understanding animal research

Understanding Animal Research Liz Danner Schools Liaison Officer - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Understanding Animal Research Liz Danner Schools Liaison Officer www.uar.org.uk Please stand up Sit down if you have ever: Diagnosis What is making this girl sick? Research- the discovery of insulin Treatment- a life transformed Brief

  1. Understanding Animal Research Liz Danner ● Schools Liaison Officer ● www.uar.org.uk

  2. Please stand up Sit down if you have ever:

  3. Diagnosis What is making this girl sick?

  4. Research- the discovery of insulin

  5. Treatment- a life transformed

  6. Brief history of animal research 1950-1960s 1600-1900 • Polio vaccine (mice, monkeys) • Smallpox vaccine (cows) • Kidney transplants (dogs) • Typhoid, cholera, plague vaccines (mice, rats) • Heart transplants (dogs) • Rabies vaccine (dogs, rabbits) • Cardiac pacemakers (dogs) 1900s 1970-1980s • Rickets treatment (dogs) • Chemotherapy (mice) • Corneal transplants (rabbits) • Leprosy treatment (armadillos, mice) • Discovery of vitamin C/ Scurvy (guinea pigs) • Asthma inhalers (guinea pigs, rabbits) 1910-1920s • MRI scanning (rabbits, pigs) • Blood transfusions (dogs, guinea pigs, rabbits) • River blindness treatment (rodents, • Insulin for diabetes (dogs, rabbits, mice) cows) 1930-1940s 1990-2000s • Antibiotics- Penicillin / streptomycin (mice) • HIV combined therapy (mice, monkeys) • Diphtheria vaccine (guinea pigs, rabbits, horses, • Meningitis vaccines (mice) monkeys) • Cervical cancer vaccine (rabbits, cows) • Kidney dialysis (guinea pigs, rabbits, dogs, • Parkinson’s d eep brain stim (monkeys) monkeys) http://www.understandinganimalresearch.org.uk/why/health-timeline/

  7. Animals aren’t the same as humans… …but they’re biologically very similar. lungs heart liver kidneys intestines bladder

  8. The making of a medicine

  9. Animals in society Each year in the UK how many animals are: killed for food? killed by cars? killed as vermin? 2.5 billion 15 million 2 million used in research? killed by cats? 4.1 million 275 million

  10. Animals and you In their lifetime, the average person in the UK will consume: 1,160 30 sheep chickens 30 pigs 5 cows

  11. Animals and you For each person in the UK animal research will use: 1 fish 4 mice ½ rat

  12. The law on animal research The Government Says: “We have legislated so experimentation is only permitted when there is no alternative research technique and the expected benefits outweigh any possible adverse effects.” https://speakingofresearch.com/facts/animal-research-regulations-in-the- uk/

  13. The 3Rs • Replacement • Reduction • Refinement www.nc3rs.org.uk Procedures in Great Britain 2015 http:// www.understandinganimalresearch.org.uk/news/communications- media/uk-animal-statistics-2015 /

  14. What refinements do you see?

  15. What refinements do you see?

  16. What refinements do you see?

  17. P arkinson’s Disease

  18. Thank you for listening More information available at: • www.uar.org.uk • www.animalresearch.info • speakingofresearch.com • www.nc3rs.org.uk Liz Danner ldanner@uar.org.uk

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