unemployment duration and re employment wages a control

Unemployment Duration and Re-employment Wages: A Control Function - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Unemployment Duration and Re-employment Wages: A Control Function Approach Marta C. Lopes 1 1 NovaSBE, Universidade Nova de Lisboa 23 rd London Stata User Group Meeting September 7, 2017 Marta C. Lopes (NovaSBE) A Control Function Approach

  1. Unemployment Duration and Re-employment Wages: A Control Function Approach Marta C. Lopes 1 1 NovaSBE, Universidade Nova de Lisboa 23 rd London Stata User Group Meeting September 7, 2017 Marta C. Lopes (NovaSBE) A Control Function Approach September 7, 2017 1 / 13

  2. What is the Control Function approach? Table of Contents What is the Control Function approach? 1 Application on Unemployment Duration and Re-employment Wages 2 Institutional Setting First Stage - Survival Analysis Second Stage - Wage Equation Control for Selection Take-home 3 Marta C. Lopes (NovaSBE) A Control Function Approach September 7, 2017 1 / 13

  3. What is the Control Function approach? What is the Control Function approach? “ The control function approach to estimation is inherently an instrumental variables method. ” (in Wooldridge, 2015) Marta C. Lopes (NovaSBE) A Control Function Approach September 7, 2017 2 / 13

  4. What is the Control Function approach? What is the Control Function approach? “ The control function approach to estimation is inherently an instrumental variables method. ” (in Wooldridge, 2015) Identify the endogenous variable in the “structural equation” 1 y 1 = γ 1 y 2 + δ X + u 1 (1) Marta C. Lopes (NovaSBE) A Control Function Approach September 7, 2017 2 / 13

  5. What is the Control Function approach? What is the Control Function approach? “ The control function approach to estimation is inherently an instrumental variables method. ” (in Wooldridge, 2015) Identify the endogenous variable in the “structural equation” 1 y 1 = γ 1 y 2 + δ X + u 1 (1) Find appropriate instrumental variables ( z ), such that E ( z ′ u 1 ) = 0 2 Marta C. Lopes (NovaSBE) A Control Function Approach September 7, 2017 2 / 13

  6. What is the Control Function approach? What is the Control Function approach? “ The control function approach to estimation is inherently an instrumental variables method. ” (in Wooldridge, 2015) Identify the endogenous variable in the “structural equation” 1 y 1 = γ 1 y 2 + δ X + u 1 (1) Find appropriate instrumental variables ( z ), such that E ( z ′ u 1 ) = 0 2 Obtain, in a reduced form, the generalized residuals ( v 2 ) – 1 st stage 3 y 2 = π X + β z + v 2 (2) Marta C. Lopes (NovaSBE) A Control Function Approach September 7, 2017 2 / 13

  7. What is the Control Function approach? What is the Control Function approach? “ The control function approach to estimation is inherently an instrumental variables method. ” (in Wooldridge, 2015) Identify the endogenous variable in the “structural equation” 1 y 1 = γ 1 y 2 + δ X + u 1 (1) Find appropriate instrumental variables ( z ), such that E ( z ′ u 1 ) = 0 2 Obtain, in a reduced form, the generalized residuals ( v 2 ) – 1 st stage 3 y 2 = π X + β z + v 2 (2) Add the generalized residuals to the 2 nd stage 4 y 1 = γ 1 y 2 + δ X + ρ v 2 + e 1 (3) Remember: y 2 − v 2 = ˆ y 2 Marta C. Lopes (NovaSBE) A Control Function Approach September 7, 2017 2 / 13

  8. What is the Control Function approach? Control Function: Advantages OLS Control for endogenous variables Marta C. Lopes (NovaSBE) A Control Function Approach September 7, 2017 3 / 13

  9. What is the Control Function approach? Control Function: Advantages OLS 2SLS Control for endogenous variables � Marta C. Lopes (NovaSBE) A Control Function Approach September 7, 2017 3 / 13

  10. What is the Control Function approach? Control Function: Advantages OLS 2SLS Control for endogenous variables � Linear First Stage � Marta C. Lopes (NovaSBE) A Control Function Approach September 7, 2017 3 / 13

  11. What is the Control Function approach? Control Function: Advantages OLS 2SLS CF Control for endogenous variables � � Linear First Stage � � Non-linear First Stage � Marta C. Lopes (NovaSBE) A Control Function Approach September 7, 2017 3 / 13

