UNIVERSAL SMART ENERGY FRAMEWORK Unlocking the market for fmexible energy use A solid foundatjon for smart energy futures
and more up- More variatjons and downloads in energy fmows More local More local of energy causes more productjon players anywhere in complexity the system ^ ^ Energy system Yet our current market system is not designed to facilitate more interactjon. September 2015 www.usef.energy 3
USEF is an extended market model revolving around localised fmexible energy use. It fjts on top of most market models and enables the actjve market partjcipatjon of all players, new and traditjonal. To make the energy market truly sustainable – green, reliable and One common One integrated Many benefjts afgordable- our system needs more fmexibility. standard with smart energy for all specifjcatjons & market in the system rules We already utjlize energy fmexibility on a wholesale level, to avoid imbalance and transmission congestjon. Yet we need the fmexibility of prosumers to keep overall system costs low. Addressing the challenges of one integrated system 4 5
We believe that opening Plus, we believe that FOUNDING up an integral market for in order to create such fmexibility enables smarter a market, we need to PARTNERS: solutjons for energy work together, along one exchange to the benefjt of common standard, joining all in the system. forces across roles and boundaries. USEF, a non-commercial partnership, was founded in 2013 to design a scalable solutjon that recognizes the difgerent stakeholders and their role in a coherent and commercially viable smart energy system and to accelerate its development. 6 7
Traditjonally the supplier has a one-way We need a strong and relatjonship with the consumer. coherent answer to the “This is what you have used. Here’s the bill.” challenges ahead. This requires a market design where all players profjt, For a more sustainable system, playing by the same rules USEF recognizes the importance and that is: of bi-directjonal relatjonships and enables the interactjon between the prosumer and the traditjonal energy players when it comes to energy fmexibility. USEF enables And safeguards the uniform Flexible - balancing the freedom Open - By clustering the available fmexibility exchange and use supply & demand of connectjon, accessible to all. and ofgering this to the market, the of informatjon in an inclusive transactjon and aggregator (intermediary) alleviates across roles and system. dispatch. pain for all partjes involved. organisatjons. 8 9
USEF is a framework, with roles, responsibilitjes and agreements. And with very clear processes for efgectjve interactjon. The key process of contractjng, planning, validatjon, operatjon & setulement is comparable to the existjng BRP wholesale process. But we also add usage prognoses for the individual consumers. Realisatjon Capability Intentjon Compensatjon Contract ^ Plan ^ Validate Operate ^ Setule Contract ^ Plan ^ Validate Operate ^ Setule ^ ^ The fmexibility market revolves around four basic steps, as part of the known processes: ^ Realisatjon: Compensatjon: USEF describes the interactjon in a market with three variables: Capability: Intentjon: When and how When and how When and how When and how stakeholders are stakeholders are stakeholders are stakeholders are informed about informed about the informed about the compensated the realisatjon capability to intentjon to (through of the actjvatjon actjvate actjvate setulement) Demand Supply Flexibility (based on measurements) 10 11
USEF describes the market for fmexibility and provides free access to In the contract phase, prosumers defjne the average fmexibility of their energy use in line with their own individual needs and comfort settjngs. The sum of Contract ^ this contracted fmexibility is the startjng point for the aggregator, who will contact the BRP and DSO to inform them about his capability to actjvate fmex. A set of Pilot results & specifjcatjons, design In the plan-phase, the aggregator looks at his portgolio of clients, each with insights and implementatjon their own individual needs and fmexibility preferences. Every day, he makes a Plan ^ guidelines (including forecast for the next day: how much energy will they need – and how much fmexibility can they ofger? privacy & security) In interactjon with one or more BRPs and the DSO, the ofgered Flex can be Validate ^ utjlized to optjmise portgolios or to ease congestjon. A reference implementatjon to For the day of operatjons, USEF framework prescribes what the interactjon between partjes should look like and how this actual usage and fmexibility accelerate large scale Operate ^ delivered can be measured. deployments USEF framework supports the exchange and the setulement of Flex with Setule ^ transparent and unambiguous data. USEF market control mechanism creates the commercial conditjons for large scale implementatjons, enhancing value creatjon. The end result? More sustainable, more efgectjve and thus more profjtable use of the energy infrastructure. 12 13
Ambitjon USEF aims to be the de facto JOIN US standard for smart energy systems. With existjng detailed specifjcatjons and the fjrst real-life pilots in the market, USEF is perhaps the most comprehensive, advanced initjatjve of its kind. Yet we look to expand our cooperatjon because we believe that working together across roles and boundaries is the fastest route to a fair and sustainable market. By gettjng involved with USEF, you can help to shape the future integrated In 2020 we want smart energy system. to be part of 25% of all smart energy systems in at least WWW.USEF.ENERGY 5 difgerent markets. 14 15
CONTACT US USEF Utrechtseweg 310 Building H02 6812 AR Arnhem The Netherlands A solid www.usef.energy foundatjon for smart energy futures 16
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