uncertainty and sensitivity analysis for complex

Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis for Complex Simulation Models - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis for Complex Simulation Models Jeremy Oakley School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sheffield jeremy-oakley.staff.shef.ac.uk Jeremy Oakley (Sheffield) Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis April

  1. Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis for Complex Simulation Models Jeremy Oakley School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Sheffield jeremy-oakley.staff.shef.ac.uk Jeremy Oakley (Sheffield) Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis April 2017 1 / 21

  2. Computer models Computer model (‘simulator’) represented by function f with inputs x and outputs y y = f ( x ) . f usually not available in closed form. Jeremy Oakley (Sheffield) Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis April 2017 2 / 21

  3. Computer models Computer model (‘simulator’) represented by function f with inputs x and outputs y y = f ( x ) . f usually not available in closed form. f constructed from modeller’s understanding of the process. There may be no physical input-output data. Jeremy Oakley (Sheffield) Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis April 2017 2 / 21

  4. Computer models Computer model (‘simulator’) represented by function f with inputs x and outputs y y = f ( x ) . f usually not available in closed form. f constructed from modeller’s understanding of the process. There may be no physical input-output data. f may be deterministic. Jeremy Oakley (Sheffield) Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis April 2017 2 / 21

  5. Computer models Computer model (‘simulator’) represented by function f with inputs x and outputs y y = f ( x ) . f usually not available in closed form. f constructed from modeller’s understanding of the process. There may be no physical input-output data. f may be deterministic. Computer experiment: evaluating f at difference choices of x A ‘model run’: evaluating f at a single choice of x . Jeremy Oakley (Sheffield) Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis April 2017 2 / 21

  6. Uncertainty in model inputs Model may be set up to accept ‘controllable’ inputs only. But may be other parameters/coefficients/variables ‘hard-wired’ within the model. Jeremy Oakley (Sheffield) Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis April 2017 3 / 21

  7. Uncertainty in model inputs Model may be set up to accept ‘controllable’ inputs only. But may be other parameters/coefficients/variables ‘hard-wired’ within the model. Define the input x to include these other numerical values used to calculate the outputs. Jeremy Oakley (Sheffield) Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis April 2017 3 / 21

  8. Uncertainty in model inputs Model may be set up to accept ‘controllable’ inputs only. But may be other parameters/coefficients/variables ‘hard-wired’ within the model. Define the input x to include these other numerical values used to calculate the outputs. Suppose that there is a true input value, X , with at least some elements of X uncertain. Jeremy Oakley (Sheffield) Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis April 2017 3 / 21

  9. Uncertainty in model inputs Model may be set up to accept ‘controllable’ inputs only. But may be other parameters/coefficients/variables ‘hard-wired’ within the model. Define the input x to include these other numerical values used to calculate the outputs. Suppose that there is a true input value, X , with at least some elements of X uncertain. What is our uncertainty about Y = f ( X ) ? Jeremy Oakley (Sheffield) Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis April 2017 3 / 21

  10. Uncertainty in model inputs Model may be set up to accept ‘controllable’ inputs only. But may be other parameters/coefficients/variables ‘hard-wired’ within the model. Define the input x to include these other numerical values used to calculate the outputs. Suppose that there is a true input value, X , with at least some elements of X uncertain. What is our uncertainty about Y = f ( X ) ? We quantify uncertainty about X with a probability distribution p X Jeremy Oakley (Sheffield) Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis April 2017 3 / 21

  11. Uncertainty in model inputs Model may be set up to accept ‘controllable’ inputs only. But may be other parameters/coefficients/variables ‘hard-wired’ within the model. Define the input x to include these other numerical values used to calculate the outputs. Suppose that there is a true input value, X , with at least some elements of X uncertain. What is our uncertainty about Y = f ( X ) ? We quantify uncertainty about X with a probability distribution p X If using expert judgement, methods & software at http://www.tonyohagan.co.uk/shelf/ Then need to obtain the distribution p Y . Jeremy Oakley (Sheffield) Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis April 2017 3 / 21

  12. Uncertainty in model inputs Model may be set up to accept ‘controllable’ inputs only. But may be other parameters/coefficients/variables ‘hard-wired’ within the model. Define the input x to include these other numerical values used to calculate the outputs. Suppose that there is a true input value, X , with at least some elements of X uncertain. What is our uncertainty about Y = f ( X ) ? We quantify uncertainty about X with a probability distribution p X If using expert judgement, methods & software at http://www.tonyohagan.co.uk/shelf/ Then need to obtain the distribution p Y . Can propagate uncertainty using Monte Carlo: sample X 1 , . . . , X N from p X and evaluate f ( X 1 ) , . . . , f ( X N ) Jeremy Oakley (Sheffield) Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis April 2017 3 / 21