  12. What is the Control Function approach? Control Function: Advantages OLS 2SLS CF Control for endogenous variables � � Linear First Stage � � Non-linear First Stage � OLS Heckit Control for selection bias � Marta C. Lopes (NovaSBE) A Control Function Approach September 7, 2017 3 / 13

  13. What is the Control Function approach? Control Function: Advantages OLS 2SLS CF Control for endogenous variables � � Linear First Stage � � Non-linear First Stage � OLS Heckit Control for selection bias � Non-linear First Stage � Binary Endogenous Variable � Marta C. Lopes (NovaSBE) A Control Function Approach September 7, 2017 3 / 13

  14. What is the Control Function approach? Control Function: Advantages OLS 2SLS CF Control for endogenous variables � � Linear First Stage � � Non-linear First Stage � OLS Heckit CF Control for selection bias � � Non-linear First Stage � � Binary Endogenous Variable � � Non-binary Discrete Endogenous Variable � Marta C. Lopes (NovaSBE) A Control Function Approach September 7, 2017 3 / 13

  15. What is the Control Function approach? Control Function: Advantages OLS 2SLS CF Control for endogenous variables � � Linear First Stage � � Non-linear First Stage � OLS Heckit CF Control for selection bias � � Non-linear First Stage � � Binary Endogenous Variable � � Non-binary Discrete Endogenous Variable � In the context of the our application, we can also obtain: Hausman Test Inverse Mills Ratio Marta C. Lopes (NovaSBE) A Control Function Approach September 7, 2017 3 / 13

  16. Application on Unemployment Duration and Re-employment Wages Table of Contents What is the Control Function approach? 1 Application on Unemployment Duration and Re-employment Wages 2 Institutional Setting First Stage - Survival Analysis Second Stage - Wage Equation Control for Selection Take-home 3 Marta C. Lopes (NovaSBE) A Control Function Approach September 7, 2017 3 / 13

  17. Application on Unemployment Duration and Re-employment Wages Unemployment Duration and Re-employment Wages There is not a single theory which justifies the earnings losses of displaced workers (Carrington and Fallick, 2015). job-specific human capital (Becker, 1962) matching (Jovanovic, 1979) wage-productivity gap (Lazear, 1981) signalling (Gibbons and Katz, 1989) unionism (Hildreth and Oswald, 1997) intra-household reallocation (Lundberg, 1985) health (Kessler, House and Turner, 1987) Estimation issue: simultaneity present in the relationship between joblessness duration and re-employment wage log ( PostW i ) = α 0 + α 1 log ( UD i ) + X ′ β + u i Marta C. Lopes (NovaSBE) A Control Function Approach September 7, 2017 4 / 13

  18. Application on Unemployment Duration and Re-employment Wages Institutional Setting Unemployment Benefits Rules in Portugal Unemployment insurance (UI) involuntarily unemployed working for a minimum period potential duration = f (age, job history) daily benefit based on remunerations of past 2 years Marta C. Lopes (NovaSBE) A Control Function Approach September 7, 2017 5 / 13

  19. Application on Unemployment Duration and Re-employment Wages Institutional Setting Figure: Percentage of individuals by age group and potential duration of unemployment benefit, before and after the 2007 reform Marta C. Lopes (NovaSBE) A Control Function Approach September 7, 2017 6 / 13

  20. Application on Unemployment Duration and Re-employment Wages First Stage - Survival Analysis First Stage - Identification Strategies Identify the exogenous variation in the joblessness duration: Potential Duration of Unemployment Benefits Vast literature indicates strong correlation between potential duration of UB and joblessness duration. The rules are not directly related to the wage but include two of the determinants (age, experience). Marta C. Lopes (NovaSBE) A Control Function Approach September 7, 2017 7 / 13

  21. Application on Unemployment Duration and Re-employment Wages First Stage - Survival Analysis First Stage - Identification Strategies Identify the exogenous variation in the joblessness duration: Potential Duration of Unemployment Benefits Vast literature indicates strong correlation between potential duration of UB and joblessness duration. The rules are not directly related to the wage but include two of the determinants (age, experience). Age Discontinuity in the Potential Duration of Unemployment Benefits Individuals with 29 or 30 years old have, on average, similar labour supply characteristics but are entitled to different potential durations. There is room for enough difference on experience. Marta C. Lopes (NovaSBE) A Control Function Approach September 7, 2017 7 / 13


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