unifying leakage models on a r nyi day

Unifying Leakage Models on a Rnyi Day Dahmun Goudarzi 2 Ange - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Unifying Leakage Models on a Rnyi Day Dahmun Goudarzi 2 Ange Marnelli 3 Alain Passelgue 1 Thomas Prest 2 LSIT, 31/05/2019 Side-channel aacks in cryptography Power analysis aacks [KJJ99] Electromagnec aacks [Eck85, GMO01]

  1. Unifying Leakage Models on a Rényi Day Dahmun Goudarzi 2 Ange Mar�nelli 3 Alain Passelègue 1 Thomas Prest 2 LSIT, 31/05/2019

  2. Side-channel a�acks in cryptography Power analysis a�acks [KJJ99] Electromagne�c a�acks [Eck85, GMO01] Timing a�acks [Koc96, BB03] Acous�c a�acks [AA04, GST14] 2 / 14

  3. How do we modelize a leakage trace? Figure 1: Electromagne�c leakage trace a�er treatment [GPP + 16]. 3 / 14

  4. Leakage models Each node of interest follows a Concrete modeliza�on of leakage distribu�on X . ➳ Popular one is “Hamming weight + Gaussian” [BCO04]: Its leakage Y is a randomized func�on f ( X ) . f ( X ) = HW ( X ) + N ( 0 , σ ) Noisy leakage models ➳ “The leakage Y bias the expected distribu�on of X ”. ➵ [PR13]: bias metric is EN ( X | Y ) = E Y ∥ X − ( X | Y ) ∥ 2 ➵ [DDF14]: bias metric is SD ( X | Y ) = 1 2 E Y ∥ X − ( X | Y ) ∥ 1 ➳ Realis�c but unwieldy ➳ Defini�on implicitly depends of X Probing models ➳ “The adversary may know exactly some nodes” ➵ Threshold [ISW03]: adv. chooses exactly t nodes to probe ➵ Random [ISW03]: adv. probes each node with prob. ε ➳ Idealized but easy to use 4 / 14

  5. ... and we want to show in the most efficient way that a circuit compiler is secure for a concrete modeliza�on of leakage . The cryptographer’s problem People propose secure compilers to protect circuits. We have circuit compilers and several shades of leakage models... Concrete leakage modeliza�ons Noisy leakage models Probing models Circuit compilers 5 / 14

  6. The cryptographer’s problem People propose secure compilers to protect circuits. We have circuit compilers and several shades of leakage models... Concrete leakage modeliza�ons Noisy leakage models Probing models Circuit compilers ... and we want to show in the most efficient way that a circuit compiler is secure for a concrete modeliza�on of leakage . 5 / 14

  7. log N N log N λ log N log N N 1 1 N 1 1 Previous works Concrete leakage HW + Gaussian noise N ( 0 , σ ) Empiric Empiric Noisy leakage models √ N RE-noisy ARE-noisy SD-noisy EN-noisy leakage leakage leakage leakage [this work] [this work] [DDF14] 1 [PR13] N 1 1 Probing models Threshold Random Average probing probing random prob. [ISW03] [ISW03] [DFS15b] Secure compilers Compilers Compiler of [ADF16, of [ISW03] GJR17, AIS18] 6 / 14

  8. Empiric Empiric Previous and current works Concrete leakage HW + Gaussian noise N ( 0 , σ ) √ log N N √ Noisy leakage models log N λ · log N √ log N √ N RE-noisy ARE-noisy N SD-noisy EN-noisy 1 leakage leakage leakage leakage [this work] [this work] [DDF14] 1 [PR13] 1 N − 1 1 N 1 1 Probing models Threshold Random Average probing probing random prob. [ISW03] [ISW03] [DFS15b] Secure compilers Compilers Compiler of [ADF16, of [ISW03] GJR17, AIS18] 6 / 14

  9. Roadmap 1 Unify the noisy leakage models and propose new ones 2 Link the noisy leakage models to a concrete modeliza�on of leakage 3 Link the noisy leakage models to probing models 4 Prove compilers directly in a noisy leakage model 7 / 14

