upda date o e on n the e standar andards ds rev eview ew

Upda date o e on n the e Standar andards ds Rev eview ew and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Upda date o e on n the e Standar andards ds Rev eview ew and R and Rev evision n Pr Proce ocess Presentation to the Colorado State Board of Education June 15, 2017 Introductions and Presentation Purpose Int roduct ions Melissa

  1. Upda date o e on n the e Standar andards ds Rev eview ew and R and Rev evision n Pr Proce ocess Presentation to the Colorado State Board of Education June 15, 2017

  2. Introductions and Presentation Purpose Int roduct ions • Melissa Colsman, Ph.D., Associat e Commissioner for S t udent Learning • Holly Port er, Ed. D., Chair of t he Colorado English Language Proficiency S t andards Commit t ee and Direct or of Language S upport s and S ervices, Cherry Creek S chools • Lourdes (Lulu) Buck, English Language Development S pecialist and World Language Cont ent S pecialist , CDE Office of Cult urally and Linguist ically Diverse Educat ion Purpose • To provide t he S t at e Board of Educat ion wit h an updat e on t he work of t he st andards review and revision commit t ees wit h a focus on t he Colorado English Language Proficiency st andards 6/7/2017 2

  3. St Standa ndards ds Revi view a and nd Rev evision P Proces ess Ov Overview ew

  4. Guiding Principles for the Standards Review and Revision Process • Transparent: Process and decisions are public • Inclusive: Process involves key stakeholders • Research-informed: Process informed by research, lessons learned from other states, and the assumptions underlying the standards • Consistent: Process aligned with statutory requirements • S ubstantive: Process focused on the substance or content of the standards themselves • Improvement-oriented: Process focused on improving what exists based on stakeholder feedback 6/7/2017 4

  5. Standards Review and Revision: Roles and Responsibilities Stakeholders Provide feedback on standards review process and proposed revisions State Board of Education Make decisions to guide the review and revision CDE Staff process; approve Review revisions Facilitate the Committees review and Propose revisions revision process to the standards and staff the for State Board content area consideration committees 6/7/2017 5

  6. Standards Review and Revision Timeline 6/7/2017 6

  7. St Standa ndards ds Revi view a and nd Revis ision P Proce cess s Commi mmitte ttee Upd pdate te

  8. Committee Applications by Region NORTHEAST SOUTHWEST SOUTHEAST NORTHWEST 2% 2% 1% 3% 3% WEST CENTRAL 4% NORTH CENTRAL 11% DENVER METRO 57% PIKES PEAK 20% 6/7/2017 8


  10. Committee Representation by Primary Role Parent 2% Higher Education 11% Administrator 34% Educator 47% Business 6% 6/7/2017 10

  11. Resources Currently Available on Standards Review and Revision Webpage S takeholder input from the Online S tandards Review S ystem • All comments are available in a single, tabbed spreadsheet. • Comments organized by content area and grade level are also available. Committee resources • Names and affiliations of all committee members are posted by content area. • Each content area committee has a page of general resources that the committee will use during their review process. • Committee meeting dates, locations, and summaries are all posted. Public comments can be shared via the standards email address through the entire review and revision process: standardsreview2018@ cde.state.co.us 6/7/2017 11

  12. Responses in the Online Standards Feedback System Content Area Number of Total Number of Commenters Comments Comprehensive Health and 56 606 Physical Education Dance 4 5 Drama and Theatre Arts 3 11 Mathematics 26 165 Music 19 238 Reading, Writing and 47 377 Communicating Science 36 302 Social Studies 106 610 Visual Arts 19 277 World Languages 14 879 Total 330 3470 6/7/2017 12

  13. Col olorado’s Eng English L sh Langua nguage ge Pr Proficiency ncy (CEL ELP) P) St Standa ndards ds

  14. Information about Colorado’s English Language Proficiency (CELP) Standards • In 2009,the Colorado S tate Board of Education approved WIDA ’s English Language Proficiency (ELP) standards as a framework for Colorado’s ELP standards. • The CELP standards include standards to develop English for identified English Learners in kindergarten through grade 12. • CELP standards address a specific context for language development in the S ocial and Instructional settings through the content areas of: • English Language Arts • Mathematics • S cience • S ocial S tudies 6/7/2017 14

  15. CELP Standards Survey: Participants Other State Agency • CDE conducted (BOCES, 4% a survey to Parent, Advocates, gather Students Media, 2% feedback on Taxpayer, the approach Professional for revising the Organization, CELP standards other) 4% • The survey was open from to January 25 to February 28, 2017 • A total of 350 Educators individuals 90% responded 6/7/2017 15

  16. CELP Survey Educator Participant Details Not a PK-12 Bilingual educator educator 2% 3% Classroom District Teacher administrator 8% 11% District-level non- adminstrator staff 9% School administrator 4% English language School-level non- development instructional staff teacher 3% 60% 6/7/2017 16

  17. Overall impression of the CELP Standards Not sure Very negative 4% 1% Negative 8% Very positive 21% Neutral 25% Positive 41% 6/7/2017 17

  18. Preference for Approach to Review and Revise CELP Standards Use WiDA as a Develop CELP referent for standards from developing original scratch without CELP standards reference WiDA 13% 2% Continue to use WiDA without modifications 18% Continue to use WiDA; develop implementation and support resources 67% 6/7/2017 18

  19. CELP Committee Progress • The committee met in May 2017 along with all other standards review and revision committees. • The committee reviewed the survey responses and public comments submitted to the department. • The committee is in consensus to: • Modify the academic language portions of the CELP standards to align to the Colorado Academic S tandards • Develop implementation resources 6/7/2017 19

  20. Next Steps for the Standards Review and Revision Committees • The standards review and revision committees will hold their third meeting on Friday, June 16. • Committees will review work virtually over the summer and convene in S eptember to consolidate their initial recommended revisions. • We anticipate that the proposed revisions will be available for S tate Board and public feedback beginning in October. • Updates on the progress of the committees in general and specific content areas will be provided to the S tate Board on an ongoing basis through July 2018. 6/7/2017 20

  21. Qu Ques estions ns and and Commen ents

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