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U.S. Department Of Labor Occupational Licensing Grant CLEAR TU E S - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Council on Licensure, Enforcement and Regulation U.S. Department Of Labor Occupational Licensing Grant CLEAR TU E S D AY D E CE M B E R 4 , 2 0 18 Prom oting Regulatory Excellence Introducing CLEAR Personnel What CLEAR is and is

  1. Council on Licensure, Enforcement and Regulation U.S. Department Of Labor Occupational Licensing Grant CLEAR TU E S D AY D E CE M B E R 4 , 2 0 18 Prom oting Regulatory Excellence

  2. Introducing CLEAR  Personnel  What CLEAR is – and is not  CLEAR’s mission and purpose  Scope of activities  Resources Prom oting Regulatory Excellence

  3. Mission and Purpose Mission: CLEAR is an association of individuals, agencies and organizations that comprise the international community of professional and occupational regulation. CLEAR is a dynamic forum for improving the quality and understanding of regulation in order to enhance public protection. The purpose of CLEAR shall be to: a) bring together individuals, agencies and organizations involved in or affected by professional and occupational regulation; b) encourage and provide for the exchange of information and ideas; c) provide education and training regarding professional and occupational regulation; d) provide a central clearinghouse of information pertinent to professional and occupational regulation; and improve practices regarding professional and occupational regulation. e) Prom oting Regulatory Excellence

  4. Scope of Activities CLEAR m eets its m ission through: Conferences and training programs  Annual conference, International Congress on Professional and Occupational Regulation,  Midyear meeting Winter Symposium; Regional Symposia   National Certified Investigator/ Inspector Training (NCIT), Executive Leadership Program for Regulators, and Board Member Training Program CLEAR Call Webinar Series; Podcast series – Regulation Matters: A CLEAR Conversation  Publications  Serial publications: CLEAR Exam Review , Resource Briefs series, CLEAR News Online,  Reference Library; Numerous monographs Answering inquiries, discussion forum, referral service  Providing opportunities for peer-to-peer networking; Com m unities by CLEAR  Awards program  Seat on the Expert Panel of the NCSL-led Occupational Licensing Project  Website – clearhq.org  Prom oting Regulatory Excellence

  5. A Brief History In 1980, a group of professional and occupational regulators and private sector representatives met in New Orleans to discuss their need to share information The goal was to better achieve a shared mission of public protection The result was The Council on Licensure, Enforcement and Regulation (CLEAR) CLEAR was originally supported by state regulatory agencies and The Council of State Governments CLEAR’s early leaders designed and implemented many of the programs and projects that continue today Prom oting Regulatory Excellence

  6. A Resource for ALL They decided the new organization must include representatives of: o all governmental sectors o the private sector o others with an interest in the field With its broadly-based constituency, the organization would be a resource to everyone involved in the licensure, certification or registration of the hundreds of regulated occupations and professions, both non-health and health. Prom oting Regulatory Excellence

  7. Today CLEAR has more than 550 members. Collectively they regulate more than 20  million registrants and licensees Approximately 65-70 percent of membership is based in the United States, 25  percent is Canadian, while the remainder is from Western Europe, the Middle East and Australasia CLEAR has trained more than 20,000 regulatory investigators and inspectors  (via its NCIT programs) CLEAR offered its first conference outside North America in Dublin, Ireland in  July 2009. Further international conferences were held in London, England (2011), Edinburgh, Scotland (2013), Amsterdam (2015), and Melbourne, Australia (2017). In 2019, the event will be held in Vancouver, British Columbia. Prom oting Regulatory Excellence

  8. CLEAR Learning Developed by regulators, for regulators, CLEAR offers a suite of training programs: National Certified Investigator/ Inspector Training (NCIT)  Executive Leadership for Regulators  Board Member Training Program  Board Member Training is offered in person at your agency, or in conjunction with one of CLEAR’s other events, online, or via webinar. Promoting Regulatory Excellence

  9. Communities by CLEAR A real-time discussion forum with 5200 members, open to members  Digest of discussions  Ability to upload and share documents  Existing groups for administrators, board members, attorneys, testing and measurement professionals, and investigators and inspectors Access is via CLEAR’s website, using your membership password Promoting Regulatory Excellence

  10. Contact Cory Everett Lead Consultant (720) 593-2059 ceverett@clearhq.org Adam Parfitt Executive Director (859) 402-8418 aparfitt@clearhq.org Promoting Regulatory Excellence

  11. Regulatory Review  Balance public protection and economic growth  Practices or regulations that could be modified or streamlined  No cookie cutters – get it right for New Hampshire  All OPLC boards concerning shared process/ collaboration  Select boards concerning comparative analysis  Barbers, Cosmetologists and Aestheticians  Licensed Nursing Assistants  Pharmacy Technicians  Allied Health Boards  Alcohol and Drug Counselors Promoting Regulatory Excellence

  12. Project Plan  Com m unications  To Board Members:  Board Orientation / Training  To Applicants:  Application language (eg. criminal convictions)  Social media tools to improve licensing experience and understanding, shorten end-user time commitment  Com pacts/ Licensing  Evaluate licensing requirements across nation and region  Evaluate opportunities to join emerging interstate compacts  Evaluate opportunities to improve license portability  National industry recognized certifications Promoting Regulatory Excellence

  13. Project Plan  Data  Identify standardized data needs across all boards  Consider workforce data needs to inform policy  Applications/ Technology  Review applications and evaluate opportunities to standardize some elements of applications  Solicit best practices from other states  Share best practices among boards  Increase number of online applications Promoting Regulatory Excellence

  14. Project Plan  Um brella Agencies  Inventory models of umbrella agencies and practices  Enhance cross-board collaboration and consistency where appropriate  Consider economies of scale  Legislative Outreach and Engagem ent  Occupational Licensing Study Committee  Legislator education and collaboration Promoting Regulatory Excellence

  15. Methodology  Research and Analysis  One-on-One meetings, interviews, observation  Group meetings and facilitation  Engage other umbrella agencies, interstate compacts, national certification bodies, NCSL Consortium states, and others  Education & Training  Support legislative study group and/ or other meetings  November 2018 – April 2020 Promoting Regulatory Excellence

  16. Deliverables  Research summary, comparative analysis and gap analysis  Reports  Portability and Compacts  Communications, Education, Engagement  Umbrella Agencies and Cross-Board Collaboration  Board Orientation and Training  Application and Data Recommendations  Menu of options responsive to New Hampshire regulatory structure, economy and workforce Promoting Regulatory Excellence

  17. Thank you! Q U E S TI O N S / A N S W E R S F E E D B A CK D I S CU S S I O N Promoting Regulatory Excellence


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