update to the

Update to the Waterfront Commission May 21, 2019 RiverRenew is a - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

RiverRenew Update to the Waterfront Commission May 21, 2019 RiverRenew is a program owned and implemented by Alexandria Renew Enterprises, with support from the City of Alexandria. 1800 Limerick Street | Alexandria, VA 22314 Presentation

  1. RiverRenew Update to the Waterfront Commission May 21, 2019 RiverRenew is a program owned and implemented by Alexandria Renew Enterprises, with support from the City of Alexandria. 1800 Limerick Street | Alexandria, VA 22314

  2. Presentation Outline • RiverRenew Program Snapshot • Outfall 001 Diversion Facility as presented in Development Special Use Permit #2018-0020 • Outfall 001 Construction Sequence Example • Outfall 001 Conceptual Restoration Plans • Potential Haul Routes and Rates during Construction 2

  3. RiverRenew Program Snapshot

  4. LEGEND Existing Outfall RiverRenew Program Snapshot N Diversion Chamber Pumping Station Shaft Outfall 001 May 2019 Shaft & Diversion Chamber Historic District 12’ Diameter Waterfront Tunnel 6’ Diameter Hooffs Run Tunnel Major Components: ► Proposed Work in Alexandria • Tunnel System to capture flows from Outfalls 001-004 Outfall 003 ► Proposed Work at AlexRenew Outfall 004 (current location) • Tunnel Dewatering Pumping Station and Superstructure • Increase of peak primary pumping capacity Old Town • Lab relocation and administrative building demolition Alexandria Wet Weather Treatment Facility • • Site security and gate access AlexRenew Estimated Capital Cost at Construction Midpoint: • $370M - $555M (conceptual level of design) Schedule: • Tunnel System: Dec 2020 – July 2025 • Work at AlexRenew: July 2019 – March 2021 More information: Outfall 002 • riverrenew.com Technically Preferred Alternative for the Tunnel System. Note that the selection of the 4 final alignment will be accomplished through the Environmental Assessment process.

  5. Major Tunnel System Components to be Constructed Diversion Chambers & Drop Shafts Hooffs Run Tunnel (open-cut) Pumping Station Waterfront Tunnel (at existing outfall locations) 5

  6. RiverRenew Tunnel System Permit and Procurement Schedule 2018 2019 2020 2021 Legend: ACTIVITY J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D Environmental Assessment Environmental Assessment (EA) DSUP Draft Development Submit Draft EA (Mar 2019) Procurement NPS Review NPS Issues EA (June 2019) Subject to NPS Schedule Current Quarter Public Comment and Listening Sessions June 2019 Milestone NPS Issues Decision Document Construction NPS Issues Decision Document (Jul 2019) Tunnel System DSUP DSUP Development and Coordination with City Regulatory Team Planning Commission Meeting 6/25/19 City Council Hearing, Issue DSUP 7/9/19 Tunnel Pumping Station DSUP DSUP Development and Coordination with City Regulatory Team Planning Commission Meeting 9/3/19 City Council Hearing, Issue DSUP 9/14/19 Procurement (Fixed Price Design-Build) Request for Qualifications (RFQ) Issue RFQ (Jun 2019) Shortlist (Oct 2019) Request for Proposal (RFP) Development Issue RFP (Feb 2020) Meetings with Design-Build Team Proposals Due (Aug 2020) Notice to Proceed (NTP) NTP (Dec 2020) Construction 6 DSUP: Development Special Use Permit

  7. Outfall 001 Diversion Facility as Presented in DSUP #2018-0020

  8. Outfall 001 Existing Conditions N 84” × 72” Combined Sewer Oronoco Bay Park Flow to AlexRenew Founders Park Oronoco Bay 36” Potomac Interceptor Outfall 001 and Regulator Potomac River Potomac River 8

