using smartphones for prototyping semantic sensor

Using Smartphones for Prototyping Semantic Sensor Analysis Systems - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Using Smartphones for Prototyping Semantic Sensor Analysis Systems Hassan Issa , Ludger van Elst, Andreas Dengel SBD 2016 Workshop San Francisco 01.07.2016 Over 5,000 sensors in each engine 20 terabytes of data generated per engine every

  1. Using Smartphones for Prototyping Semantic Sensor Analysis Systems Hassan Issa , Ludger van Elst, Andreas Dengel SBD 2016 Workshop – San Francisco – 01.07.2016

  2. Over 5,000 sensors in each engine 20 terabytes of data generated per engine every hour FRA to SFO 450 TB of sensor data What if all these sensors go online ?

  3. What if everything goes online ? 3

  4. Semantic Web Concrete Facts Resource Description Framework General Knowledge Web Ontology Language isA hasPet Person Animal hasPet isA Gary Larson's The Far Side

  5. Semantic Sensor Network Ontology

  6. Semantic Sensor Network Ontology

  7. Advantages of Semantic Sensor Data • Easy data integration • Helps achieving autonomous processing and reasoning about sensor data • Preserve data generation context • Provides levels of abstraction 7

  8. Prototype: Semantic Sensor Analysis System Generating sensor data Semantic modeling of the data generation context Transforming raw sensor data to semantic data Querying and analyzing the data

  9. SensorTracker App • Utilize smartphone sensors • Easy deployment • Data stored locally and/or transmitted over the internet • Fused sensor data

  10. Generating an SSN-Based Ontology

  11. Generating an SSN-Based Ontology

  12. Generating an SSN-Based Ontology

  13. Raw Sensor Data to Semantic Data Raw Sensor Data Line (“1450616528091”, “Accelerometer”, “ - 0.21284452”, “0.5286397”, “9.438902”) timestamp value-3 sensor value-2 value-1 AccelerationValue type hasObservationTime has Acceleration_x -0.21284452 1450616528091 has Acceleration_z 0.5286397 9.438902 13

  14. Big Data Implementation • Scale up to handle huge amounts of sensor data • Using Apache Spark • Distinguish TBox/ABox data • TBox data broadcasted to all nodes • Abox data distributed over cluster 14

  15. TBox Encoding • Base ontology is small • Created locally on a single machine • Two Tables created • Ontology Classes • Numerical id of a class • set of its sub- classes’ ids • Property Classes: • Numerical id of property • IDs of domain and range classes • Ids of sub-properties

  16. ABox Encoding • Raw sensor data transformed into triples • Triples are stored in separate RDDs for each property • Not all triples are loaded on each query

  17. Querying Semantic Sensor Data • Use Spark operations for analysis • SPARQL queries are transformed into a set of spark operations • Map • Filter • Join • … SPARQL SPARRK

  18. Street Quality Assessment Application • Smartphone deployed in a public transport bus • 8 days • 1600km • 14+ million records (Germany: 153+ billion records/day) 18

  19. Street Anomalies Detected 19 Spike of at least 1.8m/s 2 in a 2-second time frame

  20. Street Anomalies’ Locations Clustering using DBSCAN 20

  21. Conclusions • Introduced a prototype for sensor analysis systems • Smartphone used for data collection • SSN-based ontology generated to describe the sensor setup • Raw sensor data transformed to semantic data • Spark used for data transformation and analysis • System is scalable and can integrate data from different sources • Street quality assessment use case

  22. Future Work • Collect ground truth and evaluate street anomalies results • Create a complete ontology for bus networks according to German open data • Evaluate and optimize storage scheme followed

  23. Thank you. 23


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