understanding and quantifying co 2 and ch 4 greenhouse

Understanding and Quantifying CO 2 and CH 4 Greenhouse Gas Fluxes on - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Understanding and Quantifying CO 2 and CH 4 Greenhouse Gas Fluxes on the Regional Scale: The Project CarboCount CH Dominik Brunner 1 , Stephan Henne 1 , Brian Oney 1 , Ines Bamberger 2 , Nina Buchmann 2 , Werner Eugster 2 , Edouard Davin 3 ,

  1. Understanding and Quantifying CO 2 and CH 4 Greenhouse Gas Fluxes on the Regional Scale: The Project CarboCount CH Dominik Brunner 1 , Stephan Henne 1 , Brian Oney 1 , Ines Bamberger 2 , Nina Buchmann 2 , Werner Eugster 2 , Edouard Davin 3 , Stefanos Mystakidis 3 , Sonia Seneviratne 3 , Nicolas Gruber 4 , Yu Liu 4 , Markus Leuenberger 5 , Anne Roches 6 and Isabelle Bey 6 1 Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, 2 Institute of Agricultural Sciences, ETH Zurich, 3 Atmospheric and Climate Science, ETH Zurich, 4 Umweltphysik, ETH Zurich, 5 Klima und Umweltphysik, Universität Bern 6 Center for Climate Systems Modeling, ETH Zurich

  2. CARBO CARBO CarboCount CH COUNT CH COUNT CH CarboCount Goals  Project goals  Network  Improved understanding of CO 2 fluxes in Europe and their  Model system sensitivity to climate variations  input data  Develop prototype of a modeling and observation system First results of CO 2 and CH 4 fluxes in Switzerland  FLEXPART simulations Approach  Simulations of biosphere-atmosphere exchange of CO 2 in Conclusions Europe over past 33 years (1979-2012)  Setup of CarboCount-CH GHG observation network in CH  Estimation of CO 2 and CH 4 fluxes in CH through combination of top-down & bottom-up methods:  Top-down: Two independent inversion systems  Bottom up 1: Hi-res inventories of CO 2 und CH 4 emissions  Bottom up 2: Biogeochemistry model to simulate exchange of CO 2 between biosphere and atmosphere Materials Sci ence & Technolog y

  3. CARBO CARBO Measurement network COUNT CH COUNT CH  4 new sites for CO 2 , CH 4 and CO dry VMR CarboCount  regular 14 C samples at Beromünster  Project goals  3 NABEL sites with CO and CO 2 + 2 sites with CO and CH 4  Network  Model system  4 FLUXNET sites  input data  Central calibration lab at Empa (GAW World Calibration Center) First results  FLEXPART simulations Conclusions Materials Sci ence & Technolog y

  4. Inlet + CARBO CARBO Tall tower site Beromünster Meteo COUNT CH COUNT CH 212 m building hosting instruments CarboCount  Project goals  Network  Model system Inlet + 132 m  input data Meteo First results  FLEXPART simulations Conclusions Inlet + 72 m Meteo valve switch box Inlet + 45 m Meteo Inlet + 12 m Meteo Instruments Materials Sci ence & Technolog y

  5. CARBO CARBO Model System COUNT CH COUNT CH CarboCount  Project goals Inversion system 1 Inversion system 2  Network Lagrangian Eulerian  Model system FLEXPART CarbonTracker  input data footprints CO 2 VMR First results  FLEXPART simulations COSMO + .. Conclusions H 2 O CH 4 CO 2 CO 2 heat Emission Community inventories Land Model Materials Sci ence & Technolog y

  6. CARBO CARBO Coupled system COSMO-CLM 2 COUNT CH COUNT CH COSMO mesoscale NWP model CarboCount  model of a consortium of weather services in Europe  Project goals (Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Poland, Greece, Rumania, Russia)  Network   Model system COSMO-CLM: Climate version of COSMO  input data Davin et al., COSMO-CLM 2 : A new version of the COSMO-CLM model coupled to the Community Land Model, Clim. Dyn., 2011. First results  FLEXPART Community Land Model CLM 4.0 simulations Conclusions Lawrence et al. (2011) Materials Sci ence & Technolog y

  7. CARBO CARBO Two inversion systems COUNT CH COUNT CH CarboCount Goal:  Project goals  Inverse estimation of CO 2 and CH 4 fluxes from observations  Network  Optimal integration of measurements, model, and a priori knowledge  Model system  input data Lagrangian Eulerian First results  FLEXPART  COSMO-CLM 2 + tracers  FLEXPART-COSMO simulations  O(100) ensemble simulations,  4 day backward simulations Conclusions varying CO 2 fluxes from PFT  nested simulations at 2 km and  nested simulations 7 km resolution  source sensitivites approx.  footprints (residence time maps) with Ensemble Kalman Filter provide source sensitivities  CarbonTracker inversion  Bayesian inversion or Kalman filter Peters et al. (2007) Brunner et al. (2012) Materials Sci ence & Technolog y

  8. CARBO CARBO Collection of high-resolution input data COUNT CH COUNT CH CarboCount Community Land Model 4.0 Emission Inventories  Project goals  1 hydrology parameter Switzerland  Network  4 land cover parameters  CarboCount CO 2 , 500 m x 500 m  Model system  4 soil parameters  MAIOLICA CH 4 , 500 m x 500 m  input data  7 vegetation parameters Europe First results  EDGAR v4.2: CO 2 , CH 4 , 0.1°x0.1°  FLEXPART Evergreen Needleleaf Boreal Forest simulations NCAR 0.05° CarboCount 0.01° MAIOLICA CH 4 inventory Conclusions FMAX CarboCount 0.01° NCAR 0.1° Materials Sci ence & Technolog y

  9. CARBO CARBO First results – Simulations for Beromünster COUNT CH COUNT CH CarboCount FLEXPART-COSMO simulations fo CO 2 , CO and CH 4  Project goals  Network  Model system Footprints Emissions  input data First results x  FLEXPART simulations Conclusions = concentration time series Materials Sci ence & Technolog y

  10. CARBO CARBO First results – Simulations for Beromünster COUNT CH COUNT CH Inlet + CarboCount Meteo  Project goals 212 m CO 2  Network  Model system  input data Inlet + First results 132 m Meteo  FLEXPART simulations CH 4 Conclusions Inlet + 72 m Meteo Inlet + 45 m CO Meteo Inlet + 12 m Meteo Instruments Materials Sci ence & Technolog y

  11. CARBO CARBO First results – CO and CO 2 at Beromünster COUNT CH COUNT CH CarboCount  Project goals  Network  Model system  input data First results  FLEXPART simulations Conclusions Materials Sci ence & Technolog y

  12. CARBO CARBO Outlook and conclusions COUNT CH COUNT CH CarboCount Next steps:  Project goals  further processing of measurement data  Network  integrate new input data sets into CLM4.0  Model system  input data  complete setup of COSMO-CLM 2 and perform 30-yr simulations of CO 2 fluxes over Europe First results  Setup CarbonTracker inversion system and test with idealized tracers  FLEXPART simulations  Setup and test FLEXPART-based inversion system Conclusions Conclusions:  Goal of CarboCount CH is to quantify CO 2 and CH 4 fluxes at regional scale and to understand feedbacks with climate  Measurement network complete  Model system still under construction  First results for Beromünster (and Lägern) demonstrate high quality of transport simulations based on COSMO meteorology Materials Sci ence & Technolog y


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