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University Advancement at Missouri S&T OPEN EXT AFF M&A - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

University Advancement at Missouri S&T OPEN EXT AFF M&A INFO 2-1 April 12-13, 2018 Mission Statement University Advancement creates and cultivates meaningful and lasting relationships which engage and influence S&T alumni

  1. University Advancement at Missouri S&T OPEN – EXT AFF M&A – INFO 2-1 April 12-13, 2018

  2. Mission Statement University Advancement creates and cultivates meaningful and lasting relationships which engage and influence S&T alumni and friends to advance the university’s mission. April 12-13, 2018 OPEN – EXT AFF M&A – INFO 2-2

  3. Vision Statement The employees of University Advancement aspire, through word and deed, to make Missouri S&T the organization of choice for charitable contributions among all alumni and friends. By fostering and building pride and brand identity, increasing and strengthening partnerships, and delivering alumni/donor experiences and recognition of the highest quality, we seek to support and advance the university’s mission. Our watchwords are recruitment, retention, efficiency, engagement and stewardship. April 12-13, 2018 OPEN – EXT AFF M&A – INFO 2-3

  4. Meeting Stewardship Goals 100% of students who received a scholarship wrote thank you notes to their donors (up from less than 5% in 2015) 88% of donors rated their giving experience as highly satisfactory or satisfactory (up from less than 50% in 2010) April 12-13, 2018 OPEN – EXT AFF M&A – INFO 2-4

  5. 2017 Organization Chart Uni University Advanc nceme ment nt Advancement KMST Public Marketing and Alumni & Development Services Radio Communications Donor Relations 4 professional staff 16 professional staff 10 professional staff 6 professional staff 8 support staff 4 support staff 2 support staff 2 support staff 7 professional staff 3 support staff Prospect Research 1 professional staff Moved operations to KWMU Moved reporting to 2 support staff July 1, 2017 Chancellor July 1, 2017 April 12-13, 2018 OPEN – EXT AFF M&A – INFO 2-5

  6. 2018 Organization Chart Uni University Advanc nceme ment nt Corporate Advancement Alumni & Development Relations Services Donor Relations 4 professional staff 10 professional staff 4 professional staff 1 support staff 7 support staff 7 professional staff 3 support staff 3 support staff Prospect Research 1 professional staff Integrated with 2 support staff Advancement July 1, 2017 April 12-13, 2018 OPEN – EXT AFF M&A – INFO 2-6

  7. Donor/Prospect Funnel 47,812 living alumni 41,269 alumni of record 86% of living alumni are reachable 7,471 prospects 18% of reachable alumni $50K or higher are wealth rated 1,657 assigned to a gift 22% of wealth rated alumni officer are assigned to staff April 12-13, 2018 OPEN – EXT AFF M&A – INFO 2-7

  8. Gift Officer Performance Metrics # of Position Prime Goal Stretch Goal Positions 5 “Road Warrior” Achieve 200 points Achieve 110% of prime 1 Director of Planned Giving Achieve 100 points Achieve 110% of prime 3 Executive Director Achieve 100 points Achieve 110% of prime April 12-13, 2018 OPEN – EXT AFF M&A – INFO 2-8

  9. Gift Officer Performance Metrics One Point Two Points Three Points Five Points Qualified visit Book an outright gift of Book a gift of $500,000 Book a faculty • • • • Host a donor and/or $100,000 - $499,999 - $999,999 endowment • prospect on-campus 2+ completed gift Stage change Book a gift of • • • Attend a donor event agreements in a fiscal $1,000,000+ • (see pre-approved list) year Book a planned gift of • Book a gift that that is a $2,000,000+ • named space in one of the campaign’s priority projects Book a planned gift of • $250,000 - $499,999 Discovery visit • April 12-13, 2018 OPEN – EXT AFF M&A – INFO 2-9

  10. Campaign Solicitation Success 100% 100% 100% 90% 80% 72% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 21% 30% 20% 20% 7% 10% 0% Advancing Excellence Campaign Rolla Rising Campaign April 12-13, 2018 Solicitations made No Yes Pending OPEN – EXT AFF M&A – INFO 2-10

  11. Campaign Solicitation Proposal Yield 100% 100% 100% 90% 76% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 20% 30% 11.3% 20% 10% 0% Advancing Excellence Campaign Rolla Rising Campaign Yield Rate: 11.3% Yield Rate: 76.0% Dollars solicited Dollars received Pending April 12-13, 2018 OPEN – EXT AFF M&A – INFO 2-11

  12. Campaign Performance Gift Ra Range “Full ll “Adva vancing ng “Rolla lla Circle” ” Excellence” ” Ris ising” (1994-20 (1994 2000) 00) (2004-20 (2004 2010) 10) (2016 (2016-20 2022) 22) Actu tual $ $74M 74M Actu tual $ $128. 128.7M 7M Goal Ra Range $130M 130M - $150M 150M $5,000,000> 0 0 0 $5,000,000 0 2 0 $2,500,000+ 4 3 1 $1,000,000+ 7 24 7 $500,000+ 16 33 10 $250,000+ 26 34 11 $100,000+ 53 90 29 $50,000+ 59 70 35 $10,000+ 103 435 221 April 12-13, 2018 OPEN – EXT AFF M&A – INFO 2-12

  13. Fundraising by Fiscal Year $34.3M $33.2M $31.0M $35,000,000 $26.4M $26.3M $30,000,000 $25,000,000 $20,000,000 $15,000,000 $10,000,000 $5,000,000 $0 FY16 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY17 $10.1M $13.8M $10.6M $14.7M $13.9M Deferred pledges Outright gifts Current pledges Fundraising & Private Grants April 12-13, 2018 OPEN – EXT AFF M&A – INFO 2-13

  14. Areas of Support for Development Major donors want a co-created future and flexible philanthropy. Rigid policies and lim limite ited opt ptions are no longer acceptable . April 12-13, 2018 OPEN – EXT AFF M&A – INFO 2-14

  15. Areas of Support for Development An increasing percentage in overall giving of pl plann nned g gifts with restricted purposes reflect a conservative approach to major giving by our donors. Trust and transparency with the UM System are key to addressing this trend. April 12-13, 2018 OPEN – EXT AFF M&A – INFO 2-15

  16. Flexible Philanthropy IN INVE VEST STMENT RE T RETU TURNS S& S&T Mine ner A Alum umni A ni Associat iatio ion ( n (MAA) Period Main Bertelsmeyer Stevenson CGA 1 year 13.70% 11.90% 12.10% 14.50% 9.50% 3 year 5.00% 5.10% 5.00% 5.90% 4.00% 5 year 8.70% 7.50% 8.60% 10.30% 7.00% 10 year 4.80% 4.80% 4.80% 5.10% 3.90% April 12-13, 2018 OPEN – EXT AFF M&A – INFO 2-16

  17. Bridging the Gap Engineers are analytic ON OFF % / Giving is emotional We must bridge the gap 7 8 9 X - 4 5 6 3 2 1 + . 0 = When our analytics don’t “add up,” giving remains transactional not transformational. April 12-13, 2018 OPEN – EXT AFF M&A – INFO 2-17


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