  9. Outfall 001 Diversion Facility Alternatives in DSUP #2018-0020 Oronoco Bay Park East Robinson Terminal North Oron onoc oco Diversion Outfall 001 Oronoc onoco Bay Chamber Extension Bay N N Pendle dleton on St lding Park tial Buildin Oronoc onoco Bay omac River er Existin sting Drop Outfall fall Shaft sidential otomac 001 mac River er Outfall fall Drop op Reside 001 Shaft Pot Exten ension sion Potomac Waterfront Union St Tunnel Pendle dleton on St Existin ting Diver ersion sion Union St N Un Outfall fall Constructio struction Constructio struction Chambe amber Staging ing Area ea 001 Staging ing Area ea N Un Water erfr front nt Tunnel nel Technically Preferred Alternative. Note that the selection of the final alternative will be accomplished through the Environmental Assessment process. 9

  10. Outfall 001 Construction Sequence Example

  11. Phase 1: Site Mobilization 3 months 11

  12. Phase 2: Cofferdam Installation 8 months Sheet pile installation Work within sheet pile wall Sheet pile hammer 12 Finished sheet pile wall Braced sheet pile wall

  13. Phase 3: Shaft Construction 10 months Shaft excavation support installation 13 Shaft excavation

  14. Phase 4: Near Surface Structures 9 months Excavation support and flume Concrete formwork and pours 14 Reinforcing installation Equipment installation (where necessary)

  15. Phase 5: Tunnel Boring Machine Removal & Shaft Fit-out 4 months TBM removal Shaft internal concrete (upper shaft) Shaft cover and backfill 15 Shaft internal concrete (lower shaft)

  16. Phase 6: Site Restoration 2 months 16

  17. Outfall 001 Conceptual Restoration Plans

  18. Illustrative Renderings of Outfall 001 Diversion Facility Restoration Robinson Terminal North Alternative Rendering, looking west at Robinson Terminal North Illustrative Landscaping Plan Rendering, looking east at Robinson Terminal North Technically Preferred Alternative. Note that the selection of the final alternative will be 18 accomplished through the Environmental Assessment process.

  19. Illustrative Renderings of Outfall 001 Diversion Facility Restoration Oronoco Bay Park East Alternative Rendering, looking south from Oronoco Bay Technically Preferred Alternative. Note that the selection of the final alternative will be accomplished through the Environmental Assessment process. Illustrative Landscaping Plan 19

  20. Potential Haul Routes and Rates during Construction

  21. Existing Traffic Volumes near Construction Sites Existing = 1,300 vehicles/day Outfall 001 Site N Existing = 19,000 vehicles/day Outfalls 003/4 Site Existing = 17,000 WRRF vehicles/day* Site *Annual Average Daily Traffic Existing = 1,400 for Eisenhower Avenue from vehicles/day 2017 VDOT Special Locality Report 100 (Alexandria) Outfall 002 Site Counts collected in January 2019. Reported values are totals between the hours of 7AM-6PM 21

  22. Proposed Haul Routes for All Construction Sites PEAK RATE 1 Truck Line Site Every 001 9 mins Outfall 001 Site N 002 11 mins 003/4 16 mins WRRF 5 mins Outfalls Shared 5 mins 003/4 Site Assumes 7AM-6PM Work Hours WRRF Site Outfall 002 Site 22

  23. Estimated Outfall 001 Trucks per Day during Construction 90 RiverRenew Peak = 78 trucks/day Total (6% of existing traffic volume) 80 Soil Materials 70 Dirty Soil 60 Estimated Trucks per Day 50 RiverRenew Average = 39 trucks/day (3% of existing traffic volume) 40 30 20 10 0 23

  24. Estimated Outfall 003/4 and WRRF Trucks per Day during Construction 180 Total RiverRenew Peak = 166 160 Soil trucks/day (1% of existing traffic Materials volume) 140 Dirty Soil 120 Estimated Trucks per Day 100 80 60 RiverRenew Average = 35 trucks/day (0.2% of existing traffic volume) 40 20 0 24

  25. Potential Construction Practices for Soil Containment Wheel Wash Tarping Street Sweeping Hauling Inspector 25

  26. Comparison of Outfall 001 Diversion Facility Soil Volumes to Other Approved Alexandria Waterfront Projects Outfall 001 Diversion Facility Robinson Landing Robinson Terminal North 20,000 CY excavated soil 55,000 CY excavated soil + 15,000 68,000 CY excavated soil + 17,000 CY imported soil = 70,000 CY imported soils = 85,000 CY 26 CY = Cubic Yards

  27. Questions? 27

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