Universal Pre K Universal Pre-K Carrie Lutz and Nancy Smith February 10, 2015
Who qualifies to enroll? q - Children who are 3, 4 or 5 years old on or 3, 4 5 y before August 31 and not enrolled in K - Enrolled in a prequalified center
What is a pre-qualified center? p q - a NAEYC (National Association for the ( Education of Young Children) accreditation; or or - 4 Stars in Vermont’s STep Ahead Recognition System(STARS) Recognition System(STARS) - 3 Stars with a plan to get to 4 Stars
Other Criteria Centers need: -licensed or registered with Department for Children and Families hild d ili -in good regulatory standing g g y g -Vermont Early Learning Standards
Other Criteria - provide a non-secular pre-k education p p - enter into a written agreement with the school district school district - offer a PreK education a minimum of 10 hours a week for 35 weeks per academic year hours a week for 35 weeks per academic year
Center Responsibilities p - complete reports p p - enrollment, attendance, child assessment, costs of PreK education, finances - conduct assessments - twice a year and report results of assessment to AOE t i d t lt f t t AOE
Type of PreK Programs yp g ● Public School ● Privately Owned Licensed Center ● Privately Owned Licensed Center ● Privately Owned Registered Home P i t l O d R i t d H
3, 4, and 5 STAR Colchester Childcare Sites Sites - Carolyn’s Red Balloon- 5 STARS y 5 - Dino-Mite Day Care - 3 STARS - Early Learning Center at St Michael’s Early Learning Center at St.Michael s College- 3 STARS - Little Feets Daycare- 5 STARS Littl F t D 5 STARS - Little Tots Academy- 3 STARS
Potential Pre-Qualified Centers Q Heartworks YMCA Burlington Children’s Space Burlington Children s Space Trinity Milt Milton Family Center F il C t Stepping Stones
How Does the Money Work? y ● The District gets money from the state in th f the form of ADM(average Daily f ADM( D il Membership) ● The District sends the money in 3 payments to the Centers p y ● The Centers give parents a credit on their tuition tuition.
Financials ADM Base Amount $9,459 PreK ADM % PreK ADM % 0.46 Pre K ADM Rate $4,351 Tuition to Centers Tuition to Centers $3 000 $3,000 Administrative $
Questions or Comments Q
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