university of ni

UNIVERSITY OF NI SERBIA University of Ni University of Ni - - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

UNIVERSITY OF NI SERBIA University of Ni University of Ni - History Founded on June 15th, 1965 Originally consisted of: Faculty of Law&Economics, Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Engineering With abt 10500 students and 234


  2. University of Niš

  3. University of Niš - History Founded on June 15th, 1965 Originally consisted of:  Faculty of Law&Economics,  Faculty of Medicine  Faculty of Engineering With abt 10500 students and 234 teaching staff.

  4. University of Niš Today The Headquarters of the University of Niš is today located at one of the most representative buildings in Niš – which was built in 1887 and is now part of the national heritage, protected by the state.

  5. University of Niš Today  One of the most important institutions in Niš, the city of about 300,000 inhabitants, a significant economic, social, educational, cultural, sport and tourist centre of Serbia.

  6. East-West Gate Often referred to as a “Gateway between the East and the West”, Niš has a long history ever since the prehistoric times. It is also known as an Imperial City because Constantine the Great was born there.

  7. University of Niš Today In the academic 2016/2017 year, 24625 students at all levels of study  Undergraduate level,  Master level,  PhD level,  Specialist and professional level  Specialist academic level

  8. University of Niš Today It comprises 13 faculties: • Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture • Faculty of Economy • Faculty of Electronic Engineering • Faculty of Mechanical Engineering • Faculty of Medicine • Faculty of Pedagogy • Faculty of Law • Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics • Faculty of Technology • Faculty of Arts • Faculty of Occupational Safety • Faculty of Sport and Physical Education • Faculty of Philosophy

  9. University of Niš Today From the University foundation until the academic year 2016/2017  68408 students have, 1350 of them being foreign citizens  about 3000 postgraduates acquired their magister degrees  1849 candidates, including 45 foreigners, defended their doctoral dissertations

  10. European award – “HR Excellence in Research”  The European Commission awarded the University of Niš with a special “HR Excellence in Research” logo, which was officially conferred to the University at the Ceremony in Brussels.  This exceptional recognition was awarded to the University of Niš for its commitment to the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers which is dealing with rights and obligations of researchers, their employers and scientific and research organizations.  From over 1,200 institutions from 35 countries in Europe, only 102 have developed the above named Strategy. This kind of promotion significantly contributes to visibility and reputation of the University of Niš at the international scene.

  11. International Cooperation Cooperation with institutions in the country and abroad  The University of Niš maintains rich bilateral and multilateral collaboration with many academic and research institutions and associations from the country and abroad.  Close links with foreign partners are kept through the membership in various international and interuniversity associations, through international programs and projects, or on the basis of contracts on direct collaboration.  The University of Niš participates in many international programs.

  12. University of Niš Projects

  13. Academic Mobility Strategy  Promoting the mobility of academic staff has become increasingly important in European higher education policy. Academic mobility is usually considered an element of human resources development and an aspect of the quality improvement of higher education and research at national higher education institutions. Thereby, mobility and internationalization are the key aspects of Bologna process as pointed out in the “Mobility Strategy 2020 for the European Higher Education” adopted by European Higher Education Area ministries.  University of Niš aims at promoting academic mobility through agreements on academic cooperation with other countries and their higher education institutions, thus increasing its participation in the research initiatives of the EU.

  14. Studying in Niš for Foreign Students  The Faculties within the University of Niš organize all levels of academic and professional studies based on approved and accredited higher education study programs .  All the faculties organize studies in the Serbian language . Therefore, international applicants have to demonstrate competence in the Serbian language by a relevant document.  Certain accredited study programmes in English are available at the Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Faculty of Electronic Engineering and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.  Serbian Language Courses are organized at the Center for Serbian as a Foreign and the Second Language operating within the Department of Serbian Language of the Faculty of Philosophy in Niš.

  15. More than 140 programs at the academically profiled faculties!

  16. Studying in Niš for Foreign Students

  17. Publications for Foreign Students

  18. UNIVERSITY OF NIŠ For more information:

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