Forest Carbon Partnership Facility SESA( Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment) and ESMF( Environment and Social Management Framework) for REDD+ Readiness Fernando Loayza, Sr. Environmental Economist, AES, World Bank Bogota, Colombia 3 December 2013
Outline 1. Rationale and outcomes of SESA/ESMF in REDD+ 2. SESA/ESMF Process 3. Conclusion – Relationship between SESA and the REDD+ strategy 2
A central challenge of the Readiness Preparation process: • REDD+ Readiness Preparation mainly consists of strategic planning leading to development of policies, programs, institutions and a set of actions to be implemented in the future • The critical question: How can we ensure that the REDD+ Strategy is environmentally and socially sustainable? – The agreed solution for the FCPF: SESA 3
What is SESA? • SESA is a process that combines analytic and participatory approaches to: – integrate environmental and social consideration in the formulation of the REDD+ strategy (SESA’s strategic dimension) – develop a framework to manage the potential risks/impacts of policies, actions and projects during the implementation of the REDD+ strategy
The FCPF Approach to E&S Sustainability Readiness Fund Signature of Emission Reductions Payment Agreement (ERPA) Readiness Package R-PP Endorsement Assessment R-PP Readiness Preparation Implementation Formulation SESA (including ESMF Application of preparation ) ESMF Carbon Fund 5 5
SESA/ESMF in REDD+ Rationale • SESA strategic dimension helps in refining the REDD+ strategy by making it responsive to – E&S priorities in land use, and – the opportunity cost of conserving forests • ESMF establishes the framework for E&S management of future projects, policies and activities through which the REDD+ strategy is implemented • ESMF is prepared when REDD+ strategy has been refined • SESA/ESMF ensures that REDD+ increases social, cultural, and environmental good whilst avoiding or mitigating harm
SESA/ESMF in REDD+: Expected Outcomes • Land-use planning. Land use options in the REDD+ strategy are responsive to the opportunity costs of forests and E&S sustainability • Rights. REDD+ strategy recognizes and respects rights to forest resources (including customary claims by forest dependent peoples) • Compliance. REDD+ strategy adheres to relevant international environmental and social safeguards • Good governance. REDD+ strategy is implemented in the context of broader good governance objectives including transparency and accountability • Participation and adequate information. All relevant stakeholders have the opportunity to participate fully and have timely access to appropriate and accurate information
SESA/ESMF Process - Stakeholder gap analysis Assessment of - SESA consultation REDD+ Strategy - E&S issues linked with land- activities (plan) policy options use options - opportunity costs of forests SESA work plan Gap assessment Institutional Community stakeholder consultations National workshop consultations Refined REDD+ Strategy ESMF options E&S priorities (linked to land use options) Stakeholder consultations Step 1: Launching /planning Step 2: Scoping of priority issues Step 3 and 4 : Assessment 8
Step 1: Planning/Launching • Objective – Engage all key stakeholders in the SESA process • Process – Consultants undertake stakeholder analysis and propose consultation activities for SESA – A national workshop is held • SESA’s public participation and consultation process is defined under the framework of REDD+ consultation process • Legitimacy and representativeness of stakeholders are discussed and rules of participation agreed among stakeholders • Expected outcomes – SESA is launched – SESA work plan, which includes SESA’s consultation activities within the overall REDD+ consultation plan, is finalized and publicly disclosed 9
Step 2: E&S priorities in land use • Objective – Identify land use options with optimal environmental and social benefits at the local, regional and national levels • Process (facilitated by the consultants) – Priority environmental and social issues currently affecting land use are identified – Environmental and social benefits and costs of conserving forests are evaluated – Stakeholders are consulted both as a source of information on key issues and to reveal their preferences, concerns and expectations – Consultation processes for local stakeholders (including indigenous communities) and institutional stakeholders are undertaken • Expected outcome – A shared vision by all key stakeholders on how REDD+ could contribute to development that is environmentally sustainable and socially inclusive 10
Step 2: Scoping of priority issues Environmental and social priorities geographically referenced Poverty and vulnerability map Abandoned degraded lands Land tenure rights and Infrastructure associated access to land and with forests and natural resources surrounding areas Institutional capacity Economic activities to support community in forests and surrounding needs areas Base map : forest cover, Base map : river basins, biodiversity communities in and hot spots, protected areas around forest areas 11
Step 3: Assessment • Objective – Refine REDD+ strategy to promote the adoption of land use options with environmental and social benefits at the local, regional and national levels • Process – Consultants undertake analytical work to assess gaps on • the proposed REDD+ strategy to promote environmentally and socially sustainable land use options • environmental and social management systems for potential impacts associated with the REDD+ strategy – Consultants propose legal, regulatory, institutional, policy and capacity adjustments to be included in the REDD+ strategy to address the identified gaps • Adjustments include measures with implementation schedule, responsible organization, investment and recurrent costs and, potential sources for funding – Results of the gap assessment and recommended measures are consulted with stakeholders – ESMF, which deals with E&S residual risks during REDD+ strategy implementation, is formulated by the Consultants and consulted with the stakeholders • Expected outcome – Shared vision of stakeholders on REDD+ is materialized in the REDD+ strategy 12
Step 3 : Assessment Draft REDD+ Strategy Two – level consultation: (i) local stakeholders (including indigenous communities); and (ii) institutional Does it deal with the E&S priorities linked to land use (and conservation of forests)? YES NO stakeholders Refine REDD+ Strategy Does it raises E&S risks and impacts when assessed against relevant E&S safeguards? YES NO Residual E&S risks during Implementation: ESMF 13
Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) • Discusses the legal, regulatory and policy regime within which the strategy will be implemented • Discusses potential E&S residual impacts of the implementation of the REDD+ strategy • Describes the arrangements to manage these residual impacts and the requirements for their implementation • Should be widely consulted, refined through the consultations and disclosed 14
As a way of conclusion Draft REDD+ Refinement of Final REDD+ Strategy REDD+ Strategy Strategy REDD+ Strategy Process SESA process E&S priorities Potential E&S risks Develop linked with ESMF associated with framework to land use the REDD+ manage residual strategy E&S impacts Filled colour: type of information flowing in each process 15
SESA and ESMF for REDD+ Readiness Questions please? Hands up if you have any.
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