  13. Uncertainty in model inputs Model may be set up to accept ‘controllable’ inputs only. But may be other parameters/coefficients/variables ‘hard-wired’ within the model. Define the input x to include these other numerical values used to calculate the outputs. Suppose that there is a true input value, X , with at least some elements of X uncertain. What is our uncertainty about Y = f ( X ) ? We quantify uncertainty about X with a probability distribution p X If using expert judgement, methods & software at http://www.tonyohagan.co.uk/shelf/ Then need to obtain the distribution p Y . Can propagate uncertainty using Monte Carlo: sample X 1 , . . . , X N from p X and evaluate f ( X 1 ) , . . . , f ( X N ) What do we do if f is computationally expensive? Jeremy Oakley (Sheffield) Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis April 2017 3 / 21

  14. Computationally expensive models 4 2 f(x) − 2 − 3 − 2 − 1 0 1 2 3 x Want f ( x 1 ) , . . . , f ( x N ) , but can only evaluate f ( x 1 ) , . . . , f ( x n ) , for n << N . Jeremy Oakley (Sheffield) Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis April 2017 4 / 21

  15. Computationally expensive models 4 2 f(x) − 2 − 3 − 2 − 1 0 1 2 3 x Want f ( x 1 ) , . . . , f ( x N ) , but can only evaluate f ( x 1 ) , . . . , f ( x n ) , for n << N . Could estimate f given f ( x 1 ) , . . . , f ( x n ) but can we quantify uncertainty in the estimate? Jeremy Oakley (Sheffield) Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis April 2017 4 / 21

  16. Computationally expensive models 4 2 f(x) − 2 − 3 − 2 − 1 0 1 2 3 x Want f ( x 1 ) , . . . , f ( x N ) , but can only evaluate f ( x 1 ) , . . . , f ( x n ) , for n << N . Could estimate f given f ( x 1 ) , . . . , f ( x n ) but can we quantify uncertainty in the estimate? A statistical inference problem: Treat f as an uncertain function Derive a probability distribution for f given f ( x 1 ) , . . . , f ( x n ) (an “emulator”) Jeremy Oakley (Sheffield) Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis April 2017 4 / 21

  17. Computationally expensive models 4 2 f(x) − 2 − 3 − 2 − 1 0 1 2 3 x Want f ( x 1 ) , . . . , f ( x N ) , but can only evaluate f ( x 1 ) , . . . , f ( x n ) , for n << N . Could estimate f given f ( x 1 ) , . . . , f ( x n ) but can we quantify uncertainty in the estimate? A statistical inference problem: Treat f as an uncertain function Derive a probability distribution for f given f ( x 1 ) , . . . , f ( x n ) (an “emulator”) Popular technique: Gaussian process emulation (Sacks et al 1989) Jeremy Oakley (Sheffield) Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis April 2017 4 / 21

  18. Gaussian process emulators 5 0 f(x) −5 −4 −2 0 2 4 x Jeremy Oakley (Sheffield) Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis April 2017 5 / 21

  19. Gaussian process emulators 5 ● 0 f(x) −5 −4 −2 0 2 4 x Jeremy Oakley (Sheffield) Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis April 2017 5 / 21

  20. Gaussian process emulators 5 ● ● 0 f(x) −5 −4 −2 0 2 4 x Jeremy Oakley (Sheffield) Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis April 2017 5 / 21

  21. Gaussian process emulators 5 ● ● 0 f(x) ● −5 −4 −2 0 2 4 x Jeremy Oakley (Sheffield) Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis April 2017 5 / 21

  22. Gaussian process emulators 5 ● ● ● ● 0 f(x) ● ● ● −5 −4 −2 0 2 4 x Jeremy Oakley (Sheffield) Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis April 2017 5 / 21

  23. The emulator does not replace the simulator Jeremy Oakley (Sheffield) Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis April 2017 6 / 21

  24. The emulator does not replace the simulator In a computer experiment, may want to know f ( x 1 ) , . . . , f ( x N ) , but can only observe f ( x 1 ) , . . . , f ( x n ) , with n < N . Jeremy Oakley (Sheffield) Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis April 2017 6 / 21

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