm, 10% 10 mm, 45% less than 6 mm with stone dust Asphalt Grade: AC-20 (VG-30, 60-70 pen. Grade)
COMPLETE COATING Eliminates air interface at the aggregate surface due to faster coating, wetting and saturation of finest pores & crevices on aggregates / fines with bitumen Control With ZycoTherm Bitumen Binder Air Interface Pinhole Free Surface, Jet black look AGEING EFFECT ?
RESISTANCE TO OXIDATION Reduces Oxidative effect at the aggregate – bitumen interface to ensure longer life Accelerated bitumen oxidation happens due to extra air interface created by poor saturation and de-bonding of bitumen film on account of wet & dry cycles during the pavement service life RESISTANCE TO FATIGUE Extends Pavement Fatigue Life because of improved stress transfer due to complete mechanical impregnation of bitumen into the finest pores of aggregate surface
EFFICIENT WETTING ZycoTherm modified bitumen leads to faster coating and easier mixing with less Torque to saturate the rough and porous aggregates. Ensures improved mechanical interlocking of bitumen at the aggregate interface for improved fatigue performance Improves the heat transfer to RAP and mixing of virgin binder with oxidized hardened RAP binder Eliminates entrapped air between bitumen binder and aggregates and gives the Jet Black look Rate of Oxidation of bitumen binder is reduced due to elimination of air at the aggregate surface
OPTIMUM BINDER CONTENT Faster wetting and 100 % dispersion of fines below 75 microns ensures efficient distribution of bitumen binder in HMA mixes. This results in lesser requirement of bitumen by 0.1 – 0.4% Poor saturation of porous aggregates is a major cause of pre-mature failures due to moisture susceptibility and oxidation. ZycoTherm modified mixes show distinct improvement in performance, though the OBC may go up marginally Cumulative Effect Of The Above Aggregate OBC Low Absorption Lowers Medium Absorption Maintains High Absorption Increases
JE JET T BLA BLACK CK LOO OOK K Colorado, USA Comp Complete lete Sa Satu turation tion
CONSISTENT COMPACTION Lowers Mixing Temperature by 10-15 0 C Cooler Hot Mixes Lowers Compaction Temperature by 35-40 0 C Warm Mix Benefit Eliminates Variability of Compaction Density Upto 90 – 100 0 C Texas Experience ZycoTherm HMA mixes (unmodified bitumen) delivered to job sites at 145 0 C (in front of the plant site) and 105 0 C (hauling for 4 hours & paving on ranch), have been rolled successfully achieving specified compaction density
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