Using Groove for analysing RPGame models Using Groove for analysing RPGame models Model Driven Engineering Brent van Bladel University of Antwerp 22 January 2015
Using Groove for analysing RPGame models Overview Type graph Transformation rules Control program Analysis
Using Groove for analysing RPGame models Type graph Figure : RPGame metamodel in AToMPM
Using Groove for analysing RPGame models Transformation rules moving characters Figure : Transformation rule to move the Hero
Using Groove for analysing RPGame models Transformation rules attacking characters Figure : Transformation rule to let the Hero attack
Using Groove for analysing RPGame models Transformation rules activating villains Figure : Transformation rule that activates the villains
Using Groove for analysing RPGame models Transformation rules end condition Figure : Transformation rule checking the end condition
Using Groove for analysing RPGame models Control program 1 w h i l e ( i s N o t F i n i s h e d ) { c h o i c e Hero . moveDown ; 3 or Hero . moveLeft ; or Hero . moveRight ; 5 or Hero . moveUp ; or Hero . attackUp ; 7 or Hero . attackDown ; or Hero . a t t a c k L e f t ; 9 or Hero . a t t a c k R i g h t ; t r y Hero . takeGoal ; 11 t r y Hero . takeKey ; t r y Hero . takeWeapon ; 13 t r y Hero . a c t i v a t e T r a p ; t r y Hero . useDoor ; 15 t r y V i l l a i n . d i e ; t r y V i l l a i n . a c t i v a t e ; 17 w h i l e ( i s A c t i v e ) { c h o i c e V i l l a i n . moveDown ; 19 or V i l l a i n . moveLeft ; or V i l l a i n . moveRight ; 21 or V i l l a i n . moveUp ; or V i l l a i n . attackUp ; 23 or V i l l a i n . attackDown ; or V i l l a i n . a t t a c k L e f t ; 25 or V i l l a i n . a t t a c k R i g h t ; }}
Using Groove for analysing RPGame models logout <coded> <coded> <coded> <coded> <coded> <coded> <coded> <coded> Analysis <coded> <coded> <coded> <coded> FS:100 FS:100 E:100 E:100 Show ¡Chat send ¡ screenshare ¡invitation send ¡ modelshare ¡invitation
Using Groove for analysing RPGame models Analysis
Using Groove for analysing RPGame models Analysis
Using Groove for analysing RPGame models logout <coded> <coded> <coded> <coded> <coded> <coded> <coded> <coded> Analysis <coded> <coded> <coded> <coded> FS:100 FS:100 E:100 E:100 Show ¡Chat send ¡ screenshare ¡invitation send ¡ modelshare ¡invitation
Using Groove for analysing RPGame models Analysis
Using Groove for analysing RPGame models Analysis
Using Groove for analysing RPGame models logout <coded> <coded> <coded> <coded> <coded> <coded> <coded> <coded> Analysis <coded> <coded> <coded> <coded> FS:100 FS:100 FS:50 FS:50 E:100 E:100 Show ¡Chat send ¡ screenshare ¡invitation send ¡ modelshare ¡invitation
Using Groove for analysing RPGame models Analysis
Using Groove for analysing RPGame models Analysis
Using Groove for analysing RPGame models Analysis
Using Groove for analysing RPGame models Analysis
Using Groove for analysing RPGame models Analysis logout <coded> <coded> <coded> <coded> <coded> <coded> <coded> <coded> <coded> <coded> <coded> <coded> FS:100 FS:100 E:100 E:100 s s T T o o > > > > < < < < l l e e a a d d Show ¡Chat send ¡ screenshare ¡invitation send ¡ modelshare ¡invitation
Using Groove for analysing RPGame models Analysis
Using Groove for analysing RPGame models Analysis
logout <coded> <coded> <coded> <coded> <coded> <coded> Using Groove for analysing RPGame models <coded> <coded> <coded> <coded> <coded> <coded> Analysis FS:100 FS:100 E:100 E:100 FS:100 FS:100 E:100 E:100 Show ¡Chat send ¡ screenshare ¡invitation send ¡ modelshare ¡invitation
Using Groove for analysing RPGame models Analysis
Using Groove for analysing RPGame models Analysis
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