  10. The Pointwise Mutual Informa�on Defini�on (Pointwise mutual informa�on) Let X , Y be random variables over X . We note: ( Pr [ X = x , Y = y ] ) pmi X , Y ( x , y ) = log . Pr [ X = x ] Pr [ Y = y ] Pr [ X = x , Y = y ] PMI X , Y ( x , y ) = e pmi X , Y ( x , y ) − 1 = Pr [ X = x ] Pr [ Y = y ] − 1 . Common tool in computa�onal linguis�cs [CH89] as an associa�on measure: 1 pmi ( “Sean” , “Penn” ) ≫ 0; 2 pmi ( “Banana” , “Bag” ) ≈ 0; 3 pmi ( “Bankruptcy” , “Success” ) ≪ 0. The mutual informa�on verifies MI ( X ; Y ) = E ( X , Y ) pmi X , Y . [ ] 8 / 14

  11. We show that our new metrics yield �ghter (and o�en simpler) proofs than previous works [PR13, DDF14, DFS15b, DFS16]: ARE for proofs of type noisy leakage models probing models RE for proofs of type noisy leakage models secure compilers We believe this stems from the fact that: ARE and RE are worst-case metrics; EN and SD are average-case metrics. Unifying Leakage Metrics from the PMI (Re)defining leakage metrics √ [ P [ X ] PMI 2 ] ➳ EN ( X | Y ) := E Y [PR13] E X ➳ SD ( X | Y ) := 1 2 · E X E Y [ | PMI | ] [DDF14] ➳ ARE ( X | Y ) := E Y [ max x | PMI | ] [this work, average rela�ve error ] ➳ RE ( X | Y ) := max x , y | PMI | [this work, rela�ve error ] 9 / 14

  12. Unifying Leakage Metrics from the PMI (Re)defining leakage metrics √ [ P [ X ] PMI 2 ] ➳ EN ( X | Y ) := E Y [PR13] E X ➳ SD ( X | Y ) := 1 2 · E X E Y [ | PMI | ] [DDF14] ➳ ARE ( X | Y ) := E Y [ max x | PMI | ] [this work, average rela�ve error ] ➳ RE ( X | Y ) := max x , y | PMI | [this work, rela�ve error ] ➳ We show that our new metrics yield �ghter (and o�en simpler) proofs than previous works [PR13, DDF14, DFS15b, DFS16]: ➵ ARE for proofs of type noisy leakage models − → probing models ➵ RE for proofs of type noisy leakage models ��� secure compilers ➳ We believe this stems from the fact that: ➵ ARE and RE are worst-case metrics; ➵ EN and SD are average-case metrics. 9 / 14

  13. Some Nice Proper�es Rela�ons with other metrics 1 2 · SD ( X | Y ) ≤ ARE ( X | Y ) ≤ 2 N · SD ( X | Y ) ; 2 · SD ( X | Y ) 2 ≤ MI ( X ; Y ) ≤ 2 · RE ( X | Y ) · SD ( X | Y ) . 2 ➳ The ARE- and SD-noisy leakage models are equivalent. ➳ Bounds on MI simpler/�ghter than previous ones [DFS15a, DDF14]. Self-reducibility Let f : X → Y be a randomized leakage func�on. 2 δ 1 If f is δ -RE-noisy for some X , then it is 1 − δ -RE-noisy for any X ′ . 2 δ 2 If f is δ -ARE-noisy for some X , then it is ( 1 − δ )( 1 − δ RE ) -ARE-noisy for any X ′ . ➳ Consequence: we don’t care about the underlying distribu�on. ➳ [DFS16] has a similar theorem for SD, but with a O ( N ) blow-up, and only for X uniform. 10 / 14

