Understanding Change: Public Space Construction in Bogota, Colombia The Plaza de San Victorino Maria Camila Coronado Cabrera The University of Texas at Austin Spring 2014
Main Research Question: How does the recently remodeled Plaza de San Victorino infmuence the quality of life of its users? 1. How can a Post Occupancy Evaluation -POE be implemented in the Plaza de San Victorino to describe this relationship, and be of use in Bogotá and elsewhere? 2. How does the quality of space of the Plaza affect the quality of life of its users? Methodology: Data Collection Quality 1. Participant Observation Plaza Users of life Weekdays: Weekends: 1 Morning 2 Mornings 1 Afternoon 2 Afternoons July Data Analysis Quantitative Qualitative Quality 2. Surveys: 45 Total Maps measures measures of life Diagrams 15 Weekday Morning Charts 15 Weekday Afternoon 15 Weekend Morning and Afternoon Counts Design Strategies and Observations December Interviews: User Mapping Recommendations POE Perceptions Secondary 3. Historical sources and context documentation Diagrams Studies on the social POE on Public life of Public Spaces spaces Design Proposal Sociability Accesibility Uses and activities Climate comfort Access and linkage Use Comfort and image Spatial relationships Understanding Change: Public Space Construction in Bogota, Colombia - The Plaza de San Victorino 2
Analysis and research
1. The Plaza de San Victorino Location: Downtown Bogota District: Localidad de Santa Fe Planning Unit: Las Nieves Area: 15000 m2 Design: Taller del Espacio Publico / Lorenzo Castro Understanding Change: Public Space Construction in Bogota, Colombia - The Plaza de San Victorino 4
1. The Plaza de San Victorino History: 1962 Creation of the Galerias Narino in the Plaza space 1910 1977 Antonio Narino Statue put in Physical segmentation of place downtown formal and informal commerce 1930 Paving of the San Francisco 1998 1598 River to create the Avenida 1940’s Begining of the Process of Foundation of Jimenez Creation of the Carrera Deci- change the San Victorino ma. Expansion and remodel- Parish Construction of the Avenida ing of the Plaza Caracas and narrowing of La 1827 Alameda road (carrera 13) 1948 The church is de- El Bogotazo - The Plaza is stroyed in a fjre one of the most affected 1890 1932 1944 1965 Understanding Change: Public Space Construction in Bogota, Colombia - The Plaza de San Victorino 5
1. The Plaza de San Victorino The New Plaza: 1998 2014 ..... Announcement of the New Plaza Project July - December1999 - Evictions and negotiations 2000 January - Beginning of public works june 19th - Inuguration of the Plaza 2001 2009 Initiatives from merchants of the IPES keeps relocating street ven- area to improve their services dors that arrive to the area and continue with the improve- Announcement of the project for ment of the area the new mall including formal and informal vendors. 1998 2010 2003 February - Informal vendors go 2011 back to the plaza. First signs of More deterioration of the Plaza: deterioration are detected Reports of drug dealing and pros- May - Anouncement of the titution in the area construction of the San Victorino Transmilenio station 2012 March - Agreement between the Efforts by the IPES to organize the government and local merchants street vendors to keep the Plaza clean 2013 2004 Publishing of the Partial Plan for February - The mayoralty urges the San Victorino Area the informal vendors to leave Inauguration of the new Trans- the plaza peacefully milenio station on the Carrera September - Police deployments decima to evict informal vendors in the Reports of deterioration on the Plaza fmoor of the Plaza November - Clashes between formal and informal vendors in the area Understanding Change: Public Space Construction in Bogota, Colombia - The Plaza de San Victorino 6
1. The Plaza de San Victorino Analysis of the zone: Avenida Diecinueve Transmilenio Plaza Espana A Monserrate Avenida Jimenez Plaza de Plaza de Los Martires San Victorino Carrera Septima New Mall Project Avenida Caracas e Plaza de P a r q u c e r Carrera Decima Bolivar T e r o M i l e n i Understanding Change: Public Space Construction in Bogota, Colombia - The Plaza de San Victorino 7
1. The Plaza de San Victorino Uses around the Plaza de San Victorino: Clothing and textiles Chemicals Esoteric and religious merchandise Sports Kids parties and toys Drugstores Stationary shops and miscellaneous wholesales Book shops Casino Restaurant Mixed malls Warehouse Commerce +/- 0.0 - 0.7 - 1.4 - 2.0 - 2.0 Longitudinal Section Understanding Change: Public Space Construction in Bogota, Colombia - The Plaza de San Victorino 8
1. The Plaza de San Victorino The space of the Plaza de San Victorino - Diagrams Trashcans Lamp Posts Sitting spaces Bike racks Selling modules Damaged Tree/Palm Missing Tree/Palm Existing Tree/Palm Urban Furniture and Trash accumulation Plantings State Floor Damage Noise sources Lighting Transit and sitting spaces Pedestrian Trasnsmilenio Pedestrian and Vehicular Vehicular Understanding Change: Public Space Construction in Bogota, Colombia - The Plaza de San Victorino 9
2. User Groups User Profjles and Distribution Shoeshiners Street vendors Corn vendors Photographers Policemen Movers Unwanted “Visitors” Pidgeons Llamas Toy cars and horses Understanding Change: Public Space Construction in Bogota, Colombia - The Plaza de San Victorino 10
Comfort and Image 3. User General Perceptions Sociability Accesibility Uses an Activities Crime Workplace / Commerce Drug Homeless dealers Formal Commerce Thieves Informal Prostitution Commerce Street Disorder / Dirt Point of vendors reference Bad Trash smell Butterfmy Diversity Comfort / Image Lack of Missing Furniture Animals Facilities People/ Missing Street Movement Maintenance elements Sociability vendors Friends Butterfmy Garden Family - + Understanding Change: Public Space Construction in Bogota, Colombia - The Plaza de San Victorino 11
3. User General Perceptions Cognitive Mapping Exercise Commerce Transportation Trash Nature Garden Palm trees Pigeons The Butterfmy Insecurity The Plaza itself Various elements Understanding Change: Public Space Construction in Bogota, Colombia - The Plaza de San Victorino 12
4. Perceptual and Spatial Analysis Synthesis The Plaza in Pictures Understanding Change: Public Space Construction in Bogota, Colombia - The Plaza de San Victorino 13
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