update on the 2011 census and national household survey

Update on the 2011 Census and National Household Survey (NHS) DLI - PDF document

02/12/2013 Update on the 2011 Census and National Household Survey (NHS) DLI Western Training - ACCOLEDS Grant MacEwan University Edmonton, Alberta Mary-Lynne (Mini) Reid Paul Schwets November 27, 2013 Presentation outline Part 1: 2011

  1. 02/12/2013 Update on the 2011 Census and National Household Survey (NHS) DLI Western Training - ACCOLEDS Grant MacEwan University Edmonton, Alberta Mary-Lynne (Mini) Reid Paul Schwets November 27, 2013 Presentation outline Part 1: 2011 Census Dissemination  Summary of products and services line (web module ‘walk-through’) Part 2: 2011 National Household Survey (NHS) Dissemination  Release strategy and changes to product line compared to census  Data quality … Global non-response (GNR) and coefficients of variation (CVs)  Summary of products and services line (web module ‘walk-through’) DLI Western Training - ACCOLEDS 2 1

  2. 02/12/2013 Presentation outline (concluded) Part 3: What is left to be released for census and NHS? Part 4: Ongoing and the future …  Statistics Canada’s New Dissemination Model (NDM)  Open data and historical web data holdings  2016 DLI – specific issues and general questions / comments / feedback DLI Western Training - ACCOLEDS 3 Part 1: 2011 Census Dissemination 2011 Census major release dates February 8, 2012 – Population and dwelling counts May 29, 2012 – Age and sex September 19, 2012 – Families, households, marital status, structural type of dwelling, collectives October 24, 2012 – Language *********** Summary of products and services line (web module ‘walk-through’) …  2011 Census web module landing page (wrap-up version) – conversion/update to CLF 3.0 and new accessibility standards following last census release; layout; new features; functionality, linkages, etc.  February 1, 2012 – all 2006 and 2001 historical standard data products became FREE  Moved to archive 1996-2006 Census web modules DLI Western Training - ACCOLEDS 4 2

  3. 02/12/2013 Part 1: 2011 Census Dissemination Summary of products and services line (web module ‘walk-through’) …  By topic (‘one-stop-shop’ per release)  Data products – by product type: Census profile, Topic-based tabulations, Highlight tables  Data visualization products: Visual census, Census Data Navigator, Age pyramids  Analytical products – by topic (main document and Census in brief articles), by geography (new Focus on geography)  Reference materials (reference products and other reference materials)  Geography products and services line  Census of Agriculture  Consultation (current and future), Custom and semi-custom products and services  Microdata / Research Data Centre products and services 5 DLI Western Training - ACCOLEDS 2011 Census Web Module DLI Western Training - ACCOLEDS 6 3

  4. 02/12/2013 Part 1: 2011 Census Dissemination (Slides 7 through 16 summarize key information presented during ‘web walk-through’)  Structure of ‘wrap-up’ version of 2011 Census web module landing page:  Census news;  Doorway to NHS (to alleviate users’ confusion with census vs. NHS);  New ‘Featured place’ and ‘Analytical highlights’ … random generation on entry;  Direct links to Census profile;  Video centre and Featured products (cross-section/new/popular).  By topic (‘one-stop-shop’ per release)  Data products – by product type:  Census profile – styled after 2006 Census Community profile, entry by geography (incl. postal code), expanded stubsets, merger of all former census profile types, expanded download options, related data (census and NHS);  Topic-based tabulations – simple to complex cross-tabulations, expanded download options;  Highlight tables – present key indicators, rank/sort/chart, supports analytical. 7 DLI Western Training - ACCOLEDS Part 1: 2011 Census Dissemination (Slides 7 through 16 summarize key information presented during ‘web walk-through’)  Data visualization products:  Visual census – figures, charts, graphics supporting each topic/release, downloadable data;  Census Data Navigator – new, dynamic application allows user to navigate through various levels of the standard geographic hierarchy and obtain population and dwelling counts as well as characteristic data from the 2011 Census(CAN/PROV/TERR, CD/CSD). Related data from Census profile, Focus on Geography Series and Topic-based tabulations can also obtained;  Age pyramids – a) historical 1921 to 2011 and b) comparison of any 2 levels of geography (CAN/PROV,TERR,CMA/CA) between 2006 and 2011.  Analytical products:  Main Analytical document;  Thematic maps;  New ‘Census in Brief’ - supporting articles. DLI Western Training - ACCOLEDS 8 4

  5. 02/12/2013 Part 1: 2011 Census Dissemination (Slides 7 through 16 summarize key information presented during ‘web walk-through’)  Analytical products – Focus on Geography Series:  Quick access to key results for all census topics for CAN/PROV/TERR, CMA/CA and CSDs with 5,000 + population;  In sync with detailed analytical components;  Map (static and interactive), highlight text (key data/indicators), summary tables, charts, figures, ranking perspectives, explanatory notes;  Popular with media, education sector.  Reference materials  Reference products : Census Dictionary; Overview of the Census; Preview of Census Products and Services; Policy on response to formal review requests of 2011 Census population and dwelling counts; Results of the 92-year question; Reference guides, methodological document, and technical report.  Other reference materials: Census questionnaires; Data quality and confidentiality; Symbols, abbreviations and acronyms; Access to census information; About the census; Geographic name changes; Your Guide to Data Sources on Census Program Topics. 9 DLI Western Training - ACCOLEDS Part 1: 2011 Census Dissemination (Slides 7 through 16 summarize key information presented during ‘web walk-through’)  Geography products and services line  Four major groupings: maps, spatial information products, attribute information products, and reference products  Changes in concepts – urban areas change to population centres, designated places can cross census subdivisions  Maps – Reference maps, GeoSearch, thematic maps  Reference maps: • National maps – census metropolitan areas / census agglomerations, census divisions, census divisions / economic regions, federal electoral districts, Statistical Area Classification • Provincial / territorial maps – census divisions, census subdivisions, census metropolitan areas / census agglomerations, designated places • Census subdivisions / dissemination areas, census metropolitan areas (tracted census agglomerations) / census tracts, non-tracted census agglomerations / dissemination areas DLI Western Training - ACCOLEDS 10 5

  6. 02/12/2013 Part 1: 2011 Census Dissemination (Slides 7 through 16 summarize key information presented during ‘web walk-through’)  GeoSearch 2011 – interactive mapping application. New functionality for 2011 allows users to view data for more than one geographic area at a time and automatically display additional census data for each selected geographic area (including population and dwelling counts). Also includes improved search capabilities and allows users to display two types of geographic boundaries at the same time.  Thematic maps – present spatial distribution for the specific census topics for standard geographic areas. The map may be qualitative in nature (e.g., predominant mother tongue) or quantitative (e.g., percentage population change). 11 DLI Western Training - ACCOLEDS Part 1: 2011 Census Dissemination (Slides 7 through 16 summarize key information presented during ‘web walk-through’)  Spatial information products – Road Network File, boundary files  Road Network File - Road network files are digital representations of Canada's national road network, containing information such as street names, types, directions and address ranges. User applications of these files may include mapping, geocoding, geographic searching, area delineation and database maintenance as a source for street names and locations.  Boundary files • Digital and cartographic boundary files, available in ArcInfo, MapInfo and GML formats • Include: province, census division, economic region, census consolidated subdivision, census metropolitan area / census agglomeration, census tract, dissemination area, federal electoral district, designated place, population centre, dissemination block and population ecumene. DLI Western Training - ACCOLEDS 12 6


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