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For personal use only Unlocking the mineral potential of southern - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

For personal use only Unlocking the mineral potential of southern Greenland Unlocking the mineral potential of southern Greenland I m portant Notice I m portant Notice For personal use only This presentation contains only a brief

  1. For personal use only “Unlocking the mineral potential of southern Greenland” “Unlocking the mineral potential of southern Greenland”

  2. I m portant Notice I m portant Notice For personal use only This presentation contains only a brief overview of Greenland Minerals and Energy Ltd (Greenland Minerals) and its respective activities and operations. The contents of this presentation may rely on various assumptions and subjective interpretations which are not possible to detail in this presentation and which have not been subject to any independent verification. y p This presentation contains a number of forward looking statements. Known and unknown risks and uncertainties, as well as factors outside of Greenland Minerals’ control, may cause the actual results, performance and achievements of Greenland Minerals to differ materially from those expressed or implied in this presentation. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Greenland Minerals and its officers, employees and advisers are not liable for any loss or damage (including, without limitation, any direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage) suffered for any loss or damage (including without limitation any direct indirect or consequential loss or damage) suffered by any person directly or indirectly as a result of relying on this presentation or otherwise in connection with it. The information contained in this presentation is not a substitute for detailed investigation or analysis of any particular issue and has been prepared without consideration of your objectives and needs and financial position. Current and potential investors and shareholders should seek independent advice before making any investment decision in regard to Greenland Minerals or its activates decision in regard to Greenland Minerals or its activates. JORC Compliance – Consent of Competent Persons Information in this presentation that relates to mineral resource estimation reflects information compiled by Mr Robert Spiers and Arnold van der Heyden. Resource estimation was undertaken by Mr Spiers who with Mr van der Heyden are full time employees of Hellman and Schofield Pty Ltd. Mr Spiers is a Member of the Australian Institute y p y y p of Geoscientists (AIG) and Mr van der Heyden is a member of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM). Mr Spiers and Mr van der Heyden have sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which they are undertaking to qualify as Competent Persons as defined in the 2004 Edition of the “Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves”. Mr Spiers and Mr van der Heyden consent to the reporting of this information in the form and context in which it appears. i f ti i th f d t t i hi h it

  3. For personal use only Presentation Overview Presentation Overview  I ntroduction to Greenland Minerals and Energy  Com pany’s focus: Specialty m etal m ineralization, Gardar alkaline province , southern Greenland p o ce , sout e G ee a d  I lim aussaq intrusive com plex and the Kvanefjeld project  Overview of Rare Earth Elem ents; applications and m arkets  Overview of Rare Earth Elem ents; applications and m arkets  W orks program s undertaken to date; exploration and resources  Kvanefjeld project: looking ahead

  4. Greenland Minerals and Energy Greenland Minerals and Energy For personal use only  Mineral exploration and developm ent com pany  Mineral exploration and developm ent com pany  Listed on the Australian Securities Exchange ( ASX: GGG)  Head Office – Perth, Australia ,  Operations base – Narsaq, Greenland Michael Hutchinson – Non-Executive Chairm an Mi h l H hi N E i Ch i  Director of the London Metals Exchange, Chairman of RBS Sempra Metals Ltd. Roderick McI llree - Managing Director • • Geologist with 8 years capital markets exposure Geologist with 8 years capital markets exposure Dr Hans Kristian Schønw andt – Non-Executive Director • Former Deputy Minister of Mines for Greenland

  5. For personal use only Com pany Focus Com pany Focus  Greenland – stable, highly prospective, underexplored, high quality data/maps/reports, capable service providers  Gardar alkaline province - one of the world’s best preserved alkaline magmatic provinces  highly prospective for numerous commodities – particularly specialty  hi hl ti f diti ti l l i lt metals (rare earth elements, niobium, tantalum, lithium)  Ilmaussaq intrusive complex – layered alkaline intrusion, q p y ,  Greenland Minerals acquired an exploration license for 80km 2 over the northern half of the Ilmaussaq complex in mid-2007. 3

