Understanding and Quantifying CO 2 and CH 4 Greenhouse Gas Fluxes on the Regional Scale: The Project CarboCount CH Dominik Brunner 1 , Stephan Henne 1 , Brian Oney 1 , Ines Bamberger 2 , Nina Buchmann 2 , Werner Eugster 2 , Edouard Davin 3 , Stefanos Mystakidis 3 , Sonia Seneviratne 3 , Nicolas Gruber 4 , Yu Liu 4 , Markus Leuenberger 5 , Anne Roches 6 and Isabelle Bey 6 1 Empa, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology, 2 Institute of Agricultural Sciences, ETH Zurich, 3 Atmospheric and Climate Science, ETH Zurich, 4 Umweltphysik, ETH Zurich, 5 Klima und Umweltphysik, Universität Bern 6 Center for Climate Systems Modeling, ETH Zurich
CARBO CARBO CarboCount CH COUNT CH COUNT CH CarboCount Goals Project goals Network Improved understanding of CO 2 fluxes in Europe and their Model system sensitivity to climate variations input data Develop prototype of a modeling and observation system First results of CO 2 and CH 4 fluxes in Switzerland FLEXPART simulations Approach Simulations of biosphere-atmosphere exchange of CO 2 in Conclusions Europe over past 33 years (1979-2012) Setup of CarboCount-CH GHG observation network in CH Estimation of CO 2 and CH 4 fluxes in CH through combination of top-down & bottom-up methods: Top-down: Two independent inversion systems Bottom up 1: Hi-res inventories of CO 2 und CH 4 emissions Bottom up 2: Biogeochemistry model to simulate exchange of CO 2 between biosphere and atmosphere Materials Sci ence & Technolog y
CARBO CARBO Measurement network COUNT CH COUNT CH 4 new sites for CO 2 , CH 4 and CO dry VMR CarboCount regular 14 C samples at Beromünster Project goals 3 NABEL sites with CO and CO 2 + 2 sites with CO and CH 4 Network Model system 4 FLUXNET sites input data Central calibration lab at Empa (GAW World Calibration Center) First results FLEXPART simulations Conclusions Materials Sci ence & Technolog y
Inlet + CARBO CARBO Tall tower site Beromünster Meteo COUNT CH COUNT CH 212 m building hosting instruments CarboCount Project goals Network Model system Inlet + 132 m input data Meteo First results FLEXPART simulations Conclusions Inlet + 72 m Meteo valve switch box Inlet + 45 m Meteo Inlet + 12 m Meteo Instruments Materials Sci ence & Technolog y
CARBO CARBO Model System COUNT CH COUNT CH CarboCount Project goals Inversion system 1 Inversion system 2 Network Lagrangian Eulerian Model system FLEXPART CarbonTracker input data footprints CO 2 VMR First results FLEXPART simulations COSMO + .. Conclusions H 2 O CH 4 CO 2 CO 2 heat Emission Community inventories Land Model Materials Sci ence & Technolog y
CARBO CARBO Coupled system COSMO-CLM 2 COUNT CH COUNT CH COSMO mesoscale NWP model CarboCount model of a consortium of weather services in Europe Project goals (Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Poland, Greece, Rumania, Russia) Network Model system COSMO-CLM: Climate version of COSMO input data Davin et al., COSMO-CLM 2 : A new version of the COSMO-CLM model coupled to the Community Land Model, Clim. Dyn., 2011. First results FLEXPART Community Land Model CLM 4.0 simulations Conclusions Lawrence et al. (2011) Materials Sci ence & Technolog y
CARBO CARBO Two inversion systems COUNT CH COUNT CH CarboCount Goal: Project goals Inverse estimation of CO 2 and CH 4 fluxes from observations Network Optimal integration of measurements, model, and a priori knowledge Model system input data Lagrangian Eulerian First results FLEXPART COSMO-CLM 2 + tracers FLEXPART-COSMO simulations O(100) ensemble simulations, 4 day backward simulations Conclusions varying CO 2 fluxes from PFT nested simulations at 2 km and nested simulations 7 km resolution source sensitivites approx. footprints (residence time maps) with Ensemble Kalman Filter provide source sensitivities CarbonTracker inversion Bayesian inversion or Kalman filter Peters et al. (2007) Brunner et al. (2012) Materials Sci ence & Technolog y
CARBO CARBO Collection of high-resolution input data COUNT CH COUNT CH CarboCount Community Land Model 4.0 Emission Inventories Project goals 1 hydrology parameter Switzerland Network 4 land cover parameters CarboCount CO 2 , 500 m x 500 m Model system 4 soil parameters MAIOLICA CH 4 , 500 m x 500 m input data 7 vegetation parameters Europe First results EDGAR v4.2: CO 2 , CH 4 , 0.1°x0.1° FLEXPART Evergreen Needleleaf Boreal Forest simulations NCAR 0.05° CarboCount 0.01° MAIOLICA CH 4 inventory Conclusions FMAX CarboCount 0.01° NCAR 0.1° Materials Sci ence & Technolog y
CARBO CARBO First results – Simulations for Beromünster COUNT CH COUNT CH CarboCount FLEXPART-COSMO simulations fo CO 2 , CO and CH 4 Project goals Network Model system Footprints Emissions input data First results x FLEXPART simulations Conclusions = concentration time series Materials Sci ence & Technolog y
CARBO CARBO First results – Simulations for Beromünster COUNT CH COUNT CH Inlet + CarboCount Meteo Project goals 212 m CO 2 Network Model system input data Inlet + First results 132 m Meteo FLEXPART simulations CH 4 Conclusions Inlet + 72 m Meteo Inlet + 45 m CO Meteo Inlet + 12 m Meteo Instruments Materials Sci ence & Technolog y
CARBO CARBO First results – CO and CO 2 at Beromünster COUNT CH COUNT CH CarboCount Project goals Network Model system input data First results FLEXPART simulations Conclusions Materials Sci ence & Technolog y
CARBO CARBO Outlook and conclusions COUNT CH COUNT CH CarboCount Next steps: Project goals further processing of measurement data Network integrate new input data sets into CLM4.0 Model system input data complete setup of COSMO-CLM 2 and perform 30-yr simulations of CO 2 fluxes over Europe First results Setup CarbonTracker inversion system and test with idealized tracers FLEXPART simulations Setup and test FLEXPART-based inversion system Conclusions Conclusions: Goal of CarboCount CH is to quantify CO 2 and CH 4 fluxes at regional scale and to understand feedbacks with climate Measurement network complete Model system still under construction First results for Beromünster (and Lägern) demonstrate high quality of transport simulations based on COSMO meteorology Materials Sci ence & Technolog y
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