  14. Each metric (EN, SD, ARE, RE) can be interpreted as the average/max/... of: f X HW X k 1 f X From Concrete Leakage to Noisy Leakage 0 . 4 HW ( X ) 0 . 2 0 − 5 − 4 − 3 − 2 − 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Figure 2: Distribu�on of HW ( X ) for X uniform in { 0 , . . . , 2 4 − 1 } 11 / 14

  15. Each metric (EN, SD, ARE, RE) can be interpreted as the average/max/... of: f X HW X k 1 f X From Concrete Leakage to Noisy Leakage 0 . 4 f ( X ) f ( X ) | ( HW ( X ) = k ) 0 . 2 0 − 5 − 4 − 3 − 2 − 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Figure 2: Distribu�on of f ( X ) = HW ( X ) + N ( 0 , σ ) and f ( X ) | ( HW ( X ) = k ) 11 / 14

  16. From Concrete Leakage to Noisy Leakage 0 . 4 f ( X ) f ( X ) | ( HW ( X ) = k ) 0 . 2 0 − 5 − 4 − 3 − 2 − 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Figure 2: Distribu�on of f ( X ) = HW ( X ) + N ( 0 , σ ) and f ( X ) | ( HW ( X ) = k ) Each metric (EN, SD, ARE, RE) can be interpreted as the average/max/... of: f ( X ) | ( HW ( X ) = k ) � � − 1 � � � . f ( X ) � � � 11 / 14

  17. From Concrete Leakage to Noisy Leakage 0 . 4 f ( X ) f ( X ) | ( HW ( X ) = k ) 0 . 2 0 − 5 − 4 − 3 − 2 − 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Figure 2: Distribu�on of f ( X ) = HW ( X ) + N ( 0 , σ ) and f ( X ) | ( HW ( X ) = k ) We show that (omi�ng constant factors): ➳ ARE ( X | f ( X )) ∼ log N √ ➳ EN ( X | f ( X )) ∼ 1 log N σ σ N √ log N ➳ RE ( X | f ( X )) ∼ τ log N ➳ SD ( X | f ( X )) ∼ σ σ Key takeaway: SD, RE and ARE essen�ally scale at the same speed. 11 / 14

  18. Simula�ng a noisy adversary with a random probing adversary [DDF14]: a N δ -random prob. adv. can simulate a δ -SD-noisy adv. [this work]: a δ -random prob. adv. can simulate a δ -ARE-noisy adv. Cri�cal step is expressing ε 1 y min x f x y from δ : if δ SD X f X , we lose a factor N because “sum N max” if δ ARE X f X , no loss because “max max” We believe a fundamental reason is that random probing and ARE-noisy are “worst-case”, whereas SD-noisy is “average-case”. We also show that an ARE-noisy adv. can simulate a random probing adv.: Consequence: ARE-noisy SD-noisy rand. prob. avg. rand. Noisy Leakage ⇔ Random Probing Simula�on-based proofs: “an adversary S can simulate an adversary A ”. ➳ if A can break a scheme, so can S . ➳ if S cannot break a scheme, neither can A . 12 / 14

  19. We also show that an ARE-noisy adv. can simulate a random probing adv.: Consequence: ARE-noisy SD-noisy rand. prob. avg. rand. Noisy Leakage ⇔ Random Probing Simula�on-based proofs: “an adversary S can simulate an adversary A ”. ➳ if A can break a scheme, so can S . ➳ if S cannot break a scheme, neither can A . Simula�ng a noisy adversary with a random probing adversary ➳ [DDF14]: a ( N · δ ) -random prob. adv. can simulate a δ -SD-noisy adv. ➳ [this work]: a δ -random prob. adv. can simulate a δ -ARE-noisy adv. ➳ Cri�cal step is expressing ε = 1 − ∑ y min x P [ f ( x ) = y ] from δ : ➵ if δ = SD ( X | f ( X )) , we lose a factor N because “sum ≤ N × max” ➵ if δ = ARE ( X | f ( X )) , no loss because “max ≤ max” ➳ We believe a fundamental reason is that random probing and ARE-noisy are “worst-case”, whereas SD-noisy is “average-case”. 12 / 14

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