  6. Greenland Geology Greenland Geology For personal use only Gardar Province Gardar Province (Mesoproterozoic) Gardar Province – Alkaline intrusions emplaced in a continental rift setting (Ilimaussaq Intrusion)

  7. 7 I lim aussaq Com plex Com plex Ilimaussaq Complex I lim aussaq False-colour image over south Greenland For personal use only

  8. I lim aussaq I lim aussaq I ntrusive Com plex I ntrusive Com plex Geology and Genesis Geology and Genesis Geology and Genesis Geology and Genesis For personal use only

  9. I lim aussaq I lim aussaq I ntrusive Com plex I ntrusive Com plex Exploration History Exploration History For personal use only   Studied by geologists for almost 100 years Studied by geologists for almost 100 years - Known to be prospective for Known to be prospective for rare earth elements (REEs), niobium, tantalum, zirconium, uranium, fluorine  Eudialyte ores (Zr, Nb, REEs) have been investigated numerous times over Eudialyte ores (Zr, Nb, REEs) have been investigated numerous times over the last century, but there are no well-defined resource figures, and no production to date (similar ores are mined on the Kola Peninsula, Russia)  Uranium enrichment identified in 1956 radiometric study – best developed on Kvanefjeld plateau , NW-margin of the Ilimaussaq complex. State sponsored work programs conducted by GEUS (geological survey) and RISO (atomic energy agency) to evaluate the resource, and potential to RISO (atomic energy agency) to evaluate the resource, and potential to mine it.  Work ceased in 1983 owing to negative sentiment toward uranium and nuclear energy, and weak uranium prices. 4

  10. Em ergence of Specialty Metal Markets Em ergence of Specialty Metal Markets Em ergence of Specialty Metal Markets Em ergence of Specialty Metal Markets For personal use only  Early 1990’s – Specialty metals gain attention owing to the unique properties of the metals and their application to emerging technologies properties of the metals and their application to emerging technologies  Geologists at GEUS and University of Copenhagen published studies on the potential for REEs, Nb, Ta and Zr resources in alkaline intrusions of the p , , Gardar province  From late 1980’s China began to dramatically increase REE production, leading to a suppression of REE prices  Low labour and regulatory costs, and significant REE resources has allowed China to become a dominant force in the REE industry supplying allowed China to become a dominant force in the REE industry, supplying >90% of global demand.  2005/06 – REE prices rise as world recognises the strategic importance of p g g p REE’s, and supply issues begin to emerge.

  11. Rare Earth Elem ents Rare Earth Elem ents For personal use only  Group of specialty metals with unique physical and chemical properties ti  Increasing demand in technology industries  Essential components in many emerging technologies  Common Applications: Hybrid cars, ipods, laptops, flat screen televisions/monitors, cell phones, rechargeable batteries, oil refining, catalytic converters, numerous medical applications, numerous military applications pp , y pp  Typically reported as cumulative REO grade, with value dependant on the proportion of individual REOs

  12. Rare Earth Elem ents Rare Earth Elem ents - - Uses Uses For personal use only Magnets (21% of consumption) Neodymium, Dysprosium  REE make the worlds strongest permanent magnets  Produce higher motor power and efficiency with reduced size and weight  Increasing demand coming from hybrid car industry, wind turbines  Used in hard-disk drives, mobile phones, iPods, laptops Catalysts (19%) Lanthanum, Cerium  Autocatalysts (catalytic converters) – reduce vehicle emissions y ( y )  Cracking catalysts – increase the efficiency of oil refining  Diesel additives – reduce particulate emissions Batteries (18%) Lanthanum, Cerium, Neodymium, Praseodymium  Nickel-Metal Hydride (NMH) rechargeable batteries – REE make up about 25% of batteries weight about 25% of batteries weight

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